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ISY Portal, Alexa Integration

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I have ISY994i which I broke down and picked up ISY portal access for voice integration via Alexa.  I enabled the ISY Optimized for Smart Home V3 alexa skill module which directs me to https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Amazon_Echo_Integration


which directs me to https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Installation_Instructions

which I visited https://my.isy.io/index.htm added ISY's UUID and linked to my amazon acct and added 6 items (4 devices, 2 scenes)

I had done the same from the amazon side and prompted for my portal pw for integration. I did a discovery and 15 devices discovered


I think all is well so I ask alexa to turn on lights, alexa turn on living room and every spoken I get 'sorry I didn't find ... '

 and my spoken: living room, lights, kitchen, kitchen lights etc


I am lost at this point and not sure what to do. If I ask alexa to discover devices, nothing new is found











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Here are some thoughts:


1) The Node Server configuration is unnecessary. You probably want to delete that.

2) When you have the ISY Smart Home Skill v3 installed, you don't have to say "Ask Izzy" before commands. That is for the regular ISY Skill, not the Smart Home Skills.

3) What is the exact error? Is it "Sorry I didn't find..." or "I found multiple devices with that name?"

4) Do you have any other Smart Home Skills installed?

5) The first items 9 listed in the "Devices" list look like they came from a different version of the Smart Home skill or another hub or device. I suggest "Forgetting" all of your devices using the Alexa website and then perform a new discover routine to reload your devices from the portal.

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The nodeserver config is setup by the ISYPortal under tools/nodeserver. Currently the ISY's occupancy function utilizes it, and Michel has mentioned that future isy.io side code deployments will be offered through it.


Agreed that its not a factor with the problem at hand, but I wouldn't delete it if you're using ISY's occupancy functions

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The nodeserver config is setup by the ISYPortal under tools/nodeserver. Currently the ISY's occupancy function utilizes it, and Michel has mentioned that future isy.io side code deployments will be offered through it.


Agreed that its not a factor with the problem at hand, but I wouldn't delete it if you're using ISY's occupancy functions

Huh! Never seen that before.

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Huh! Never seen that before.


Itsa great solution for geofencing. IFTTT proved flaky and unreliable (at best) for me for setting fences for entering home region (HVAC to "Home") and 3 Iron (turning on driveway lights at night). I also have a "no ports open" firewall policy, so coming through isy.io to location node devices on my ISY solves that one.

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Here are some thoughts:


1) The Node Server configuration is unnecessary. You probably want to delete that.

2) When you have the ISY Smart Home Skill v3 installed, you don't have to say "Ask Izzy" before commands. That is for the regular ISY Skill, not the Smart Home Skills.

3) What is the exact error? Is it "Sorry I didn't find..." or "I found multiple devices with that name?"

4) Do you have any other Smart Home Skills installed?

5) The first items 9 listed in the "Devices" list look like they came from a different version of the Smart Home skill or another hub or device. I suggest "Forgetting" all of your devices using the Alexa website and then perform a new discover routine to reload your devices from the portal.



in response to 1, I'll be looking at setting up geofencing/away to handle turning off the lights.  presently I have a timer which triggers and it would be nice to set all away/home at the same time.


In response to 2, I was trying to find something to indicate that alexa could talk to isy in 'some' regard.


In response to 3, at this point I can't get alexa to do anything. 

when talking to alexa, I get 'Sorry I didn't find ....' for everything. I run discovery 'starting discover, this will take up to 20 seconds' 'I couldn't find any new devices'.


If I clear the items (forget everything) from alexa portal (app) (https://alexa.amazon.com/spa/index.html#smart-home) , ask alexa verbally to do the discovery it fails to re-populate the list but when click button, the 15 items reappear.


when talking to alexa It doesn't seem to know the isy is there which is why I'm frustrated. regardless of the skill installed v2 or v3. I even went so far as to reset up alexa from scratch, remove/re-add all the skills thinking that it wasn't downloading the skills to the device to interact but that didn't change anything.


4. I do not have any other smarthome skills installed


5. All items were populated by alexa portal (app) that day all devices listed show their spoken and then have their address to the device involved. I only have 1 active ISY. For a couple entries, there's an additional spoken alternative which is why for 6 my isy entries that there are more than the expected 12 items on the alexa app side (some are referred to as 'bedroom' and 'master bedroom' etc)

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Well, something is amiss. I only have the one ISY with the ISY Optimized for Smart Home v3 and Harmony skills, and the ISY Portal. When I go to the alexa.amazon.com website, every device in the Devices list starts with "ISY Device" or "ISY Scene" and every scene in the Scenes list starts with "ISY Scene" or "ISY Program," and then lists the ISY address of the device, scene, or program. So I am thinking the first 9 devices in your Devices list DID NOT come from the ISY Optimized for Smart Home v3 skill. Can you screen print the "Smart Home Skills" page from the alexa.amazon.com website and attach it here? How many Echo devices do you have?

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