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Polglot V2 CAO Wireless Tags Nodeserver


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54 minutes ago, Bumbershoot said:

FWIW, I have 7 tags that have a GPV value of 0.  On the three that have GPV values > 0, the values are 1,7 and 10.

EDIT: It appears I get the error whenever I query one of the tags that have a GPV value of 0.  It also appears that, beyond occasional timeouts, querying tags that have a value > 0 results in a success.

Below is some data from one of the tags that has the GPV value of 0:

This shows up in the log when I update the tag from the Wireless Tag website:

2018-03-03 10:29:00,215 DEBUG    get_handler: command=/update
2018-03-03 10:29:00,216 DEBUG    wtController:get_handler: processing command=/update params={'ts': '2018-03-03T10:28:59 00:00', 'lux': '0', 'tagname': 'Studio', 'temp': '20.4607124328613', 'hum': '45.7120361328125', 'tagid': '12'}
2018-03-03 10:29:00,217 ERROR    wTag0F:9880b3529d9f80:Studio:get_handler: Unknown command '/update'
2018-03-03 10:29:00,218 INFO     Updating Driver 9880b3529d9f80 - CLITEMP: 68.83
2018-03-03 10:29:00,220 DEBUG    wTag0F:9880b3529d9f80:Studio:set_time: 1520101740,False
2018-03-03 10:29:00,221 INFO     Updating Driver 9880b3529d9f80 - GV13: 1520101740
2018-03-03 10:29:00,224 DEBUG    get_handler: code=200 message=Command /update success
2018-03-03 10:29:00,226 INFO     wtHandler:log_message"GET /update?tagname=Studio&tagid=12&temp=20.4607124328613&hum=45.7120361328125&lux=0&ts=2018-03-03T10:28:59+00:00 HTTP/1.1" 200 -

This is what shows up in the log when I "Query" the same tag from the AC:

2018-03-03 10:32:14,321 DEBUG    http_post: Sending: url=http://wirelesstag.net/ethClient.asmx/RequestImmediatePostback payload={"id": 0}
2018-03-03 10:32:14,536 DEBUG    http_post:  Got: code=500
2018-03-03 10:32:14,536 ERROR    http_post: Unknown response 500: http://wirelesstag.net/ethClient.asmx/RequestImmediatePostback {"Message":"Tag ID 0 not found. If already unassociated, please refresh the screen or move focus to another tag.","StackTrace":"   at MyTagList.ethClient.TagListCached.GetTagFromSlaveID(VirtualMAC vmac, Int32 slaveid, Boolean includeDeleted) in C:\\z560_backup\\MyTagList\\MyTagList\\ethClient.asmx.cs:line 1905\r\n   at MyTagList.ethClient.RequestImmediatePostback(Int32 id) in C:\\z560_backup\\MyTagList\\MyTagList\\ethClient.asmx.cs:line 3176","ExceptionType":"System.InvalidOperationException"}
2018-03-03 10:32:14,537 DEBUG    api_post_d: path=ethClient.asmx/RequestImmediatePostback got=False
2018-03-03 10:32:14,538 DEBUG    api_post_d: ret={'st': False}


The error:

2018-03-03 10:29:00,217 ERROR    wTag0F:9880b3529d9f80:Studio:get_handler: Unknown command '/update'

Can be ignored, I've fixed that and it will be in the next release.

But, multiple tags with GPV=1 is bad.  I'll need to investigate how that could happen.  But, if you do a Discover on the tag manager, it should fix those.  Try that and let me know.


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42 minutes ago, Jimbo said:
Thanks for the log.  Yes, your problems started with adding the second tag manager, but the real problem started with a Tag name that contained a space.  You will need to go into the Polyglot Wireless Tags Details Page, then click on Nodes and Delete the nodes for that tag manager.  I thought I worked around this issue, but I did not.  I know what needs to be done and will work on a fix.
However, after looking at the code,there are issues with multiple tag managers I didn't notice since I couldn't test.  I've ordered another tag manager, and it is supposed to be here today. I asked them if I could pick it up since there place was only a couple miles from my work, but they said it wasn't possible...


Much appreciated! I would have preferred to stick with a single tag manager, but the garage wall and my chest freezer construction proved too challenging for a centrally-located manager.  Almost all of my tags have spaces in their names, so I'll just wait for an update.


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15 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

The error:

2018-03-03 10:29:00,217 ERROR    wTag0F:9880b3529d9f80:Studio:get_handler: Unknown command '/update'

Can be ignored, I've fixed that and it will be in the next release.

