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Has anyone tried the Advanced Features, as described in the manual ? I am specifically interested in having the open/closed door status show up with the color of one of the sentinel lights of the HS-200 switch. Does this work with ISY ?

I have received the switch but have not installed it yet.


I'm not going to have time to fuss over this today (jury duty), but I haven't figured out a way.  Doing a search on "MULTILEVEL" in the Z-Wave forum hasn't turned up anything that describes a method for getting to this functionality, which is as far as I've gotten.


EDIT: I figured it out.  Setting parameter 13 to 1 puts the LEDs into status mode, which are then settable by programs.  As far as I've been able to test, it appears that all the features of this switch are usable in ISY firmware version 5.0.11C.


I agree about what you say for knowing the statuses. I use custom etched buttons so it's easier to understand the difference when you know what something goes to. Wives wouldn't want to remember and guests may ask to many questions.

It appears that the status mode is a parameter that can be turned on and off in programs. In limited testing, it appears that the correct device state is reflected as the parameter is changed, but thus will take more testing. My initial thought is that I would update the status continually but only display status mode in my “goodnight” program.


I'm not going to have time to fuss over this today (jury duty), but I haven't figured out a way.  Doing a search on "MULTILEVEL" in the Z-Wave forum hasn't turned up anything that describes a method for getting to this functionality, which is as far as I've gotten.


EDIT: I figured it out.  Setting parameter 13 to 1 puts the LEDs into status mode, which are then settable by programs.  As far as I've been able to test, it appears that all the features of this switch are usable in ISY firmware version 5.0.11C.

Great & thanks. I will try out in a few days and let you know


That is my issue. If anything happens to me there is no one to call (though I am considering having my family call you :-P ). Like you though I would not want anyone to touch my ISY while I am still relatively of sane mind, I do hope that the Administrative Console will evolve to be more intuitive.

In a few weeks my son is moving to a new home and I had the electrician install Zwave switches throughout the home. I will be installing an ISY and train my daughter-in-law to use the AC. Hopefully she will become the back-up :idea: of the family.

I can take care of it for you. I enjoy Miami so I wouldn't mind a trip there. Since your son is doing a good home, I would teach him and your daughter in law as you to forward.



Providing a link to the manual.  It's simple to change the colors of all the sentinel LEDs using parameters in programs, but I haven't figured out a way to link the Instant Status of a LED to a device.  Also, it doesn't appear that the sentinel LEDs are dimmable.

Instant Status: 
This feature is supported using a Z-Wave MULTILEVEL REPORT and the CENTRAL SCENE command class. All Z-Wave certified systems should support the MULTILEVEL REPORT feature


It's a cinch to set the sentinel LEDs based on anything you can write a program for.  In the sample program below, when the door opens, the switch changes into status mode and turns the top sentinel LED to red.  The door closes, the top sentinel changes the top sentinel LED to green and switches back to normal mode.  If for some reason another program changes the switch back to status mode, the top status light will continue to show green if the door status hasn't changed.  You can even make the sentinel LEDs blink, though mercifully, it appears only one will blink at a time.

LedChanges - [ID 00C5][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'Garage Door' is Violated
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 1  <-- set the switch to "status" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 1  <-- set the top sentinel LED to red
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 2  <-- set the top sentinel LED to green
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 0  <-- set the switch back to "normal" mode (load status)



You can even make the sentinel LEDs blink, though mercifully, it appears only one will blink at a time.



Well, what I said here is baloney.  It is possible to get more than one of the sentinel LEDs to blink at a time.  Parameter 31 provides a means to select a combination of LEDs to blink.

Bitmask defines specific LEDs to enable for blinking:
Note: this decimal value is derived from a hex code 
calculation based on the following:
Bit 0 = led 1, Bit 1 = led 2, Bit 2 = led 3, Bit 3 = led 4, 
Bit 4 = led 5, Bit 5 = led 6, Bit 6 = led 7
IE: value of 1 = first LED, 64 = led 7

To get LED 1 (bottom) to blink, set parameter 31 to 1.  To get LED 2 (second from bottom) to blink, set parameter 31 to 2.  To get LED 3 (third from bottom) to blink, set parameter 31 to 4.  To get LED 4 (fourth from bottom) to blink, set parameter 31 to 8, etc.


