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Need Help with program for well pump.


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I have a submersible well pump that is 130 ft deep. 

Once a while for reasons unknown pump will loose a prime and I may have to cycle power couple times for it to kick in.

I bought and installed Aeon Labs Aeotec Zwave Heavy Duty Appliance Smart Switch ZW078.

The switch is also energy meter and under a status is will display Watts used at the moment.

Need help with program that would cycle the pump.

Can you guys tell me whats wrong with my program, because something is.:

Well Pump Low - [iD 0059][Parent 0001]
        'Well Pump On-Off ZW 057 / ZW 057 Energy Meter' Status > 200.000 Watts
    And 'Well Pump On-Off ZW 057 / ZW 057 Energy Meter' Status < 900.000 Watts
        Send Notification to 'Robert' content 'Power'
        Set Elk Output 'Output 111' On
        Wait  30 seconds
        Set 'Well Pump On-Off ZW 057' Off
        Wait  2 minutes 
        Set 'Well Pump On-Off ZW 057' On
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

P.S When pump is pumping water it draws 950 Watts und up and when it looses prime it's anywhere from 600 to 800.



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Try moving the actions into a separate program, like so:

Well Pump Low - [ID 0059][Parent 0001]
        'Well Pump On-Off ZW 057 / ZW 057 Energy Meter' Status > 200.000 Watts
    And 'Well Pump On-Off ZW 057 / ZW 057 Energy Meter' Status < 900.000 Watts
        Send Notification to 'Robert' content 'Power'
        Set Elk Output 'Output 111' On
        Wait  30 seconds
        Run Program Cycle Well Pump 
        Set Elk Output 'Output 111' Off

Everything with a wait involved goes into the second program: 

Cycle Well Pump - [ID 005A][Parent 0001]
      No Conditions
        Set 'Well Pump On-Off ZW 057' Off
        Wait  2 minutes 
        Set 'Well Pump On-Off ZW 057' On
        Send Notification to 'Robert' content 'Cycled well pump'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

From the Wiki: The program's conditions are reevaluated each time a Wait or Repeat statement is encountered, and at the end of each iteration of a Repeat loop.


So what's happening is that when each  "wait" clause is encountered, the conditions (if any) are re-evaluated, and since the Wattage is zero when off, the condition is false and the execution stops.   By using a separate program, there are no conditions to re-evaluate.

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