But, multiple tags with GPV=1 is bad.  I'll need to investigate how that could happen.  But, if you do a Discover on the tag manager, it should fix those.  Try that and let me know.


Yep, that fixed the GPV issue.  All the tags have a unique GPV #.

I did get this error when the Discover finished - upon restart everything seems to be fine:

2018-03-03 10:59:04,993 DEBUG    wTagManager:c5669abf75cb:61553 Tam McArthur Loop:shortPoll: discover thread is done...
2018-03-03 10:59:05,062 ERROR    Exception in thread Thread-2:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914, in _bootstrap_inner
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 862, in run
    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
  File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/polyinterface/polyinterface.py", line 611, in _parseInput
  File "/home/pi/.polyglot/nodeservers/WirelessTag/wt_nodes/wtController.py", line 141, in shortPoll
  File "/home/pi/.polyglot/nodeservers/WirelessTag/wt_nodes/wTag.py", line 209, in shortPoll
  File "/home/pi/.polyglot/nodeservers/WirelessTag/wt_nodes/wTag.py", line 512, in set_seconds
    value = int(time.time()) - self.time
AttributeError: 'wTag' object has no attribute 'time'


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12 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Version 0.0.13 released see Release Notes and Upgrading

I will look into the GPV reset issue.  Known issues:  https://github.com/jimboca/udi-wirelesstag-poly/issues


Thanks for the quick update!  Should I expect the version to have updated in the store?  I’m still seeing 0.0.12 after refreshing and reloading. 

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49 minutes ago, rccoleman said:

Thanks for the quick update!  Should I expect the version to have updated in the store?  I’m still seeing 0.0.12 after refreshing and reloading. 

It is there now, but I found another issue with the new seconds since update, so please wait until 0.0.14.  I think it checks for updates once an hour.

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The updates are coming fast and furious :).  I did finally see 0.0.13 show up and both my 2 tag managers and names with spaces are working now.  Thanks!

One thing that I noticed was that when I deleted the nodeserver from Polyglot in an attempt to clean things up, I didn't get the prompt to authenticate when I reinstalled it.  That meant that it was missing the oauth2 config parameter and couldn't communicate with the server.  I grabbed the URL from the log, launched it manually, and it's working now.

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3 minutes ago, rccoleman said:

The updates are coming fast and furious :).  I did finally see 0.0.13 show up and both my 2 tag managers and names with spaces are working now.  Thanks!

One thing that I noticed was that when I deleted the nodeserver from Polyglot in an attempt to clean things up, I didn't get the prompt to authenticate when I reinstalled it.  That meant that it was missing the oauth2 config parameter and couldn't communicate with the server.  I grabbed the URL from the log, launched it manually, and it's working now.

Good to hear that it's working.  It may crash on restart until you can move to 0.0.14

I have deleted and re-added many times before, but maybe an issue crept it.  I've added that to the list https://github.com/jimboca/udi-wirelesstag-poly/issues/7


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First things first, a Big Thank You for this.

I have seen a couple of minor problems and some have already been addressed today with the updates. When I came here to post this I had just finished updating my ISY to 5.0.12 and WirelessTag to 0.0.13 just to make sure everything was up to date, about an hour ago. I will update WirelessTag to 0.0.14 later today. Or wait to see if there is a newer update tomorrow.

Now for the problems:

1) Attached is the debug.log from when WirelessTag 0.0.13 was started that shows a couple of python exceptions.

2) I don't think programs are testing values correctly. The below program never shows true.

Wirelesstag - [ID 0064][Parent 001F]

        'Basement-Main' Humidity <= 50.00%
        $Int_Basement_Main_Humidity_Then += 1
        $Int_Basement_Main_Humidity_Else += 1

This may be because of the precision difference and/or the error I see in the Event Log related to this tag.

Sat 03/03/2018 17:09:59 : [D2D*CMP 0064] STS [n002_6e208c3c5a2f11] CLIHUM B Cannot convert values (from=33 to=15)

3) Related to the second problem when setting the value to compare you can enter something like 50.NNNN and it is changed to 50.NN. Again related to the precision. So all values that are displayed when looking at a node and what can be entered for a compare should have the same precision.


Let me know if you need more details about anything.



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47 minutes ago, jca001 said:

First things first, a Big Thank You for this.

I have seen a couple of minor problems and some have already been addressed today with the updates. When I came here to post this I had just finished updating my ISY to 5.0.12 and WirelessTag to 0.0.13 just to make sure everything was up to date, about an hour ago. I will update WirelessTag to 0.0.14 later today. Or wait to see if there is a newer update tomorrow.

