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Homeseer's New 200 Series.


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I'm on 5.0.11C.  The bulbs are same Feit LEDs from Costco that I have all over the house.  I've never seen this problem with them, though this is the only Z-Wave dimmer I've installed.  I'll fiddle with it more next week, if I can get out of jury duty. :-P

if I can get out of jury duty. 

Guilty as charged..... and off you are  :-P 


EDIT: ISY firmware/AC at 5.0.11C.

EDIT2: Edit comments about flickering and delays in load response due to defective LED during this test (strikethrough text).


Fussing with this switch a little more this morning, and I found a couple of things that are worth mentioning:  The "Fast On" and "Fast Off" functionality work quickly and reliably, and there seems to be no load flickering, and the "Status" value in the AC is updated within a couple of seconds.  The multiple press functionality seems to be captured reliably, so it should be possible to use that functionality in programs.  The "On", "Off", "Brighten", "Dim", Fade Up", "Fade Down" and "Fade Stop" produce a state where the load flickers, which occurs with and without communication events being recorded in the Event Viewer.


  • The multiple presses of the up or down paddle are accurately recorded in the event viewer.  First a capture of 5x presses on the on/up paddle, the three presses of the off/down paddle:
Sun 02/04/2018 06:51:28 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [5B/03] Central Scene Notify key=1 act=6 (Press x 5) seq=37 slow=T ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:51:28 : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [ZW014_201N001] [DON5] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Sun 02/04/2018 06:51:28 : [ZW014_201N001]     DON5   0
Sun 02/04/2018 06:51:28 : [UZW-CMD 45      ] Get NodeDef : ZW014_201N001

Sun 02/04/2018 06:53:30 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [5B/03] Central Scene Notify key=2 act=4 (Triple Press) seq=39 slow=T ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:53:30 : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [ZW014_201N002] [DON3] [0] uom=0 prec=-1
Sun 02/04/2018 06:53:30 : [ZW014_201N002]     DON3   0
Sun 02/04/2018 06:53:30 : [UZW-CMD 45      ] Get NodeDef : ZW014_201N002

  • Below is a "Fast On" event, followed by a "Fast Off" (this provides is an immediate response by the load with all seven sentinel LEDs on the switch lighting up simultaneously, and it updates the "Status" value in the AC a couple of seconds later:
Sun 02/04/2018 06:55:44 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/01] Dimmer Switch Set val=0x63 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:55:48 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/02] Dimmer Switch Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:55:48 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [26/03] Dimmer Switch Report val=0x63 tgt=0x63 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:55:48 : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [ZW014_1] [ST] [100] uom=51 prec=0
Sun 02/04/2018 06:55:48 : [     ZW014_1]       ST 100 (uom=51 prec=0)
Sun 02/04/2018 06:55:48 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [5B/01] Central Scene Get Supported ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:55:48 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [5B/02] Central Scene Supported Report: 2 buttons, 1 masks (identical) m1=0x0000007F ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E

Sun 02/04/2018 06:59:47 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/01] Dimmer Switch Set val=0x00 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:59:50 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/02] Dimmer Switch Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:59:50 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [26/03] Dimmer Switch Report val=0x00 tgt=0x00 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:59:50 : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [ZW014_1] [ST] [0] uom=51 prec=0
Sun 02/04/2018 06:59:50 : [     ZW014_1]       ST   0 (uom=51 prec=0)
Sun 02/04/2018 06:59:50 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [5B/01] Central Scene Get Supported ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 06:59:50 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [5B/02] Central Scene Supported Report: 2 buttons, 1 masks (identical) m1=0x0000007F ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E

  • Below is an "On" event followed by an "Off" event.  These events are a bit problematic at the moment, as the "Status" field in the AC is never updated.  In the "On" event, the sentinel lights slowly increment from no lights lit to all seven lit, starting from the bottom moving up.  It takes three seconds for these to all light, as if there's a built-in three second ramp rate to these.  The opposite happens on the "Off" event.  The load turns on when the 3rd sentinel lights on "On" and turn off when the last sentinel is extinguished.  The load brightens smoothly.  This means there's a one second delay before the load turns on, and a three second delay before the load turns off.
Sun 02/04/2018 07:02:19 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/01] Dimmer Switch Set val=0xFF rr=0xFF ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E

