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I am having some serious reliability issues with my ISY not turning on/off lights in some scenes. I am so frustrated I am ready to pack up the ISY! However, that is NOT what I want to do!! I just downloaded 2.7.2 and was told this would correct the following problem which it has not. Version 2.7.2 DID fix the problem of the ISY ramping down too fast thus returning incorrect levels- Lights dimmed but ISY showing off. Here is the scenario:


Scene: Atmosphere Lighting

Controlled by: RemoteLinc button 5 or a KPL button “Câ€

Number of Lamplinc’s= 9


This scene sets dim levels on certain lights to create a warm soft lighting level for our great room which consists of a family room, dining room, kitchen, and foyer. It slso is supposed to activate some KPL LED’s to indicate certain lights on/off.


Regardless of where I try to activate this scene (RemoteLinc or KPL button C) I have to press the button SEVERAL times to activate the COMPLETE scene. Some lights set in the scene to turn on to 50% turn on to full, others won’t dim while others will not turn on at all even AFTER pressing the button several times.


We live in a 5 year old 1,200 square foot condo and there are 3 other condos in our building so even though we have our own circuit breaker panel and meter there are still other units on the same power source. (One main feed from the street feeds the entire building.)


I have two access points and I have moved them to many, MANY different outlets each time verifying they are not on the same phase. I have unplugged TV’s, stereo equipment, computers, a fountain pump. Some LampLinc’s get better while others get worse and yet others don’t change at all.


I have one access point plugged into the pass through outlet of the PLM and the other AP is plugged into a GFI outlet right below the circuit panel. The PLM is not that far from the circuit breaker panel- maybe 30 feet- however it is plugged into the same outlet as our desktop computer which is where the ISY is installed. The computer is not plugged into a noise filter.


Conclusion: I thought the ISY received its on/off/level settings from the actual device and NOT the ISY. In other words if a LampLinc doesn’t turn on the ISY will try again to turn on the lamp.


Thanks for your assistance!!!


Hello NewTech,


I am very sorry to hear about all these problems you are having. It must be quite frustrating.


Before anything else, please note that - except for sensing signals - ISY is in no way in the middle of traffic between your KPL/RL and the LampLincs. i.e. ISY helps you program them but then stays out of the communications path except for listening to what's been happening.


Can you do the following test please:

1. Get a couple of power strip connected to one another, connect all (or most) of your LampLincs to the power strips. Connect the power strip to the same outlet as your PLM

2. Try turning on this scene from ISY .. if this works, then PLM is OK

3. Try turning this scene from your KPL ... if this does not work, take the power strip and move it closer to the KPL ... if this does not work, try and possibly connect the KPL to the same strip ... it this does not work, then I would suspect the KPL + those LampLincs that do not respond.


With kind regards,



I am having some serious reliability issues with my ISY not turning on/off lights in some scenes. I am so frustrated I am ready to pack up the ISY! However, that is NOT what I want to do!! I just downloaded 2.7.2 and was told this would correct the following problem which it has not. Version 2.7.2 DID fix the problem of the ISY ramping down too fast thus returning incorrect levels- Lights dimmed but ISY showing off. Here is the scenario:


Scene: Atmosphere Lighting

Controlled by: RemoteLinc button 5 or a KPL button “C”

Number of Lamplinc’s= 9


This scene sets dim levels on certain lights to create a warm soft lighting level for our great room which consists of a family room, dining room, kitchen, and foyer. It slso is supposed to activate some KPL LED’s to indicate certain lights on/off.


Regardless of where I try to activate this scene (RemoteLinc or KPL button C) I have to press the button SEVERAL times to activate the COMPLETE scene. Some lights set in the scene to turn on to 50% turn on to full, others won’t dim while others will not turn on at all even AFTER pressing the button several times.


We live in a 5 year old 1,200 square foot condo and there are 3 other condos in our building so even though we have our own circuit breaker panel and meter there are still other units on the same power source. (One main feed from the street feeds the entire building.)


I have two access points and I have moved them to many, MANY different outlets each time verifying they are not on the same phase. I have unplugged TV’s, stereo equipment, computers, a fountain pump. Some LampLinc’s get better while others get worse and yet others don’t change at all.


I have one access point plugged into the pass through outlet of the PLM and the other AP is plugged into a GFI outlet right below the circuit panel. The PLM is not that far from the circuit breaker panel- maybe 30 feet- however it is plugged into the same outlet as our desktop computer which is where the ISY is installed. The computer is not plugged into a noise filter.


