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Two homes with EcoBee thermostats


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Two homes with EcoBee thermostats. All thermostats are under the same account, but in separate groups.

NodeLink-EcoBee integration allows only one instance of Nodelink to be running at the same time. 

Any work around for this limitation?

Obvious solution is ask guys from Automation Shack to register multiple applications with EcoBee (Nodelink, Nodelink2, etc) a add a parameter to config. Am I the only one with this kind of problem?



@io_guy Thanks for great product! Cannot live without it.

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I mean keep adding more ecobee devices (one for each stat) in the same instance of NodeLink.

This design is intentional because the ecobee API is very limiting in polling allowance per account.  With 7 stats installed on the same NodeLink they share a single poll to the API.

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1 minute ago, io_guy said:

I mean keep adding more ecobee devices (one for each stat) in the same instance of NodeLink.

This design is intention because the ecobee API is very limiting in polling allowance per account.

Sorry, was not clear. I have 2 homes with ISY in each one. Have to run two instances of NodeLink. One per ISY.

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Ahh gotcha.  Yea I think you're the first with that config.

Definitely no clean solution.  Would involve creating a NodeLink2 as you said in the devel portal and then rewriting the code to allow selection of the secondary API key.  Might be cleaner to connect two versions of NodeLink and one pump the ecobee data to the second.

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Thank you very much for adding this feature. Works flawlessly.

Your update allowed me to connect all EcoBee sensors to both ISYs. With location data in both ISYs already I finally got Leave/Arrive programs to trigger correctly in both houses! Perfect for preheating weekend country retreat just in time for arrival. The dream of never pressing any buttons to control home automation is one step closer to becoming reality.

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