Parameter 31 to 3 gets LEDs 1 and 2 to blink.

Parameter 31 to 5 gets LEDs 1 and 3 to blink.

Parameter 31 to 6 gets LEDs 2 and 3 to blink.

Parameter 31 to 7 gets LEDs 1, 2 and 3 to blink.

Parameter 31 to 9 gets LEDs 1 and 4 to blink.


Parameter 31 to 49 gets LEDs 1, 5 and 6 to blink.


Parameter 31 to 127 get LEDs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 to blink.


I don't think this feature will be generally very useful ISY making more accessible.



It's a cinch to set the sentinel LEDs based on anything you can write a program for.  In the sample program below, when the door opens, the switch changes into status mode and turns the top sentinel LED to red.  The door closes, the top sentinel changes the top sentinel LED to green and switches back to normal mode.  If for some reason another program changes the switch back to status mode, the top status light will continue to show green if the door status hasn't changed.  You can even make the sentinel LEDs blink, though mercifully, it appears only one will blink at a time.

LedChanges - [ID 00C5][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'Garage Door' is Violated
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 1  <-- set the switch to "status" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 1  <-- set the top sentinel LED to red
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 2  <-- set the top sentinel LED to green
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 0  <-- set the switch back to "normal" mode (load status)

Bumbershoot, this is great. It works like a charm. Now I have to read the manual and see how I can do the same with my other 3 motion detectors on sentinels 2,3 and 4.


Bumbershoot, this is great. It works like a charm. Now I have to read the manual and see how I can do the same with my other 3 motion detectors on sentinels 2,3 and 4.


All you need to do is change the color values for parameters 26, 25 and 24 to get that to happen.  If you want to set specific sentinels to blinking when in "status" mode, then you have to manipulate parameter 31.  The Mrs. actually prefers "blink" mode, as it draws her attention. 


Here's an easy way do it:

  • Add a single STATE variable.  I named mine "s.SwitchLEDBlink" (I preface the name with "s." to signify that this is a STATE variable).  The default INIT 0 and VALUE 0 are fine.  Make sure to hit the "Save" button.
  • Create a program that does most of the the work:


SwitchLEDBlink - [ID 00CD][Parent 00A7]

        $s.SwitchLEDBlink > 0  <-- If this variable gets set to a value to greater then 0, then proceed
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 31 = '$s.SwitchLEDBlink 1 Byte'  <-- Set parameter 31 to the value contained in the variable
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 1  <-- Set the switch to "Status" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 1  <-- Set the blink rate to the fastest possible rate
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 0  <-- The variable returned to 0, so all done here, return the switch to "Normal" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 0  <-- Housekeeping - turn off "blink" mode

  • Create/Modify programs to set the LED blink mode as well as the LED color.  We'll start with the program controlling the TOP LED and work our way down:
OfficeDimmerInteriorGarageStatus - [ID 00C6][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'Garage Door' is Violated  <-- Change this to your device
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 64  <-- Add 64 (+=) to the value of the variable.  64 is the value that gets associated LED to blink
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 1  <-- Set the top LED color to red
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 2  <-- Back to normal, set the top LED to green
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 64  <-- Subtract 64 (-=) from the value of the variable.  This stops the blinking of the associated LED

  • Here's the program the LED that's second from the top
OfficeDimmerEastDeckStatus - [ID 00C7][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'East Deck Door' is Violated
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 32
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 26 = 1
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 26 = 2
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 32

  • Do the same for the LED that's third from the top
OfficeDimmerFrontStatus - [ID 00C8][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'Front Door' is Violated
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 16
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 25 = 1
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 25 = 2
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 16

  • And the same for the LED that's fourth from the top
OfficeDimmerWestDeckStatus - [ID 00C9][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'West Deck Door' is Violated
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 8
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 24 = 1
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 24 = 2
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 8

and so on...