Conclusion: I thought the ISY received its on/off/level settings from the actual device and NOT the ISY. In other words if a LampLinc doesn’t turn on the ISY will try again to turn on the lamp.


Thanks for your assistance!!!

The PLM is not that far from the circuit breaker panel- maybe 30 feet- however it is plugged into the same outlet as our desktop computer which is where the ISY is installed. The computer is not plugged into a noise filter.


PCs can be a source of noise, especially when plugged in so close to the PLM on the powerline.


As a test, consider taking a long extension cord and plug your PC into another outlet - on a different circuit if possible.


I had to add a Smarthome 10 Amp FilterLinc to my computer system's APC BX1000 UPS that powers the system. The noise and surge electronics in it absorbed both X10 and Insteon signals.


Cell Phone chargers are another sometimes forgotten noise generator.


In the X10 Forums where I assist. We have even seen Microprocessor controlled devices like stoves and washing machines cause problems. :roll:

Hello NewTech,


I am very sorry to hear about all these problems you are having. It must be quite frustrating.


Before anything else, please note that - except for sensing signals - ISY is in no way in the middle of traffic between your KPL/RL and the LampLincs. i.e. ISY helps you program them but then stays out of the communications path except for listening to what's been happening.


I'm not too sure I understand the above statement. Correct me please, if I'm not thinking this through... The ISY "listens" to what's been happening. So, if a LampLinc doesn't turn on from a press on an RL the ISY will still show it as being on even though it actually isn't on? This is what is happening in a nutshell. 2.7.2 corrected the problem of the ISY ramping down faster than the LampLinc which fixed some other issues I was having with some KPL buttons control scenes.


Also, for the individual lamps controlled by the RL I have the RL button included in the scene with the LampLinc. i.e. scene called "Recliner Lamp from RL2" contains the LampLinc (responder) and the RemoteLinc button #2 (controller). Now, the scene called Atmosphere does NOT contain the RemoteLinc button as a controller. I set up a program that has the IF command set to activate the Atmosphere scene when a press from the RemoteLinc #5 occurs. Am I programming my ISY wrong? Should the Controllers ALWAYS be a part of the scene?


Side note: How do I insert Code into this forum window??? I see it all the time but don't know how to insert it!


I probably should point out something that just occured to me:


We have four lamps on LampLinc's in our great room. Each of these individual lamps is assigned an individual button on the RL. I've programmed Button #5 to set up the atmosphere scene. Each of the individual lamps when controlled from their individual button on the RL respond 100% of the time. It's when I activate the atmosphere scene (with 9 LampLinc's included in the scene) that I have issues and, some of the lamps controlled by the individual buttons on the RL are the ones not responding. Weird, huh? :roll:


Thanks, Michel


Hello NewTech,


I am so very sorry for not being more clear:

ISY listens to events and tries - as much as it's possible - to predict the state of end devices (otherwise, for every action, ISY would've had to query the device). This does not mean that ISY is in any shape or form controls the traffic between your KPL/RL and your LLs. They should work REGARDLESS of ISY even being connected. So, if they do not work reliably, then the problem is either the switch or one or more of the LLs.


As far as scene vs. program, the differences are:

1. With scenes, ISY is a passive bystander listening to events and trying to update the status. This is done by devices sending group commands

2. With programs, ISY becomes like a traffic cup deciding what needs to be done. This is done by ISY sending DIRECT command (unless you are turning on/off a scene)


So, in case 1, you might have some devices not respond to your switch because of communications issues. In case 2, these problems are less emphasized if you turn each device on/off individually. i.e. Group commands are more sensitive to noise.


I hope this makes sense. Again, the best way to figure out which devices are problematic is to put them on the same strip and see if they all respond INSTANTANEOUSLY to the same command.


With kind regards,


Hello NewTech,


I am so very sorry for not being more clear:

ISY listens to events and tries - as much as it's possible - to predict the state of end devices (otherwise, for every action, ISY would've had to query the device). This does not mean that ISY is in any shape or form controls the traffic between your KPL/RL and your LLs. They should work REGARDLESS of ISY even being connected. So, if they do not work reliably, then the problem is either the switch or one or more of the LLs.