Sun 02/04/2018 07:03:15 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/01] Dimmer Switch Set val=0x00 rr=0xFF ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E

  • Here's a "Brighten" event (from off), followed by a "Dim" event, in which the Status field in the AC changes to "2%", and the light turns on.  At this level, the load appears to be on 100%, but exhibits flickering.  The flickering does NOT appear to be related to anything happening with the ISY, as it flickers when nothing is happening in the event viewer.  BUT, is also occurs during Insteon traffic.  Baffles me...
Sun 02/04/2018 07:11:32 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/02] Dimmer Switch Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:11:32 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [26/03] Dimmer Switch Report val=0x00 tgt=0x00 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:11:32 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/01] Dimmer Switch Set val=0x02 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:11:35 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/02] Dimmer Switch Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:11:35 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [26/03] Dimmer Switch Report val=0x02 tgt=0x02 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:11:35 : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [ZW014_1] [ST] [2] uom=51 prec=0
Sun 02/04/2018 07:11:35 : [     ZW014_1]       ST   2 (uom=51 prec=0)
Sun 02/04/2018 07:11:36 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [5B/01] Central Scene Get Supported ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:11:36 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [5B/02] Central Scene Supported Report: 2 buttons, 1 masks (identical) m1=0x0000007F ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E

Sun 02/04/2018 07:14:57 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/02] Dimmer Switch Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:14:58 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [26/03] Dimmer Switch Report val=0x02 tgt=0x02 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:14:58 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/01] Dimmer Switch Set val=0x00 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:15:01 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/02] Dimmer Switch Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:15:01 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [26/03] Dimmer Switch Report val=0x00 tgt=0x00 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:15:01 : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [ZW014_1] [ST] [0] uom=51 prec=0
Sun 02/04/2018 07:15:01 : [     ZW014_1]       ST   0 (uom=51 prec=0)
Sun 02/04/2018 07:15:01 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [5B/01] Central Scene Get Supported ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:15:01 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [5B/02] Central Scene Supported Report: 2 buttons, 1 masks (identical) m1=0x0000007F ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E

  • "Fade Up" and "Fade Down".  The load turns on, but the "Status" field in the AC does not change.  Curious to note that one "Fade Up" command turned on the load, but one "Fade Down" command did not turn it off.  Lots of flickering, though.
Sun 02/04/2018 07:17:25 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/04] Dimmer Switch Start level change Up start=0x00(start ignored) rr=0xFF ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E

Sun 02/04/2018 07:19:08 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/04] Dimmer Switch Start level change Down start=0x00(start ignored) rr=0xFF ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E

  • "Fade Stop", not too interesting.
Sun 02/04/2018 07:21:22 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/05] Dimmer Switch Stop level change ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:21:22 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/02] Dimmer Switch Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:21:23 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [26/03] Dimmer Switch Report val=0x00 tgt=0x00 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E

  • "All On" and "All Off" below.  The "Status" value changes to 1% on the "All On", and back to 0% on the "All Off".  It takes about 3 seconds for the load to turn on after the "All On", and it turns off immediately on the "All Off".
Sun 02/04/2018 07:28:41 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [27/04] CC=0x27 cmd=0x04 [] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:28:44 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/02] Dimmer Switch Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:28:44 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [26/03] Dimmer Switch Report val=0x01 tgt=0x01 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:28:44 : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [ZW014_1] [ST] [1] uom=51 prec=0
Sun 02/04/2018 07:28:44 : [     ZW014_1]       ST   1 (uom=51 prec=0)
Sun 02/04/2018 07:28:45 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [5B/01] Central Scene Get Supported ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:28:45 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [5B/02] Central Scene Supported Report: 2 buttons, 1 masks (identical) m1=0x0000007F ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E