You'll notice that the values for parameter 31 are halved as you work your way down from the top LED:


Top LED = 64

Second from top = 32

Third from top = 16

Fourth from top = 8

Fifth from top = 4

Sixth from top = 2

Bottom LED = 1


This allows for a combination of LEDs to blink:  a value of 80 (64+16) means that the LEDs at the top and third from the top are blinking.  A value of 23 (1 + 2 + 4 + 16) means that LEDs 7,6,5 and 3 are blinking.  A value of 0 means that none are blinking.  A value of 127 (1+2+4+8+16+32+64) means that they're all blinking.


I'm putting one of these switches in the master bedroom, where it can be viewed when we shut down the house by the "goodnight" program.  If anything is blinking red, go check the doors...




All you need to do is change the color values for parameters 26, 25 and 24 to get that to happen.  If you want to set specific sentinels to blinking when in "status" mode, then you have to manipulate parameter 31.  The Mrs. actually prefers "blink" mode, as it draws her attention. 


Here's an easy way do it:

  • Add a single STATE variable.  I named mine "s.SwitchLEDBlink" (I preface the name with "s." to signify that this is a STATE variable).  The default INIT 0 and VALUE 0 are fine.  Make sure to hit the "Save" button.
  • Create a program that does most of the the work:


SwitchLEDBlink - [ID 00CD][Parent 00A7]

        $s.SwitchLEDBlink > 0  <-- If this variable gets set to a value to greater then 0, then proceed
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 31 = '$s.SwitchLEDBlink 1 Byte'  <-- Set parameter 31 to the value contained in the variable
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 1  <-- Set the switch to "Status" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 1  <-- Set the blink rate to the fastest possible rate
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 0  <-- The variable returned to 0, so all done here, return the switch to "Normal" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 0  <-- Housekeeping - turn off "blink" mode

  • Create/Modify programs to set the LED blink mode as well as the LED color.  We'll start with the program controlling the TOP LED and work our way down:
OfficeDimmerInteriorGarageStatus - [ID 00C6][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'Garage Door' is Violated  <-- Change this to your device
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 64  <-- Add 64 (+=) to the value of the variable.  64 is the value that gets associated LED to blink
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 1  <-- Set the top LED color to red
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 2  <-- Back to normal, set the top LED to green
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 64  <-- Subtract 64 (-=) from the value of the variable.  This stops the blinking of the associated LED

  • Here's the program the LED that's second from the top
OfficeDimmerEastDeckStatus - [ID 00C7][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'East Deck Door' is Violated
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 32
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 26 = 1
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 26 = 2
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 32

  • Do the same for the LED that's third from the top
OfficeDimmerFrontStatus - [ID 00C8][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'Front Door' is Violated
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 16
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 25 = 1
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 25 = 2
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 16

  • And the same for the LED that's fourth from the top
OfficeDimmerWestDeckStatus - [ID 00C9][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'West Deck Door' is Violated
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 8
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 24 = 1
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 24 = 2
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 8

and so on...


You'll notice that the values for parameter 31 are halved as you work your way down from the top LED:


Top LED = 64

Second from top = 32

Third from top = 16

Fourth from top = 8

Fifth from top = 4

Sixth from top = 2

Bottom LED = 1


This allows for a combination of LEDs to blink:  a value of 80 (64+16) means that the LEDs at the top and third from the top are blinking.  A value of 23 (1 + 2 + 4 + 16) means that LEDs 7,6,5 and 3 are blinking.  A value of 0 means that none are blinking.  A value of 127 (1+2+4+8+16+32+64) means that they're all blinking.


I'm putting one of these switches in the master bedroom, where it can be viewed when we shut down the house by the "goodnight" program.  If anything is blinking red, go check the doors...

Many thanks. I will try this weekend.


I may have over looked one of the replies but can someone please confirm the following.


- The hardware physically blinks on its own and doesn't require a constant data stream like Insteon to keep blinking, right?

- Can you make any and all LED's blink using different colors?