As far as scene vs. program, the differences are:

1. With scenes, ISY is a passive bystander listening to events and trying to update the status. This is done by devices sending group commands

2. With programs, ISY becomes like a traffic cup deciding what needs to be done. This is done by ISY sending DIRECT command (unless you are turning on/off a scene)


So, in case 1, you might have some devices not respond to your switch because of communications issues. In case 2, these problems are less emphasized if you turn each device on/off individually. i.e. Group commands are more sensitive to noise.


I hope this makes sense. Again, the best way to figure out which devices are problematic is to put them on the same strip and see if they all respond INSTANTANEOUSLY to the same command.


With kind regards,





It's not that you were unclear it's just that I am so new to the ISY after using Plato HouseLink for almost 20 years! The ISY is as close to the Plato system as any other software package out there. The reason I'm having issues is that the ISY is so much more advanced.


But, now, I think I have a new problem with my RemoteLinc. Last night I tried to make the RL button #5 be a controller for my atmosphere scene. I placed the RL in linking mode as instructed but before the ISY could program the RL and the scene, the RL timed out. I tried it a couple of times. This is the first time I've attempted to program any buttons on the RL since I downloaded version 2.7.2. The RL does NOT show up anywhere in the atmosphere scene. Now, when I press button #5 on the RL to activate the atmosphere scene, the lights turn on instantly with no ramp rate. Since the RL doesn't show up in the scene I can't get into change the ramp rate. How do I remove the link of the RL to this scene if I cannot see it?



Mike R.


Hi Mike,


The RemoteLinc button will not be in the responders table view, it will only be in the Tree. You will have to open the scene to see it. Selecting the button in the scene will allow you to change or copy the levels and rates for the scene.


When you select the RL button in My Lights do you see the scene under Manages in the Membership tree?



Hi Mike,


The RemoteLinc button will not be in the responders table view, it will only be in the Tree. You will have to open the scene to see it. Selecting the button in the scene will allow you to change or copy the levels and rates for the scene.


When you select the RL button in My Lights do you see the scene under Manages in the Membership tree?






The RemoteLinc shows up in the tree but NOT in the scene called "Atmosphere" therefore I can't change any of the settings. It's like it's in the scene but I cannot access it to make any of the changes on levels and ramp rates.


When I select the RL button #5 in My Lights it doesn't show any memberships and it doesn't show anything under Manages.



The RemoteLinc shows up in the tree but NOT in the scene called "Atmosphere" therefore I can't change any of the settings. It's like it's in the scene but I cannot access it to make any of the changes on levels and ramp rates.


When I select the RL button #5 in My Lights it doesn't show any memberships and it doesn't show anything under Manages.

Hi Mike,


How many devices are in the Atmosphere scene? Does the RemoteLinc time out before completion, every time to try to add it to that scene?


Try making a new Test scene and adding button #5 to it. Does ISY say that the button is already a controller of a scene? Or does it add the button to the Test scene? If the latter, then does selecting button #5 below My Lighting now show the correct membership?



The RemoteLinc shows up in the tree but NOT in the scene called "Atmosphere" therefore I can't change any of the settings. It's like it's in the scene but I cannot access it to make any of the changes on levels and ramp rates.


When I select the RL button #5 in My Lights it doesn't show any memberships and it doesn't show anything under Manages.

Hi Mike,


How many devices are in the Atmosphere scene? Does the RemoteLinc time out before completion, every time to try to add it to that scene?


Try making a new Test scene and adding button #5 to it. Does ISY say that the button is already a controller of a scene? Or does it add the button to the Test scene? If the latter, then does selecting button #5 below My Lighting now show the correct membership?


There are 9 LampLincs in the Atmosphere scene and all are in the great room which consists of the family room, kitchen and dining room. They are on different circuits but ALL are on the same electrical phase.


I made a new scene called "TEST". I added the RemoteLinc button #5 to the scene without issue- the RL #5 shows up ONLY in the TEST scene. The membership now shows that button #5 is indeed a member of the TEST scene.


When I press button #5 all lights in the atmosphere scene turn on instantly with no ramping up even though all 9 LL's are set to ramp up at 4.5 seconds BUT, the RL does NOT show up in the Atmosphere scene. The control signal must be coming from the ISY's PLM I guess. I thought about removing the RL device from the ISY then starting over and reinstall it.


I'm at a loss now because the RL #5 isn't in the Atmosphere scene and my lights all turn on instantly. :cry:


Please help!


Thanks, Mike


Hi Mike,


It sounds as though the devices in the Atmosphere scene have responder links to the RL#5 that ISY isn't aware of. You can confirm this by doing a Links Table on one of the devices, and then use the Compare button to compare to ISY's Links Table for that device.


