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ELK/ISY Programming question


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Ok, I am having difficulty with duration programs.


I want to press F1 on any keypad and have my hot water recirc pump come on for 30 min.


Here is what I have:


Whenever F1 key on any keypad activates

Then turn xx on, fade rate=0, for 30 mins

Then turn xx off, fade rate=0


I get it to turn on, but it never turns off.

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I noticed your post.


With other programs I have interfaced with the Elk, I would remove your last line of code. I think you are turning your pump on and off at the same time. Just turn it on for 30 minutes and after that time it should drop out on it's own.


Something to try...have fun.

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I initially had it set up without the last line and it would turn on, but after 30 min it was still running, even much after that. I added the last line to see if that would turn it off but it is still turning on, and not turning off.

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I have had to resort to other tactics.


Maybe try the following 3 rules, i think you will see the logic is very clean but uses a few more rules and an unused output.


Whenever F1 key on any keypad activates

Then turn 200 on, for 30 mins


When ever output 200 STATE is TURNED ON

then turn xx on, fade rate =0



then turn xx off


Where output 200 can be sustituted for any unused output

I suspect this will work in opposition to rules that wait for a change in the off state.


I Wonder if this will work for you?

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Hi Geekinc,


I really like the support that folks add here. All really great.

I have learnt so much.


I always like to analize things and looking at your code, which I have used as well, I note a few things which aren't so obviuos at first.

- the second 'then' statement actually runs at the very same time as the the first 'then' statement. Subsequent 'then' statements don't run sequentually...both the 'then' statement run virtually at the same time. At least the second one does not run after the 30 minute interval. Likely at most a second later.

- I run into this my self. Closing a garage door and also 'chirping' the alarm using the same 'then' statements as you did...I found the 'chirp' happened even before the relay to close the garage did.


Now mControl.....I been working with smarthome for weeks to resolve getting my license to work...seems using ISY that I don't need it...jsut as well, they can't seem to resolve my issue with the license I purchased so far.


I was hoping that mControl would take ISY to the next step...but maybe your comment suggests otherwise.


Hope you have an awesome weekend,


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Well, mControl is nice, but not as polished as I had hoped, I imagined it would be more refined. I do have to commend them for supported so much, and the guys are almost as responsive as Michel and Mike here.


My biggest issue was that mControl supports Windows Home Server, but Smarthome does not. In fact, it seems that Smarthome didn't even know what WHS was. They kept asking me what OS I was running, and I kept saying Windows Home Server, and they would as, but what OS. The issue stemmed from the 2414U PLM would not reliably connect to the server. Smarthome agreed to take it back, even though it was opened software, but I protested, but finally when I made a deal with them. I would buy the ISY and they would let me return the software. Even though I spent considerably more, the manager made me feel like he was doing me a huge favor, even to the point of being condescending when I asked why I hadn't gotten a return label. He was like, well we are making an exception to our return policy. I was thinking I just spent $250 more to make something that should have worked, work.


Other than the two pieces I bought, I am gonna wait to automate the rest of the house. I see some promise in the ZWave world with a lot of new products and it seems like more and more companies are support this. Today CePro magazine leaked that Verizon was incorporating ZWave support in their settop boxes they use with their TV products.


Sorry for the rant, but SH left a bad taste in my mouth. This is no way to treat customers.

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Thanks for that.


I think I will just stick with the use if ISY. I have it working well as far as transfering data to my Elk and Elk talking to all my devices. I don't have a burning reason to do the upgrade to the latest beta version so will leave all status quo until my ned changes.


Thanks hope your weekend goes well.

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