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Mobilinc Cloud Service + ISY Portal


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Can I have both?


I have been using the ISY portal and like it.  I use it for remote login, Amazon Echo integration, etc.


I use Mobilinc as my mobile solution and wondering if I can add their cloud service without interfering with the ISY portal.  I specifically want the ability to use geofencing and push notification (vs sending SMS messages like the ISY does).


Any other suggestion for geofencing solutions that work well with the ISY?





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Hi borne2dive,


Unfortunately not. Sorry.


Geo Fencing can be done through ISY Portal: http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Node_Server_Occupancy_%26_Locative_app_Instructions


With kind regards,


Thanks Michel.  I think this may work.  All I need is to be able to set a state variable based on the geofence.  I think I can do that using the instructions in the link above, right?

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Hi born2dive,


You can do much more than that. This creates "nodes" in ISY. You can have a node for home, office, yours, someone else's, etc. and then use them as you would any node in programs. In short, you don't need variables.


With kind regards,



OK, I just tried to setup the node server on the portal and it says ISY version 5.0.9 is required.  Mine is at 4.6.2.  I am not presented with the upgrade option in the admin console as it is displayed usually.  Do I need to perform a manual upgrade? 


I tried to upgrade using the portal and 5.0.9 is not even displayed as an option.  It says 4.6.2 is the current version.


Screenshots attached.


Please advise.





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