Now take #5 out of the Test scene, and try adding it back to the Atmosphere scene. Is it successful, or does the RL time out?

Hi Mike,


It sounds as though the devices in the Atmosphere scene have responder links to the RL#5 that ISY isn't aware of. You can confirm this by doing a Links Table on one of the devices, and then use the Compare button to compare to ISY's Links Table for that device.


Now take #5 out of the Test scene, and try adding it back to the Atmosphere scene. Is it successful, or does the RL time out?




Thanks for the quick response. I really don't want to place the RL #5 directly into the Atmosphere scene opting for the ISY program tab to control the scene due to some conditions I have set up such as don't activate the scene if it is not dark outside (set up as sunset to sunrise). I really just want to get my scene back to allowing the ramp rates and the preset level.


I just did the Links Table feature and the RL IS indeed in the links table of all devices I checked but does NOT show up in the Atmosphere scene. However a couple came back with "Missing this record" (I'm sorry but I do not know how to insert Code or I would do so here so you can see the links table).









Thanks for the quick response. I really don't want to place the RL #5 directly into the Atmosphere scene opting for the ISY program tab to control the scene due to some conditions I have set up such as don't activate the scene if it is not dark outside (set up as sunset to sunrise). I really just want to get my scene back to allowing the ramp rates and the preset level.


I just did the Links Table feature and the RL IS indeed in the links table of all devices I checked but does NOT show up in the Atmosphere scene. However a couple came back with "Missing this record" (I'm sorry but I do not know how to insert Code or I would do so here so you can see the links table).






The easiest way to remove the RL from the scene is to Add it to the scene and then Remove it, if that works. Please open the Event Viewer (Menu | Tools | Diagnostics) and set it to Level 3 when adding the RL. Although the RL may quit blinking you should still see that communication doesn't end. If it does end you can start linking mode again, the ISY will wait.


Have you changed the Advanced Options under Link Management or is it still on Automatic? If Adding the RL doesn't work on Automatic can you try Device Reported please?


To insert code place the text between Code tags.









I am at work right now and for some reason I am unable to log into my ISY from my work location. Although my work location is in an elementary school and we do have massive filters on our Internet, I have always been able to log in previously. It has been this way for about three weeks now. Due to knee surgery I haven't really needed to log into my ISY remotely until now. When I click on the link to my ISY (saved via a bookmark), I get the message that there is a problem with the website. I'm not sure if my IP address changed or something happened to my router or just what is going on.


Because of this, I cannot do what you suggested until I get home tonight. I can tell you that I did attempt to add the RL button #5 to the scene but it doesn't appear in the scene when I expand the scene. I know that it is in there because now when I press the RL button ALL lights in the scene (9 LampLincs total) turn on to 100% instantly when their levels should be anywhere from 40% to 75% depending on the lamp and the lamp's location. The ramp rate also is instant. This is the reason I cannot seem to remove it from the scene. The test scene you had me do where I included the RL button #5 does show the RL as part of the scene.


Since I don't think it's possible to add the RL button to more than one scene that tells me that the RL isn't really in the Atmosphere scene- correct?


Again, I have nothing planned for this evening and the wife is going shopping (OH, NO!) so I will be able to spend some time with it tonight.



Mike R.


I am ready to yank this ISY out of my system and send it back. There appears to be so many problems with it I can't even put into words what's happening. But none-the-less I'll try to explain:


1) I was able to get the issue of an invisible link out of my Remotelinc but only after removing the RL from the ISY AND doing a factory reset of the RL then reloading all of the scenes back into the RL and the ISY.


2) Now when I make ANY change to levels and/or ramp rates within a scene the ISY goes to a system busy status and stays there forever (the blue bar in the popup window moves ahead by 1% about every 2 seconds) and NEVER makes the change to the settings. IMPORTANT NOTE: I usually work with the ISY via my laptop computer. When I think I’ve made changes to levels and/or ramp rates the laptop computer shows the new settings but the OLD settings are still in effect when I test the scene from one of my KPL's. In other words if I change a ramp rate from 30 seconds to one minute the ISY shows the new one minute rate on the laptop computer but the light still dims at the old rate, in this case 30 seconds. Logging onto the ISY from our desktop computer shows that the changes I made did NOT take because the desktop computer shows the old 30 second ramp rate.


