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Automatic Curtains


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Correct, you just have the ISY send an OFF command to your Mimolite before the curtains are fully open.


Note that this is not the case with the handheld remote control (assuming you purchased one with your tracks) -- it has a separate Stop button you would use.



Thanks Randy,


Automatic Curtains should pay you a commission, as you are the reason I bought their product. And yes, I did buy the remote.

I am waiting for my handyman to be available to help me. Technically I probably could install it alone, but the track is 112 inches wide and I feel more comfortable to have him help me. It will be either this Monday or after Turkey Day.

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An important step to get to the same pre-set each time is to fully open (or fully close) the window covering first. You'll need to time the fully open (or closed) to fully closed (or open) and add a few seconds to ensure the window covering is actually fully opened (or closed). Then add the appropriate wait before issuing a stop. Tenths of a second would be desirable, but the smallest increment available is one second B)

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An important step to get to the same pre-set each time is to fully open (or fully close) the window covering first. You'll need to time the fully open (or closed) to fully closed (or open) and add a few seconds to ensure the window covering is actually fully opened (or closed). Then add the appropriate wait before issuing a stop. Tenths of a second would be desirable, but the smallest increment available is one second B)

Thanks Stu (as always..),


I will get there by tweaking it, though I am not sure really needing to open the curtains half way. But I like to understand all options.

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Deciding on a pre-set, if any, usually is determined after living with the curtains for a while B)

Sure.  I have had a Makita drapery system for 17 years and usually have them fully open or fully closed. The only reason to change system is to include in my home automation. It might have been possible to bridge the Makita system (which still works fine) to my ISY but I chose to change to new system, as after 17 years the Makita system may either die or fade away some time in the future.  Last year I inquired with Makita about the possibility to bridge their system to home automation and they had no clue what I was talking about :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Which system from automaticcurtain did you get?  And how is the noise level of the motor?  I'm currently discussing pricing with an installer on a Somfy system using the Glydea motor which specs out at < 44 db(A).


So far the Somfy costs are a bit more than I was planning so I'd like to have some more "quiet" options.

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Which system from automaticcurtain did you get?  And how is the noise level of the motor?  I'm currently discussing pricing with an installer on a Somfy system using the Glydea motor which specs out at < 44 db(A).


So far the Somfy costs are a bit more than I was planning so I'd like to have some more "quiet" options.

Installation is planned for next week Wednesday and I will report back here. I believe my system in the double-track 920.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally installed the automatic curtains (   http://automaticcurtain.com/?product=cl-920a-single-track-systems today and was able to make them work with ISY.  It took some time because I had made a mistake in the width when ordering the tracks. The company gracefully cut the tracks to the right size. Be careful when measuring !


In order to connect (ZWave) the system with ISY you need the Mimo-lite and because i have double tracks I needed two Mimo-Lites. The company sells the cables to connect the system to Mimo-Lite but their documentation shows an incorrect wiring. It shows white-yellow-blue wires but their cable actually comes with white-black-blue. I mistakenly assumed that the black would replace the yellow, but that did not work. After trial and error, I finally found out that the correct wiring is blue-white-black.


In the Administrative Console ON is curtain closed and OFF is curtain open.

I believe that you can program so that the curtain opens partially but I have not done that yet.... and am not even sure that I need that option.


The system is not very noisy but not super quiet either.


Curtain Call, as the company likes to be called, has given me superb customer service, answering all my queries by email and by phone.


I also added the tracks to ISY Portal ~ Google Home but right now I was only able to use ON and OFF instead of OPEN and CLOSE.

Saying "turn the curtains On"  is weird. Does anyone know how to program, in ISY Portal, so that I can use OPEN and CLOSE ?

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Fortunately, your measurement was too wide. I don't know it they would have been as cooperative had you provided a width narrower that what was required, but I do appreciate their no cost correction, none-the-less. Virtually all our window coverings have an intermediate position, mostly based on the position of the sun (no, I don't track the sun), but a few for aesthetics.


We also have hand-held (both plain and fancy) remote controllers plus a few in-wall controllers, but thanks to the ISY and a few peripherals, they're rarely used.

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Fortunately, your measurement was too wide. I don't know it they would have been as cooperative had you provided a width narrower that what was required, but I do appreciate their no cost correction, none-the-less. Virtually all our window coverings have an intermediate position, mostly based on the position of the sun (no, I don't track the sun), but a few for aesthetics.


We also have hand-held (both plain and fancy) remote controllers plus a few in-wall controllers, but thanks to the ISY and a few peripherals, they're rarely used.

Now all I need is being able to use OPEN and CLOSE on Google Home.

It would also be nice if OPEN and CLOSE can be used in the Administrative Console instead of ON and OFF.

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I actually found Open and Close to work on one and only one set of programs controlling Z-Wave devices. There's nothing special about those programs.


But see my reply to your similar post. Alexa can now do it for programs if they're identified as Lights in the portal.

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I am very pleased to report that Google Home has a feature allowing the user to create a shortcut. I made shortcuts that allow me to say "OK Google, close the curtains"  and "Open the curtains".

All that is missing is having the option, in the ISY Administrative Console, to use OPEN and CLOSE instead of OFF and ON.

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Google can do that for the Home, Amazon can do that for the Echo, but it's beyond their respective realms to do that for the ISY. But the ISY itself has no voice capability, so I'm not sure how you could include that as an ISY feature. OTOH, both open and close work for devices. It's my understanding that those commands should work with scenes and programs, too. But they don't in nearly all cases.