- Does this switch have any kind of beeper and if so can you make it beep on its own like people do with Insteon?


Any chance these switches are shallower than the WD100+?  I just had another KPL die and would love to start replacing broken Insteon with Z-Wave but the switches are just too thick to fit decent in most my electrical boxes.


Any chance these switches are shallower than the WD100+?  I just had another KPL die and would love to start replacing broken Insteon with Z-Wave but the switches are just too thick to fit decent in most my electrical boxes.

No, same size.


See below in red:

I may have over looked one of the replies but can someone please confirm the following.


- The hardware physically blinks on its own and doesn't require a constant data stream like Insteon to keep blinking, right? - Blinks on its own.  Just set the parameter and you're off to the races.

- Can you make any and all LED's blink using different colors? - Yes, again, just set the appropriate parameter.

- Does this switch have any kind of beeper and if so can you make it beep on its own like people do with Insteon? - Nothing in the documentation that I've found.


Three things that Insteon dimmers have that this one doesn't:

  • No ½ second ramp rate
  • No ability to dim the sentinel LEDs
  • No beep

Other than that, it's a nice dimmer.  One thing to note is that the relay switch does NOT have the seven sentinel LEDs, just one.  To me, that's a design error.


See below in red:


Three things that Insteon dimmers have that this one doesn't:

  • No ½ second ramp rate
  • No ability to dim the sentinel LEDs
  • No beep
Other than that, it's a nice dimmer. One thing to note is that the relay switch does NOT have the seven sentinel LEDs, just one. To me, that's a design error.

That is pretty short sighted to not offer the sentinel LED's in the relay version.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

On 2/10/2018 at 9:39 PM, Bumbershoot said:

See below in red:


Three things that Insteon dimmers have that this one doesn't:

  • No ½ second ramp rate
  • No ability to dim the sentinel LEDs
  • No beep

Other than that, it's a nice dimmer.  One thing to note is that the relay switch does NOT have the seven sentinel LEDs, just one.  To me, that's a design error.


I am lost .........  I have tried both programs  (see attachment) but in both cases the top sentinel changes to red, but does not blink. What am I doing wrong ?


6 minutes ago, asbril said:


I am lost .........  I have tried both programs  (see attachment) but in both cases the top sentinel changes to red, but does not blink. What am I doing wrong ?


I don't see you setting parameter 31 anywhere.  That's what makes it blink.  See the first line in the THEN clause in the code snippet below.

SwitchLEDBlink - [ID 00CD][Parent 00A7]

        $s.SwitchLEDBlink > 0  <-- If this variable gets set to a value to greater then 0, then proceed
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 31 = '$s.SwitchLEDBlink 1 Byte'  <-- Set parameter 31 to the value contained in the variable
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 1  <-- Set the switch to "Status" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 1  <-- Set the blink rate to the fastest possible rate
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 0  <-- The variable returned to 0, so all done here, return the switch to "Normal" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 0  <-- Housekeeping - turn off "blink" mode


12 minutes ago, Bumbershoot said:

I don't see you setting parameter 31 anywhere.  That's what makes it blink.  See the first line in the THEN clause in the code snippet below.

SwitchLEDBlink - [ID 00CD][Parent 00A7]

        $s.SwitchLEDBlink > 0  <-- If this variable gets set to a value to greater then 0, then proceed
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 31 = '$s.SwitchLEDBlink 1 Byte'  <-- Set parameter 31 to the value contained in the variable
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 1  <-- Set the switch to "Status" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 1  <-- Set the blink rate to the fastest possible rate
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 13 = 0  <-- The variable returned to 0, so all done here, return the switch to "Normal" mode
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 30 = 0  <-- Housekeeping - turn off "blink" mode


(1) How do I get       

Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 31 = '$s.SwitchLEDBlink 1 Byte'

From what I can see the Parameter Value can only be a number. 

(2) The program that you list does not indicate which of the sentinel lights will change.

