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Cancel or reset a WAIT?


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When my basement lights go on, there is a WAIT 30 MINUTES and then they turn off. This way I don't worry about them being left on all day or night. The problem arises when someone turns them on again prior to 30 minutes timing out. The lights will only stay on for the balance of the original 30 minutes. I've been caught by this a few times and I cannot find a way to reset the timer everytime the lights go on. Any ideas?

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Typically you have to use Control Switched on which watches the Switch paddle and not the light dimmer circuit, as Status does.

Wait timers are retriggerable. Post your program. Right click on the program title in the program tree and select "copy to clipboard". Paste here.


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Larry's right.  Use Control rather than status. Each time the switch is switched, the 30 minute timer is restarted. 

Since its a basement, a suggestion is to dim the lights as a 5 minute warning before turning them off, so someone isn't really still in the basement isn't left "in the dark". I do this for second floor stairway lights.  If its not dimmer, flash them on and off once or twice as a 5 minute warning


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It's very basic, but it usually works.


Basement Timer - [ID 0005][Parent 0001]

        'Basement / Basement Lights' is switched On
        Wait  30 minutes 
        Set 'Scenes / Basement' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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4 hours ago, dakall said:

It's very basic, but it usually works.


Basement Timer - [ID 0005][Parent 0001]

        'Basement / Basement Lights' is switched On
        Wait  30 minutes 
        Set 'Scenes / Basement' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

That should work fine unless the lights are being turned on from somewhere else other than the switch itself.

If it occasionally doesn't work then you may have a comm noise problem.

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