Sun 02/04/2018 07:30:57 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [27/05] CC=0x27 cmd=0x05 [] ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:31:00 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [26/02] Dimmer Switch Get ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:31:01 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [26/03] Dimmer Switch Report val=0x00 tgt=0x00 rr=0x00 ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:31:01 : [D2D EVENT   ] Event [ZW014_1] [ST] [0] uom=51 prec=0
Sun 02/04/2018 07:31:01 : [     ZW014_1]       ST   0 (uom=51 prec=0)
Sun 02/04/2018 07:31:01 : [ZWAVE-TX ZW014_1] [5B/01] Central Scene Get Supported ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE To=0x0E
Sun 02/04/2018 07:31:01 : [ZWAVE-RX ZW014_1] [5B/02] Central Scene Supported Report: 2 buttons, 1 masks (identical) m1=0x0000007F ACK,AUTO,EXPLORE From=0x0E

That's enough for now.  The flickering load is two Feit LED bulbs that I've deployed around the house, and I've seen no flickering from where Insteon devices control the load.  I don't know what's going on with this, as it seems related/not related to communication events recorded in the Event Viewer.


Can you perform these two simple tests. Remove one bulb from the fixture what happens? Remove one bulb but install a incandescent bulb and perform the same tests what happens?



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Can you perform these two simple tests. Remove one bulb from the fixture what happens? Remove one bulb but install a incandescent bulb and perform the same tests what happens?



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Of course.


First thing I noticed is that upon removing 1 LED bulb from the fixture (2 bulb fixture), the light dims/brightens smoothly and doesn't flicker!  I swapped it out with several LED bulbs from different manufacturers I have laying around, and they all appear to work appropriately, though it seems the the working Feit bulb behaves the most to my liking.


Mystery solved!  Pay no attention to the flickering nonsense in my posts above.  It appears that one of the LEDs is faulty (this fixture was not on a dimmer prior, but on an on/off switch - the flickering only revealed itself at less than 100% on levels).  Sorry for any confusion.


Of course.


First thing I noticed is that upon removing 1 LED bulb from the fixture (2 bulb fixture), the light dims/brightens smoothly and doesn't flicker! I swapped it out with several LED bulbs from different manufacturers I have laying around, and they all appear to work appropriately, though it seems the the working Feit bulb behaves the most to my liking.


Mystery solved! Pay no attention to the flickering nonsense in my posts above. It appears that one of the LEDs is faulty (this fixture was not on a dimmer prior, but on an on/off switch - the flickering only revealed itself at less than 100% on levels). Sorry for any confusion.

Awesome glad you were able to narrow the problem down to a single LED bulb. When ever I deploy a new LED bulb I always test them separately on several dimming devices to see if I observe flickering, blinking, strobing. If the visuals are fine I conduct my listening tests to ensure there is no hum, buzz, to hissing.


If that passes the tests I confirm turning the load on / off has no impact on the rest of the network. I always perform manual, AC, and scene tests while viewing the level 3 logs to see how many hops are left.


Keep in mind the 90 day window for all of the above. As many sub standard bulbs will show themselves from 1-90 days. So always circle back and monitor the above as LED bulbs still have massive variability in performance and reliability.



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Awesome glad you were able to narrow the problem down to a single LED bulb. When ever I deploy a new LED bulb I always test them separately on several dimming devices to see if I observe flickering, blinking, strobing. If the visuals are fine I conduct my listening tests to ensure there is no hum, buzz, to hissing.


If that passes the tests I confirm turning the load on / off has no impact on the rest of the network. I always perform manual, AC, and scene tests while viewing the level 3 logs to see how many hops are left.


Keep in mind the 90 day window for all of the above. As many sub standard bulbs will show themselves from 1-90 days. So always circle back and monitor the above as LED bulbs still have massive variability in performance and reliability.



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I swapped out the Feit bulbs for a single, brighter Cree bulb, and it appears to work fine.  I'll keep an eye on it.


This switch remembers the last on-level that it was set at.  Once I adjust the on-level, using the up/on or the down/off paddle, or by setting the "On" value in the AC or a program, I can turn the switch off and the next press of the up/on paddle returns the on-level to that value.  This is consistent with my expectations.  One thing I don't seem to be able to manage is adjust the ramp rate.  It takes three seconds to ramp up to 100%.  Fast-on is nearly instant.


Awesome glad you were able to narrow the problem down to a single LED bulb. When ever I deploy a new LED bulb I always test them separately on several dimming devices to see if I observe flickering, blinking, strobing. If the visuals are fine I conduct my listening tests to ensure there is no hum, buzz, to hissing.


