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99i difference


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I recently upgraded from a 26 to a 99. In 26 (old firmware), I had the following program "run at reboot".




Status 'GAR KPL H' is Off

Or Status 'MBR KPL H' is Off

Or Status 'Occupied On/OFF APL' is Off




Repeat Every 1 hour

Set Scene 'All OFF' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Regardless of the status of the "IF" items, when you reboot the 26, it wouold go into "All OFF" mode. My new 99 has "run at startup" which I have noted in the program list. When I reboot the 99, it does not go into "All OFF" mode.


What am I doing wrong?





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I believe the 'run at reboot' on the ISY 2.5 firmware ran the Then. New firmware, due to user suggestions, runs the If clause. Does this not fit you better?


Also included with v2.7 is the ability to query KPL buttons, you shouldn't need the APL anymore.



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I'm not sure. If it runs the "IF" then it should automatically swith the items in IF to those above. I have had the system set for "AT HOME", i.e., KPL's & APL are on, then re-booted ISY 99 and they did not change status, therefore, I'd answer your question as no it is not better for me. What I want is a fail-safe way for ISY to always reboot to this program having the KPL's & APL off and then run the "THEN" feature.


If you can think of a better way to do this, I'd appreciate it. For now I think I lost my insurance policy with this program.





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I'm not sure. If it runs the "IF" then it should automatically swith the items in IF to those above. I have had the system set for "AT HOME", i.e., KPL's & APL are on, then re-booted ISY 99 and they did not change status, therefore, I'd answer your question as no it is not better for me. What I want is a fail-safe way for ISY to always reboot to this program having the KPL's & APL off and then run the "THEN" feature.


If you can think of a better way to do this, I'd appreciate it. For now I think I lost my insurance policy with this program.






aLf, if I recall correctly you have other programs dependent on this program, correct?


So I think the easiest way to accomplish your goal is to unmark 'Run at Startup' for this program and create a new program to 'Run at Startup' that does nothing but Run Program 'All Off' (Then Path).


Does that sound reasonable or am I off base here?



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No, nothing else is dependant on it. What I written above is it. That said, could you write an example of what you mean. Keep in mind that when I'm home the KPL's and the APL are "ON" and if the power went out and ISY rebooted, I'd like to see them go to "OFF" and act just as they would if I was "AWAY". The key to the success of this program has been that with my frequent power outages the KPL"s & APL sometimes would not come back on to their old status. Hence the reason why I have three items in the mix. If there is a way (in your mind) to make this fail-safe, I'd appreciate the input


Again Thank you.



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Hi aLf, if your KPL buttons and AL are in the All Off scene you should only need this:


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off
       Repeat Every  1 hour 
          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


If the buttons/AP are not in the scene you could make a new scene, Buttons Off, with the buttons and AL and use this:


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

          Set Scene 'Buttons OFF' Off
          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off
       Repeat Every  1 hour 
          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Set either one to Run at Startup.


To stop the hourly All Off use a program like this:


       Control 'Living Room KPL 2' is switched On

       Stop program 'All Off'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi aLf, if your KPL buttons and AL are in the All Off scene you should only need this:


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off
       Repeat Every  1 hour 
          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


If the buttons/AP are not in the scene you could make a new scene, Buttons Off, with the buttons and AL and use this:


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

          Set Scene 'Buttons OFF' Off
          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off
       Repeat Every  1 hour 
          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Set either one to Run at Startup.


To stop the hourly All Off use a program like this:


       Control 'Living Room KPL 2' is switched On

       Stop program 'All Off'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')








I finally got a free minute to try the above.


If I include the KPL and APL in the "ALL OFF" scene, I agree that the KPL and APL will stay off. My problem in the past has been that after a power outage, sometimes the KPL button will errantly turn on. If that happens, ISY will see it on and then run the program as though I'm home (no ALL OFF). In the old 26 days, the ALL OFF would just run at reboot and regardless of its original status, it would do what I designed it to. The only hassle was if I was home, I'd have to re-engage it to at home status. What you proposed will work until a power outage turns on a KPL or the APL then ISY will think I'm home and not run the "ALL OFF".


Can you think about this and let me know a fail safe work around that will run at startup?





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I finally got a free minute to try the above.


If I include the KPL and APL in the "ALL OFF" scene, I agree that the KPL and APL will stay off. My problem in the past has been that after a power outage, sometimes the KPL button will errantly turn on. If that happens, ISY will see it on and then run the program as though I'm home (no ALL OFF). In the old 26 days, the ALL OFF would just run at reboot and regardless of its original status, it would do what I designed it to. The only hassle was if I was home, I'd have to re-engage it to at home status. What you proposed will work until a power outage turns on a KPL or the APL then ISY will think I'm home and not run the "ALL OFF".


Can you think about this and let me know a fail safe work around that will run at startup?






Hi aLf,


How long does it take for the KPL button to turn on? All you should need would be a Wait in this program (set to Run at Startup):


  - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')

          Wait 1 minute
          Set Scene 'Buttons OFF' Off
          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off
       Repeat Every  1 hour 
          Set Scene 'All OFF' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


These programs should only be activated when the button is actually pressed, not if it is turned on by another controller, that would be Status.


       Control 'Living Room KPL 2' is switched On

       Stop program 'All Off'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 


       Control 'Living Room KPL 2' is switched Off

       Run program 'All Off' (Then Path)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') 



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Hi Rand:


Here is my plan. Tell me if I'm on track.