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Google can do that for the Home, Amazon can do that for the Echo, but it's beyond their respective realms to do that for the ISY. But the ISY itself has no voice capability, so I'm not sure how you could include that as an ISY feature. OTOH, both open and close work for devices. It's my understanding that those commands should work with scenes and programs, too. But they don't in nearly all cases.

Stu, I was not suggesting voice capability for ISY. In fact, with ISY Portal with Alexa or  Google Home ISY already has voice capability.

What I was suggesting is that visually the current state of devices such as my curtains has the option to appear as OPEN or CLOSED, instead of ON or OFF. I was just referring to the Administrative Console.

It is interesting that in the Mobilinc App my curtains also appear with ON and OFF, but when I choose the advanced Curtain Icon, that icon shows open or closed curtains. Though low on the list of priorities for the UDI team, it would not seem to be a big job to have Open and Closed in the AC.

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Stu, I was not suggesting voice capability for ISY. In fact, with ISY Portal with Alexa or Google Home ISY already has voice capability.

What I was suggesting is that visually the current state of devices such as my curtains has the option to appear as OPEN or CLOSED, instead of ON or OFF. I was just referring to the Administrative Console.

It is interesting that in the Mobilinc App my curtains also appear with ON and OFF, but when I choose the advanced Curtain Icon, that icon shows open or closed curtains. Though low on the list of priorities for the UDI team, it would not seem to be a big job to have Open and Closed in the AC.

I understand your point.
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Stu, I was not suggesting voice capability for ISY. In fact, with ISY Portal with Alexa or  Google Home ISY already has voice capability.

What I was suggesting is that visually the current state of devices such as my curtains has the option to appear as OPEN or CLOSED, instead of ON or OFF. I was just referring to the Administrative Console.

It is interesting that in the Mobilinc App my curtains also appear with ON and OFF, but when I choose the advanced Curtain Icon, that icon shows open or closed curtains. Though low on the list of priorities for the UDI team, it would not seem to be a big job to have Open and Closed in the AC.


I'm always a bit exasperated when someone makes the claim in blue, above, without actually knowing what's involved. I am not saying, in any way, that the claim is not true nor even that the feature is not desirable. I am saying that I really don't know.


But why not raise and lower which is probably more common. Or up and down. OTOH, open and close does cover all three situations. And why limit those commands to window coverings, shouldn't the same command be available for garage doors and gates. Even all door and window sensors.


And, just to continue the perplexity, why does open and close with our garage doors? Those terms are in no way used in the portal nor Alexa app?


GG1 Arrive [Not Enabled]


        Status  'GG / Garage1 Control / GG1 ZW028 Binary Sensor' is Off



        Set 'GG / Garage1 Control / GG1 ZW028 Binary Switch' On

        Wait  2 seconds

        Set 'GG / Garage1 Control / GG1 ZW028 Binary Switch' Off



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The program is not enabled. A separate program runs the condition. An other program tests for the GDO being open. Open and close worked with the earliest ISY skill, so that's not involved. These seem to be the only programs (one is not shown) that work with those terms B)

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I'm always a bit exasperated when someone makes the claim in blue, above, without actually knowing what's involved. I am not saying, in any way, that the claim is not true nor even that the feature is not desirable. I am saying that I really don't know.


But why not raise and lower which is probably more common. Or up and down. OTOH, open and close does cover all three situations. And why limit those commands to window coverings, shouldn't the same command be available for garage doors and gates. Even all door and window sensors.


And, just to continue the perplexity, why does open and close with our garage doors? Those terms are in no way used in the portal nor Alexa app?


GG1 Arrive [Not Enabled]


        Status  'GG / Garage1 Control / GG1 ZW028 Binary Sensor' is Off



        Set 'GG / Garage1 Control / GG1 ZW028 Binary Switch' On

        Wait  2 seconds

        Set 'GG / Garage1 Control / GG1 ZW028 Binary Switch' Off



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


The program is not enabled. A separate program runs the condition. An other program tests for the GDO being open. Open and close worked with the earliest ISY skill, so that's not involved. These seem to be the only programs (one is not shown) that work with those terms B)

Stu, you are right that I have no idea on how easy or complicated it would be to include OPEN and CLOSED as options for devices in the Administrative Console. It was just an assumption on my part and I could be wrong. 

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Hi guys,


It will be easier in 5.0.x. Just have to migrate devices to node servers platform.


With kind regards,


Thanks Michel,


I am not (yet) familiar with the node server concept, but I will research on UDI's Wiki.

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I'm right there with you.  I have no idea what people are talking about most of the time.  :shock:

At home I am considered this weird techie, but reading the postings of Stu, Gary Funk and many others, I feel very ignorant and humble.....

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I want to program ISY so that my curtains close at Sunset or at 7 pm, whatever comes first.

The simple program that I have created :




OR time= 7 pm


turn on curtains


would seem to do the job and is simple enough. It would however send a signal to the Mimolite to switch On while it may  already be  On.

My question is whether sending an unnecessary signal can do any damage to the Mimolite ?

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Not at all. Consider that many users have an All On and/or All Off program. Sending an On signal to an already on device accomplishes nothing, the signal is ignored. The same is true when sending off to a device that's off.


BTW, in most cases an All Off (or On) really involves certain device, not every device. For example, I have an All Off that only turns off the bedroom lights. I also have a program that locks all the exterior doors. If any or all are locked, nothing changes. I've been using that program for nearly a year, every day. Not even the battery gets used if the lock is already in the locked position.

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