If that passes the tests I confirm turning the load on / off has no impact on the rest of the network. I always perform manual, AC, and scene tests while viewing the level 3 logs to see how many hops are left.


Keep in mind the 90 day window for all of the above. As many sub standard bulbs will show themselves from 1-90 days. So always circle back and monitor the above as LED bulbs still have massive variability in performance and reliability.



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I'm with Teken on this one (can we just go back to 2017). I have backup's of all my devices and bulbs. Before swapping anything or anlddidng anything to the system, I test it for compatibility. I don't test for as long but I do look for things that will impact the system to lessen the chance for surprises or negative impacts.


I'm with Teken on this one (can we just go back to 2017). I have backup's of all my devices and bulbs. Before swapping anything or anlddidng anything to the system, I test it for compatibility. I don't test for as long but I do look for things that will impact the system to lessen the chance for surprises or negative impacts.


I guess I've just learned that lesson.  I've had good luck so far, and most all of my LED bulbs have been in service for over 2 years without issue.  I suppose I should devise some sort of a test rack, though. 


EDIT:  Oddly enough, these are the only two LED bulbs that weren't on a dimmer, which is what revealed the issue.  Go figure...


I guess I've just learned that lesson. I've had good luck so far, and most all of my LED bulbs have been in service for over 2 years without issue. I suppose I should devise some sort of a test rack, though.

It's definitely worth having a testing station. I had a device years ago (when I first started automation stuff) that wouldn't work after install. Spent hrs troubleshooting and it turned out to be a device issue. Because of that, I add all devices to my ISY prior to install and to test.


Playing around with writing programs against this switch a bit this morning, and I came across the ability to set the switch ramp rate against a variable index (screenshot, and no, I'm not actually using those variables...).  I'm not sure how this would be used.  Any ideas?


The ramp rate is adjustable in programs, from 0 to 127 seconds, or, 0 to 127 minutes, or to a variable.  Double tapping the paddles produce either a "fast on" or a "fast off" and 3, 4 or 5 taps on the paddles are available to programs as well.  Ergonomically, the paddle clicks produce a positive and noticeable clicking sound.  I haven't found a way to change the color of the sentinel lights, but they can, reportedly, be used for status reporting purposes of other devices, so maybe some custom programming on the part of UDI will be necessary to get to that functionality of the switch?


The only downsides to the switch I've found so far are pretty minor (paddle color selection is limited, minimum 1 second granularity on the ramp rate and no apparent ability to dim/brighten the sentinel lights - though that may be programmatically available in the "Set Configuration" function).



Playing around with writing programs against this switch a bit this morning, and I came across the ability to set the switch ramp rate against a variable index (screenshot, and no, I'm not actually using those variables...).  I'm not sure how this would be used.  Any ideas?


The ramp rate is adjustable in programs, from 0 to 127 seconds, or, 0 to 127 minutes, or to a variable.  Double tapping the paddles produce either a "fast on" or a "fast off" and 3, 4 or 5 taps on the paddles are available to programs as well.  Ergonomically, the paddle clicks produce a positive and noticeable clicking sound.  I haven't found a way to change the color of the sentinel lights, but they can, reportedly, be used for status reporting purposes of other devices, so maybe some custom programming on the part of UDI will be necessary to get to that functionality of the switch?


The only downsides to the switch I've found so far are pretty minor (paddle color selection is limited, minimum 1 second granularity on the ramp rate and no apparent ability to dim/brighten the sentinel lights - though that may be programmatically available in the "Set Configuration" function).


What are your plans for the sentinel LED's?


What are your plans for the sentinel LED's?

Initially, security monitoring.  I'd like put a few of these around the house and have the sentinels indicate status of certain doors, locks and windows.  I have a good place to put one in the master bedroom, but only if the LEDs can be dimmed.  That's one feature I like about he Insteon dimmers.  Plus, these would be perfect for the hearing impaired.


This is one feature I wish/hopes insteon would bring to their kpls. While the lights work to show something is open/closed, It would be nice to use colors to signify states.