3) I’m not sure if I had these problems prior to downloading beta version 2.7.2 or not. I was off of the ISY for about 2 ½ weeks recovering from knee surgery so I really can’t determine if the problems were there with version 2.7.0. I've added noise filters to my audio equipment, computer, other TV's and cable boxes throughout the home which have improved some reliability issues but I still have problems with some modules not responding.


Please help save a very frustrated customer who really wants to keep the ISY but only if it is reliable which right now it is far from it.




Sorry to hear you're having all these issues.


1) I was able to get the issue of an invisible link out of my Remotelinc but only after removing the RL from the ISY AND doing a factory reset of the RL then reloading all of the scenes back into the RL and the ISY.


In the case of broken or half links, especially caused by communication issues (powerline, RF signal, RemoteLinc battery/linking mode, etc.), sometimes this is the quickest and easiest way to resolve. I can assure you, however, that this is not typical in most circumstances.


2) Now when I make ANY change to levels and/or ramp rates within a scene the ISY goes to a system busy status and stays there forever (the blue bar in the popup window moves ahead by 1% about every 2 seconds) and NEVER makes the change to the settings.


Logging onto the ISY from our desktop computer shows that the changes I made did NOT take because the desktop computer shows the old 30 second ramp rate.


Do you have this issue on your desktop PC as well?


Do you have any firewall/anti-virus software that might be interfering with the ISY's Admin Console?


As a test, please close down your web browser, disable any anti-virus or firewall software you might have running, clear your Java cache, then re-launch the Admin Console and try again. You might even want to reboot your ISY's to be sure you are starting from a clean slate.


For info on clearing your Java cache, please check here:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache


Please help save a very frustrated customer who really wants to keep the ISY but only if it is reliable which right now it is far from it.


I can certainly understand your frustration, and we are certainly glad to help. Please keep in mind that communication issues between Insteon devices, and/or between the PLM and other Insteon devices, are out of our control and can cause a lot of frustration.


I would suggest ensuring you have good communications before going crazy trying to setup complex scenes and causing grief.


Here's a post I made regarding communication issues in my home and what I did to solve them:


http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... ion+issues


If you continue to have issues with the Admin Console and would like help from our tech support, please submit a ticket here:


Sorry to hear you're having all these issues.


1) I was able to get the issue of an invisible link out of my Remotelinc but only after removing the RL from the ISY AND doing a factory reset of the RL then reloading all of the scenes back into the RL and the ISY.


In the case of broken or half links, especially caused by communication issues (powerline, RF signal, RemoteLinc battery/linking mode, etc.), sometimes this is the quickest and easiest way to resolve. I can assure you, however, that this is not typical in most circumstances.


2) Now when I make ANY change to levels and/or ramp rates within a scene the ISY goes to a system busy status and stays there forever (the blue bar in the popup window moves ahead by 1% about every 2 seconds) and NEVER makes the change to the settings.


Logging onto the ISY from our desktop computer shows that the changes I made did NOT take because the desktop computer shows the old 30 second ramp rate.


Do you have this issue on your desktop PC as well?

Yes, this morning the desktop computer took forever to change the ramp rate from 2.o seconds to 4.5 seconds.


Do you have any firewall/anti-virus software that might be interfering with the ISY's Admin Console?


As a test, please close down your web browser, disable any anti-virus or firewall software you might have running, clear your Java cache, then re-launch the Admin Console and try again. You might even want to reboot your ISY's to be sure you are starting from a clean slate.


For info on clearing your Java cache, please check here:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache


Please help save a very frustrated customer who really wants to keep the ISY but only if it is reliable which right now it is far from it.


I can certainly understand your frustration, and we are certainly glad to help. Please keep in mind that communication issues between Insteon devices, and/or between the PLM and other Insteon devices, are out of our control and can cause a lot of frustration.


I would suggest ensuring you have good communications before going crazy trying to setup complex scenes and causing grief.


Here's a post I made regarding communication issues in my home and what I did to solve them:


http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... ion+issues


If you continue to have issues with the Admin Console and would like help from our tech support, please submit a ticket here:



This morning none of my timer events worked either. The "Wakeup" scene which turns on bedroom and hallway lights never turned on although the program detail tab shows that it last ran at 6:00 AM. I manually activated the scene then left for a doctor's appointment but when I came home all of the lights that are in the "Wakeup" scene were still on. The program detail tab shows that the "Morning leave" scene (which turns off all of the lights in our home) last ran at 7:00 AM but the lights did not turn off. I had to go into the ISY and manually set the "Morning Leave" scene to on. NOTE: Everything I did this morning was on our desktop computer. I've also used a 50' extension cord to plug in our desktop computer into an outlet on another circuit. My PLM is next to the desktop computer and I have an access point plugged into the pass through outlet of the PLM.


