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Bad button?


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I have an Insteon 8 button keypad that works in all respects EXCEPT the "H" button (bottom right hand corner). I had programmed it years ago using my ISY 994i as an All On/ALL OFF button for the other buttons on the keypad. It worked. I recently deleted the old settings to now have this button simply turn on one light (not controlled by any other buttons on the KPL). While it does turn this new light on and off, it still turns all the other lights from the old settings on and off. The old settings were NOT device settings. I pushed in the clear pin to clear out all device settings, I compared the ISY and Device settings on my ISY - exactly the same. I uninstalled and re-I stalked the KPL. I reset the power air gap. NADA. No matter what I try, it seems the old settings are still there! Thoughts? Is the KPL just bummed out? My past experience with these 8 button keypads has been horrible. I stopped buying them.

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I have an Insteon 8 button keypad that works in all respects EXCEPT the "H" button (bottom right hand corner). I had programmed it years ago using my ISY 994i as an All On/ALL OFF button for the other buttons on the keypad. It worked. I recently deleted the old settings to now have this button simply turn on one light (not controlled by any other buttons on the KPL). While it does turn this new light on and off, it still turns all the other lights from the old settings on and off. The old settings were NOT device settings. I pushed in the clear pin to clear out all device settings, I compared the ISY and Device settings on my ISY - exactly the same. I uninstalled and re-I stalked the KPL. I reset the power air gap. NADA. No matter what I try, it seems the old settings are still there! Thoughts? Is the KPL just bummed out? My past experience with these 8 button keypads has been horrible. I stopped buying them.

Hard reset require you to pull the set button and wait ten seconds. Than push all the way in and hold until the device beeps and flashes the connected load.


Than release . . .


For good measure delete the device then add it back. What happens then?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Yemen, thanks for the reply. I did precisely as you suggested....pulled out air gap, pushed in, KPL beeped, I released, power came on the first button. I deleted the KPL, re-installed it......the H button STILL turns on lights that are NEITHER DEVICE OR ISY LINKED!

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Yemen, thanks for the reply. I did precisely as you suggested....pulled out air gap, pushed in, KPL beeped, I released, power came on the first button. I deleted the KPL, re-installed it......the H button STILL turns on lights that are NEITHER DEVICE OR ISY LINKED!


- Reboot the ISY Series Controller ~ What happens?

- How many devices are still being controlled by this errant H button? If only a few it might be easier to delete them from the scene.

- Did you ever manually link these device before you had a ISY Series Controller? If so you need to delete and add back using the ISY Series Controller.

- You can always try a *Device Restore* on one random device to see if it stops or solves this issue.

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Teken.....not Yemen.....sorry! Word processor nonsense.....


No problem I laughed ~ Been called worse.  :mrgreen:

When you select the H button what does the ISY Series Controller indicate as to what links are associated to it: Controller / Responder?

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For a factory reset, timing is critical. You need to pull out the set button until it remains in place. Holding it out it inadequate, the button should stay out on its own.. Then you need to wait at least 10 seconds, more is OK. After the wait. push the button all the way in. You'll have to hold it in this time. Continue holding the button in until the beeping stops and the load turns on. A small (pocket) screwdriver may help.

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