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Admin Console Icons Legend


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Where can I find a listing of all the admin console icons and there meaning?

Specifically, if I have a folder with a folder condition set, I see a red bar on the folder icon.  Is it always supposed to be red or will it turn green or some other color when the condition is met?  Mine is always red even when the condition is met.


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Not sure this one is written down however its straightforward logic. If the condition is fully true or fully false, the program folder is solid green for true and red for false. In some cases, the use of multiple conditions may make the folder true or false, but only partially. That's what the band means. Its associated with "Or" being in your conditions somewhere

If your folder has multiple conditions with "Ors", double check the overall conditions. Mine are consistently red when they're false and green when true. See the example: The month is march, so its overall true, but its not the other months, so not all the conditions are true.. so a green stripe.

Can you share an image of your folder conditions?  That will help

Here is an example I have:

The blue line shows a folder conditions for allowing programs in the "Humidity Frost Control" folder to run protect my windows from internal frosting by controlling humidity and only run in winter months. Since its March and one of the allowed months, its a partial green... its currently one of those months (but it can't be all of them)

The black lines show the status of programs. One or the other of the program sets needs to run, but not both at the same time.  I'm either cycling the fans periodically, or  they need to be full on ..only one can be fully true and running. They are coded to be one or the other.. so they are solid colored. (There are 2 thermostats shown, FR for family room and US for upstairs. They are different parts of the house and responding based on sensor input.)


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On 3/24/2018 at 8:51 AM, paulbates said:

Not sure this one is written down however its straightforward logic. If the condition is fully true or fully false, the program folder is solid green for true and red for false. In some cases, the use of multiple conditions may make the folder true or false, but only partially. That's what the band means. Its associated with "Or" being in your conditions somewhere

If your folder has multiple conditions with "Ors", double check the overall conditions. Mine are consistently red when they're false and green when true. See the example: The month is march, so its overall true, but its not the other months, so not all the conditions are true.. so a green stripe.

Can you share an image of your folder conditions?  That will help

Here is an example I have:

The blue line shows a folder conditions for allowing programs in the "Humidity Frost Control" folder to run protect my windows from internal frosting by controlling humidity and only run in winter months. Since its March and one of the allowed months, its a partial green... its currently one of those months (but it can't be all of them)

The black lines show the status of programs. One or the other of the program sets needs to run, but not both at the same time.  I'm either cycling the fans periodically, or  they need to be full on ..only one can be fully true and running. They are coded to be one or the other.. so they are solid colored. (There are 2 thermostats shown, FR for family room and US for upstairs. They are different parts of the house and responding based on sensor input.)


Thanks.  This was helpful.  I finally figured it out.  I was setting my folder condition based on an integer variable which was not triggering the status change properly.  I changed it to a state variable and now it's working as expected.

Thanks again.


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