There is obvious something that I don't see or understand....  Many thanks for your guidance :-)



2 minutes ago, asbril said:

(1) How do I get       

Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 31 = '$s.SwitchLEDBlink 1 Byte'

From what I can see the Parameter Value can only be a number. 

(2) The program that you list does not indicate which of the sentinel lights will change.

There is obvious something that I don't see or understand....  Many thanks for your guidance :-)



1 - See the screenshot.  You can use a variable to set that parameter, which is one of the neat things that the v5.x.x firmware will let you do.

2 - You're correct, that program doesn't.  This program does:

OfficeDimmerInteriorGarageStatus - [ID 00C6][Parent 00A7]

        Elk Zone 'Garage Door' is Violated  <-- Change this to your device
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink += 64  <-- Add 64 (+=) to the value of the variable.  64 is the value that gets associated LED to blink
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 1  <-- Set the top LED color to red
        Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 27 = 2  <-- Back to normal, set the top LED to green
        $s.SwitchLEDBlink -= 64  <-- Subtract 64 (-=) from the value of the variable.  This stops the blinking of the associated LED

Screen Shot 2018-02-12 at 3.07.56 PM.png

22 minutes ago, asbril said:

(1) How do I get       

Set 'Devices / ZWave / ZW 014 Dimmer Switch' Set Configuration Parameter 31 = '$s.SwitchLEDBlink 1 Byte'

From what I can see the Parameter Value can only be a number. 

(2) The program that you list does not indicate which of the sentinel lights will change.

There is obvious something that I don't see or understand....  Many thanks for your guidance :-)



@asbril, if you haven't used variables as parameters before, you need to click on the little arrow symbol ">" just to the right of the "Parameter Value" label to cycle through the allowed parameter types.  This is new in the 5.x.x firmware series.  If you haven't used it, you might not know it's there.


Thanks Bumbershoot, I need to review this in detail. I got one sentinel light blinking one time, but not again. I have programmed  6 of the 7 sentinel lights to show (green/red) the status of various motion detectors and lights, but I need to get the blinking sorted out. Thanks again.

I continue to be a fan of Homeseer switches  :-)


7 minutes ago, asbril said:

Thanks Bumbershoot, I need to review this in detail. I got one sentinel light blinking one time, but not again. I have programmed  6 of the 7 sentinel lights to show (green/red) the status of various motion detectors and lights, but I need to get the blinking sorted out. Thanks again.

I continue to be a fan of Homeseer switches  :-)


You're most of the way there.  You didn't post the program that actually causes the LEDs to blink.  In my example, the program SwitchLEDBlink just waits around for you to set the variable $s.SwitchLEDBlink to some value greater than 0 (this variable needs to be a STATE variable, BTW).  When that happens, the programs runs, evaluates the value of $s.SwitchLEDBlink and sets the appropriate LEDs to blinking.  The purpose of this program and the variable is to allow more than one LED to blink at a time.  If this doesn't matter to you, then you don't need the variable $s.SwitchLEDBlink and program SwitchLEDBlink at all.   You can just set the value of parameter 31 to a value of 64 in the THEN statement of the program you posted, and set it to 0 in the ELSE statement to turn blinking off.  The problem with this method is that you can only have one LED blinking at a time.

On 1/26/2018 at 5:25 PM, mwester said:


If only they had that in light almond...  :-)     I'm hoping my Insteon switchlincs stay working until they get a light almond version.

BTW, I emailed Homeseer to ask about a light almond of the paddle kit for this dimmer, and here's the response:

We don't have plans to make additional colors at the moment, but the almond color that we have matches the existing wall plates that we carry. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

This will limit my use of them to peripheral areas.  Too bad, as it's a nice piece of hardware.

3 hours ago, danbutter said:

Just curious if you asked about the lights not being there on the on/off switch.

No, I didn't think of it.

  • 6 months later...
On 1/1/2018 at 4:19 PM, mwester said:

In the case of Insteon, I know what happens -- the ISY is blissfully unaware of that change in state of the switchlinc (been there, done that, fixed it!).

Ooh - can you expand more on the "fixed it" portion of this?




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