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Can't include Insteon scenes into Routines


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So, yet another question about Alexa. I can't seem to include Instead based Scenes into Alexa routines. I see them in Scenes in Alexa portal (and iOS app) and can execute them. But they're missing when selection actions for Routine. Insteon devices are there. All other scenes are there. But Insteon scenes are not.

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Can verify the same workaround.  Change to light/device from scene.   (remember to 'forget' the old scene and 'discover' on the Alexa app or website).

Only risk I can see here is now you could tell Alexa to set a scene to a percent on.  Not a big deal.



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4 hours ago, sjenkins said:

Can verify the same workaround.  Change to light/device from scene.   (remember to 'forget' the old scene and 'discover' on the Alexa app or website).

Only risk I can see here is now you could tell Alexa to set a scene to a percent on.  Not a big deal.

If the routine says to turn on a scene exposed as a device to x percent, the scene will simply be turned on as long as x > 0. Otherwise, the scene will be turned off.


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Hello everyone,

From now on, you should be able to use Scenes in Routines. You no longer need to expose them as a device.

This was due to a work-around we had for scenes related to the fact that ISY scenes are dimmable, whereas scenes from other manufacturers are not. There was initially a bug at Amazon that prevented the use of dimmable scenes, but this has been fixed since then. I was therefore able to remove the work-around. 


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7 minutes ago, sjenkins said:

Besides organization does anyone know any feature differences between scenes and devices on the Alexa?

You may want to read through this thread. Benoit gave a very thorough explanation on why I was experiencing the results I was using scenes in Groups and Routines.



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  • 1 month later...
15 hours ago, firstone said:

Noticed the same issue but this time with using ISY programs. If added as "scene', it doesn't show up in Routine actions. But if added as "light", it works .

This is now fixed. Programs exposed as scenes now can be added to routines.


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