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FortrezZ Water Valve. Off = Open!


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I just finished installing the WaterCop Z-Wave Electric Actuator Motor (ZWACT) ($99.50 on AMZN) with a matching 3/4" valve.


As I opened the actuator (to adjust the full open position of the valve) I noticed it is actually an FortrezZ WV01P4.


Restful output:

<node flag="128">
<name>Water Valve</name>
<property id="ST" value="0" formatted="Off" uom="78"/>

I successfully added it to the network and ISY is reporting it as a Binary Switch.


Here is my question.  The Open position of the valve is being reported as "Off" and the Closed position as "On".


Isn't this counter intuitive?  Is it possible to flip-flop the order (i.e. Open position = On and Closed position = Off)





I have a Z-Wave Water Cop device that the ISY also reports as a binary switch, and it reports exactly the same.  I only use it in programs, so once I've written the programs, it's not a bother.  I just made sure to make comments in the programs as a reminder.


Off = Open and On = Closed.  


Edit:  I forgot to mention that I right click on the device and navigate to the "Notes" context menu, then document the behavior in the note.  Saves hair follicles.


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