I can see where it would be cool on switches too. Personally, I wouldn't want to deal with remembering what different lights went to what and the questions from others about the same.


Yeah, using it for a state like a stop light. Red, Yellow, Green for conditions would be great. But only the person who set them up would know the meaning.



Yeah, using it for a state like a stop light. Red, Yellow, Green for conditions would be great. But only the person who set them up would know the meaning.

Smartlabs needs to adopt the same but under each KPL Key. That way you could assign / have fine grain States.

Sadly, I don't suspect my beep, flash, and LED wish list idea will ever gain traction.

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What was your idea? I think the led can happen as it's a low cost change to the hardware. Updating the firmware may be harder but would pay off long term.


I agree about what you say for knowing the statuses. I use custom etched buttons so it's easier to understand the difference when you know what something goes to. Wives wouldn't want to remember and guests may ask to many questions.


What was your idea? I think the led can happen as it's a low cost change to the hardware. Updating the firmware may be harder but would pay off long term.


I agree about what you say for knowing the statuses. I use custom etched buttons so it's easier to understand the difference when you know what something goes to. Wives wouldn't want to remember and guests may ask to many questions.

I actually would like one of the multi-color sentinels to indicate whether one of my doors is open...................... I don't need guests to understand


I actually would like one of the multi-color sentinels to indicate whether one of my doors is open...................... I don't need guests to understand

All of that is for the end user which is fine. I prefer my systems to be easily understood and controlled by everyone without needing a manual or alot of questions. There are some things (my DBL taps) that others wouldn't be aware of but those are specific to my needs alone.


All of that is for the end user which is fine. I prefer my systems to be easily understood and controlled by everyone without needing a manual or alot of questions. There are some things (my DBL taps) that others wouldn't be aware of but those are specific to my needs alone.

I agree . Nobody in my home has a clue on how to change settings or programs, and hopefully one day home automation will become mainstream.


I don't want anyone touching my system settings. I have 2 people to call should something happen to me but other than that, it's only me touching the system.


I go for simplicity in use. My system required alot of programming but the end result is a system that works and is easily understood by all.


Maybe there will finally be an alternative for the Fanlinc.... :)

There are already many alternatives, but not one that does both fan and lighting, just fan, needing a separate switch/device for lighting :(



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There are already many alternatives, but not one that does both fan and lighting, just fan, needing a separate switch/device for lighting :(



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Inovelli plans to come out with Zwave  fan/light switch this Summer.


I don't want anyone touching my system settings. I have 2 people to call should something happen to me but other than that, it's only me touching the system.


I go for simplicity in use. My system required alot of programming but the end result is a system that works and is easily understood by all.

That is my issue. If anything happens to me there is no one to call (though I am considering having my family call you  :-P ). Like you though I would not want anyone to touch my ISY while I am still relatively of sane mind, I do hope that the Administrative Console will evolve to be more intuitive.

In a few weeks my son is moving to a new home and I had the electrician install Zwave switches throughout the home. I will be installing an ISY and train my daughter-in-law to use the AC. Hopefully she will become the back-up :idea:  of the family.


Providing a link to the manual.  It's simple to change the colors of all the sentinel LEDs using parameters in programs, but I haven't figured out a way to link the Instant Status of a LED to a device.  Also, it doesn't appear that the sentinel LEDs are dimmable.

Instant Status: 
This feature is supported using a Z-Wave MULTILEVEL REPORT and the CENTRAL SCENE command class. All Z-Wave certified systems should support the MULTILEVEL REPORT feature


Providing a link to the manual.  It's simple to change the colors of all the sentinel LEDs using parameters in programs, but I haven't figured out a way to link the Instant Status of a LED to a device.  Also, it doesn't appear that the sentinel LEDs are dimmable.

Instant Status: 
This feature is supported using a Z-Wave MULTILEVEL REPORT and the CENTRAL SCENE command class. All Z-Wave certified systems should support the MULTILEVEL REPORT feature

Has anyone tried the Advanced Features, as described in the manual ? I am specifically interested in having the open/closed door status show up with the color of one of the sentinel lights of the HS-200 switch. Does this work with ISY ?

I have received the switch but have not installed it yet.


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