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Adding Z-Wave support to my 994i


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Good afternoon,


So I think I'm seeing the writing on the wall, and that Z-Wave is out innovating Insteon.  So, I'm thinking I'd like to start adding Z-Wave devices to my home.  What is the correct/best path for someone who has a 994i already and a fair number of x10 and Insteon devices?


Best regards,




Add the zwave card and software to your isy. To start, i would add zwave devices in places that are not scene controllers or program triggers needing to differentiate between control and status.


Depending on how a bug free system you require, you may want to stay with the less capable Z-Wave version, but more reliable ISY version 4.6.2. Version 5 has not even made it out of Alpha.


I did not see the Z-Wave daughter board as available, on the UDI sales page.

Some vendors that carry their product. May still have some.


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