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ISY994 can’t talk to dimmer switch anymore


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For some unknown reason, my ISY994i can no longer communicate with 1 of my INSTEON dimmer switches. It shows up in the Admin view with a red ! point and a pop up says it cannot communicate with the device. The switch works manually. I have rebooted my ISY but that didn’t fix it. Is my switch bad? Suggestions on fixing? Thanks.




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Well factory reset didn't work so I replaced the switch with a spare I had.  The new switch is working.  Have others had the INSTEON communications part of a switch go bad but yet still have the manual operation of the switch still work?  


Yep.  I've replaced a couple with this issue -- one switchlinc that wasn't too painful, as it truly was ancient, but I also had a bad KPL and that hurt (much more $$ + it was just out of warranty period...)

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Well factory reset didn't work so I replaced the switch with a spare I had.  The new switch is working.  Have others had the INSTEON communications part of a switch go bad but yet still have the manual operation of the switch still work?  

I had some earlier hardware ones with the opposite issue.

Local Buttons did not work but the control communications where fine.

Smarthome had an issue with the small tact switches the buttons activated.

They extended the warranty on that run of hardware to seven years.

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