Now for the problems:

1) Attached is the debug.log from when WirelessTag 0.0.13 was started that shows a couple of python exceptions.

2) I don't think programs are testing values correctly. The below program never shows true.

Wirelesstag - [ID 0064][Parent 001F]

        'Basement-Main' Humidity <= 50.00%
        $Int_Basement_Main_Humidity_Then += 1
        $Int_Basement_Main_Humidity_Else += 1

This may be because of the precision difference and/or the error I see in the Event Log related to this tag.

Sat 03/03/2018 17:09:59 : [D2D*CMP 0064] STS [n002_6e208c3c5a2f11] CLIHUM B Cannot convert values (from=33 to=15)

3) Related to the second problem when setting the value to compare you can enter something like 50.NNNN and it is changed to 50.NN. Again related to the precision. So all values that are displayed when looking at a node and what can be entered for a compare should have the same precision.


Let me know if you need more details about anything.



Thanks for the debug.log.  All the python errors are because you have a Tag that does lux, I don't have one of those yet so couldn't test.  It's an easy fix, issue created:  https://github.com/jimboca/udi-wirelesstag-poly/issues/11

For the Humidity value I was only getting integers from my sensor, maybe because it's a very old one.  You guys get float values, so I could never test it.  I just changed it to a float with precision of 2 when I saw the log from @Bumbershoot.  But since I'm not seeing values with that much precision I can't easily test.  When you view the tag in Admin Console does it show as an integer?  That's what it looks like in screenshots I have seen even when it's passed as a float.  There may be a restriction in the ISY that CLIHUM must be a integer.  But I can fix the precision sent to the ISY to match what I have it defined as, which is 2.  Not sure anyone would really care about that much accuracy?  May be it should just be an integer.



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7 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

Thanks for the debug.log.  All the python errors are because you have a Tag that does lux, I don't have one of those yet so couldn't test.  It's an easy fix, issue created:  https://github.com/jimboca/udi-wirelesstag-poly/issues/11

For the Humidity value I was only getting integers from my sensor, maybe because it's a very old one.  You guys get float values, so I could never test it.  I just changed it to a float with precision of 2 when I saw the log from @Bumbershoot.  But since I'm not seeing values with that much precision I can't easily test.  When you view the tag in Admin Console does it show as an integer?  That's what it looks like in screenshots I have seen even when it's passed as a float.  There may be a restriction in the ISY that CLIHUM must be a integer.  But I can fix the precision sent to the ISY to match what I have it defined as, which is 2.  Not sure anyone would really care about that much accuracy?  May be it should just be an integer.



Here's a screenshot of a type 13 tag with a humidity value that might be interesting to you:

Screen Shot 2018-03-03 at 3.29.19 PM.png

EDIT: For my purposes, humidity as an integer is fine.

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Waiting for 0.0.15 to show up as an update in NodeServer Store and I will update.


I see Bumbershot provided a screen display.


When looking at the Wireless Tag List, the Temperature and Humidity are shown as NN.F, so I think that is what should be used as the precision for display in ISY and compares.


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I updated to 0.0.15 and the precision is more constant. I still think it should be NN.F for Temperature and Humidity.


I am still getting the conversion error in the Event Log just after the value for the humidity is updated and I think this is why the program doe not become true.


Get some rest.


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I updated to 0.0.15 and the precision is more constant. I still think it should be NN.F for Temperature and Humidity.
I am still getting the conversion error in the Event Log just after the value for the humidity is updated and I think this is why the program doe not become true.
Get some rest.
The conversion error should be fixed in 0.0.16, if not I will be able to test with my new tags tomorrow.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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Yep, all good now.  It always seems like I need to do a random sequence of restarting things to get everything up and running, and this time it was restarting the node server a couple of times and restarting the admin console.  I also noticed that the short and long poll both were set to zero for some reason and I had to make them non-zero.  What are they supposed to be set to?

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Yep, all good now.  It always seems like I need to do a random sequence of restarting things to get everything up and running, and this time it was restarting the node server a couple of times and restarting the admin console.  I also noticed that the short and long poll both were set to zero for some reason and I had to make them non-zero.  What are they supposed to be set to?

Be careful restarting the nodeserver before it's all updated. With a bunch of tags it can take a while for all the drivers to get flushed thru to the ISY since each value gets sent one at a time via the rest interface. The long just checks the communication to service is still running and short poll updates the seconds since last update for each tag so it's up to you. I use 1min for short and an hour for long.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk

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