1) Use my current "ALL OFF" scene, adding the buttons and APL that are in the following scene.


2) Create a "HOMEAWAY"scene with the 2 KPL buttons and the APL in it.


3) Create a program like this.



- No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')



Wait 1 minute

Set Scene 'HOMEAWAY' Off

Set Scene 'ALL OFF' Off

Repeat Every 1 hour

Set Scene 'ALL OFF' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


4) Create a program like this,



Status 'HOMEAWAY' is On



Stop program 'All Off'



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


5) Create another program like this,



Status 'HOMEAWAY' is Off



Run program 'All Off' (Then Path)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

6) Set program in line 3 to run at startup.


7) When I come home and push either KPL button, ISY will stop the program, when I push it upon leaving it will run.

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Almost aLf,


The ISY cannot check the Status of a Scene, you have to check each button and the APL.


Here either button pressed will stop the program. Pressing either button will turn on the other and the APL because they are in a scene.



Control 'Button 1' is switched On

Or Control 'Button 2' is switched On



Stop program 'All Off'



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


If either button or the APL is off the program will run



Status 'Button 1' is Off

Or Status 'Button 2' is Off

Or Status 'APL' is Off



Run program 'All Off' (Then path)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Actually, I don't think you would need the APL anymore.



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Yes Tim, you can add the APL to the conditions. You would have to use Status because the device is not a controller. You can add other conditions as well, Schedules, Levels, X10, etc.


If you need more complex conditions you can create more programs that start and stop the same All Off program as well. You can use And to require specific buttons/switches/statuses to all be true before the program is stopped.


Yes, the rest looks good.



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  • 1 month later...



Sorry to have to re-visit this, but... I can't seem to figure out how to add KPL button "C" to a program. All that shows up is KPL "A" on the Insteon List of available items. I'm still confused as to the control/status issue here. For what its worth, I have KPL's that are the original version, in my case V .29. All I'm looking for is a simple way to control a scene that will turn off all. My current way has worked fine up to now. I now will be adding a control line directed to an add on module to control Panasonic cam's that Burakk wrote. If you could give me some direction as to the best way to trigger my all-off scene, I can incorporate the new module program.





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Hi Tim, good to see you again.


A KPL button has to be in a scene in order to control it. There should not be a problem selecting it as a controller.


Control: requires physical activation of a device and is momentary.


Status: persists and can be changed in a variety of ways.


I think that all you need to do is to add the KPL 'C' button to your all off scene as a Controller.



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Thanks. I understand it that far. I just can't seem to get the KPL buttons to show if I try to get them (the KPL buttons) to turn off. i.e., IF-some switch is puhed, THEN turn off KPL button C. Also I assume that even though I have the ISY software installed, 2.7.5, I still can't dim the KPL buttons? Is my only option to buy new KPL's?


Also, other than for housekeeping, is there any benefit to using a folder? The reason I ask is that I changed over to folders "HOME" and "AWAY". I have my "ALL OFF" inside the AWAY folder. I set it as "RUN AT STARTUP", but it doesn't trigger if I reboot ISY. When it resided outside the AWAY it would. With the addition of camera control, I really want to make the tree what it should be.





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IF-some switch is puhed, THEN turn off KPL button C.


If you want to control a secondary KPL button with an ISY program you must put that button in a scene and control the scene from your program. The ISY cannot directly control KPL secondary buttons.


I have the ISY software installed, 2.7.5, I still can't dim the KPL buttons? Is my only option to buy new KPL's?


You could check the KPL documentation and try to dim it manually. What revs are your KPLs? As far as I can remember, all KPLs should have at least 2 brightness modes, but the newer ones have much finer control.


Also, other than for housekeeping, is there any benefit to using a folder?


You can also set conditions on folders so that programs stored within are only active when certain conditions are met.

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KPL version .29, they are almost original. I can dim by pushing two buttons at the same time, but it sure would be nice to dim all the way, i.e., bedtime.


As far as folders go, I have my folders set to run when either home or away. But, I have my ALL OFF scene in the AWAY folder. I have it set as RUN AT STARTUP. It does not run if the ISY reboots. If I have it in the core, it will run. What am I doing wrong here?



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KPL version .29, they are almost original. I can dim by pushing two buttons at the same time, but it sure would be nice to dim all the way, i.e., bedtime.


If they are older KPLs, they do not support anything other than the 2 brightness levels.



As far as folders go, I have my folders set to run when either home or away. But, I have my ALL OFF scene in the AWAY folder. I have it set as RUN AT STARTUP. It does not run if the ISY reboots. If I have it in the core, it will run. What am I doing wrong here?


Can you provide more details? How do the folders know you are HOME or AWAY? Feel free to paste your folder conditions and programs into this thread so we can check them out.

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Thanks Mike, it's been one of those days and I missed it!


Actually after looking at it, I have the ALL OFF program in the root. Here it is...




Status 'GAR KPL H' is Off

Or Status 'MBR KPL H' is Off

Or Status 'Occupied On/OFF APL' is Off




Repeat Every 1 hour

Set Scene 'All OFF' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Now, I have it set as RUN AT STARTUP. I would think that if I rebooted ISY, or a power outage did, it would run the away program. It used to in my 26.





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