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migrating from dead insteon hub to ISY-994i

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My insteon hub died after 2.5 yrs, so I took the opportunity to upgrade to an ISY-994i. Having 80 devices and 120 scenes I was hopeful that letting the ISY crawl my existing network while keeping links would make the migration easier. I have a full dump of my network from the insteon cloud API and planned to use the SOAP API to add names to the discovered nodes.


However, my dead hub's address appears in the link tables. Is there a surgical way I can correct this? If not, is there any process I can do to go back and re-crawl the network with the "remove existing links" option? Can I just delete every discovered device and scene and start over? Many of these devices would be very hard to get to for a local factory reset. Thanks!

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Hi and welcome to the UDI forums!


There is option to "add devices found in links and remove existing links" (page 3). I tried this when I migrated to the ISY from Homeseer with around 45 devices. It created a number of scenes, but they system generated types of names and things didn't work as expected.


I ended up starting over. I know you probably don't want to hear that, but its the best way to have a known managed system. Break it into pieces and do a staggered migration: room by room and/or function by function:

  • Outside, yard lights
  • Outside, floodlights
  • Family room: lamps
  • Family room: recessed... 
  • etc


Chances are, the old virtual circuit links are still valid and everything works at the switch... there is not necessarily a rush to migrate it all at once. Having said that, prioritize the migration and do as many areas/functions as you can in a single sitting, but don't deal yourself more than you can handle. I would suggest starting with a single room, doing everything and decide on your folder structure.

For each function,

  • Factory reset each device
  • Include all of the switches, keypad keys... everything
    • Create ISY Scenes as you go to link 3 ways, etc... do not manually link from the switches
  • Give everything meaningful names and create ISY device folders in main to keep it organized
    • With that many devices, you'll want to give thought to that. I use rooms / house areas as the base folder, and then follow that closely in programs. With 100+ things, it keeps it organized. But whatever works for you is best.


There is a homeseer insteon plugin from Mark Sandler that lets you hand tweak links in each device, but its not "programmatic" and in the end would take a lot of time without the confidence of everything factory reset and and set up in the ISY


Also, I got stuck initially and UDI got on a call, logged in with me from my PC and helped me out... that's a great option



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Another agreement. Starting anew, although tedious, will save you time down the read. I transitioned from HousLinc by creating a folder for each room plus an interior folder for devices that didn't quite fit in a "room," and an exterior folder. Then a Devices and Scenes folder within each room. That may not fit your situation or liking at all, just offering more to think about.


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