Thanks, I'll check out the posts you suggested.


Hello NewTech,


I have been following this thread with interest as well as worry! Please note that the correct operation of ISY's programs/timers do not require your desktop/computer any where in the equation (except for configuration and checking the status).


Now, from what I see in your posts (and as Rand suggested), it seems that ISY thinks the programs had run. If so, this means that the signal is not getting from ISY to your scenes and, possibly, ONLY in the mornings. So, this should give you some clue as far as "what it is in the morning that is on but not later on".


Please do not hesitate to contact our tech support for further assistance.


With kind regards,


Hello NewTech,


I have been following this thread with interest as well as worry! Please note that the correct operation of ISY's programs/timers do not require your desktop/computer any where in the equation (except for configuration and checking the status).


Now, from what I see in your posts (and as Rand suggested), it seems that ISY thinks the programs had run. If so, this means that the signal is not getting from ISY to your scenes and, possibly, ONLY in the mornings. So, this should give you some clue as far as "what it is in the morning that is on but not later on".


Please do not hesitate to contact our tech support for further assistance.


With kind regards,





Thanks for the response!! I have NO PLANS for this weekend which is a first in a very, very long time. It's supposed to rain on Sunday and I plan to spend time after church trying to figure out all of these problems with the ISY. As I said, I have plugged in the computer via an extension cord into a different room and on a different circuit and phase. Do you think the computer CPU itself being right next to the PLM would have an effect on the signal strength?


As far as not being able to log into my ISY from outside of my home network goes: Our home backs up to a golf course and the entire golf course is a wifi hot spot. Because we live in the golf course community we have the password to log onto their network. I will make changes to my firewall then log onto the golf course's network to see if I can log into my ISY.


I'll keep you posted and, once again, I truly appreciate your response and everyone else who has responded. One way or another we'll get it fixed!




Mike R.


Hi NewTech,


The computer itself might cause noise especially if it's an older computer or older monitors. If you have FilterLincs, I strongly recommend using one to put all your computer equipment on a strip and filter them out.


Please do keep us posted and we'll be very happy to walk you through setting up your router in case you run into problems.


With kind regards,



My APC BX1000 UPS has a surge and noise circuit in it. Both X10 and Insteon power line signals are in what it thinks is noise. It absorbs most of both.

I have a 10 Amp FilterLinc on my setup and in my case the PLM in the filters passthrough outlet.


Something just dawned on me while driving to school this morning. (That probably tells you how much I think about this communication issue!!!). When we moved into our new condo I began having several communication issues with my X-10 system. To reslove these issues I installed a signal coupler http://www.smarthome.com/4816A2/SignaLi ... ler/p.aspx on our dryer. That unit solved most if not all of my X-10 communication issues. Could that be interfering with my Insteon equipment since Insteon uses access points?


And, something else... Why do certain lights in a scene NOT turn on automatically with a timer event but DO turn on when I manually go into the ISY and activate the scene? That tells me that the PLM and the ISY ARE indeed communicating with my LampLinc's.


Now, I am going to order some additional noise filters and install one on our desktop computer. For that installation I'll use the 10-amp version. My wife and I each have a laptop computer that is plugged in most of the time. To save $$$ would the 5-amp version be suitable for these installations?




Hi Mike,


That coupler is for X10 it is not a booster and probably will not have any real effect on Insteon signals. Of course unplugging it would be the best test.


Before you go and spend money on filters pull the plugs (don't just turn off) the suspicious devices and see if that changes things. The laptops could well be a source of noise. Some of the new TVs can also affect Insteon signals.


Sometimes Insteon devices can go bad. Worse case unplug all your LampLincs, pull all the set buttons on the switches and add things back one at a time. Use the Scene Test even if not all the devices in a chosen scene are powered.


I wish you the best of luck!




I would try removing it as a test. Each setup maybe different


Mine actually made my system better when I exchanged older ApplianceLincs for the new and improved ones and removed one of my Access Points. :roll:


Smarthome and UDI where supposed to look into this, but so far no news from them. Since my home is strange. In the end they my not find anything in their tests.


So my old ones are back in service and the new ones are in the box.


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