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Why is this happening?

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I thought I’d take some time to post a few things I did to correct some very serious communications issues with my ISY-99i. These issues were severe enough to cause me to think about returning the ISY.


After several phone calls, E-mails and posts in the forum from Michel, Michael, Rand and Darrell as well as several other users and my strong desire to keep the ISY I can now say with the utmost confidence that my ISY and my entire Insteon network is working flawlessly!


My communications issues began with several modules not turning on or off when activated via a scene but would usually turn on or off when controlled individually from the ISY’s GUI and ALWAYS when controlled from a controller other than the ISY. This is how I knew the problem was with the ISY. One time I clicked my “At Home†scene ON button 27 times before the scene turned on all 8 modules in the scene. I tried noise filters, moving my access points, using extension cords to move the PLM, router and desktop computer to several different outlets and different combinations. I had 50’ extension cords running in all directions in my home!


Telephone communications from Darrell Peters with Universal Devices had him checking out my ISY remotely which led us to believe that there was a considerable amount of noise on the electrical system in our condo. I tried turning off breakers then testing the ISY. I also made notes as to what time of day the problems seemed to occur- all with NO CHANGE in reliability-the scenes still didn’t work 100% of the time. In fact, the percentage rate for accuracy was more like 20%. Not acceptable even for my old X-10 system! We had one lamp that would not respond and when the module was unplugged from the outlet the system improved only slightly. Darrell suspected a bad LampLinc module so I completely removed it from my system and the ISY. No change.


I also had a stray link in my RemoteLinc that I couldn’t get the ISY to discover and therefore couldn’t get it removed. So, I decided to manually unlink 14 modules from the RemoteLinc, which took a fair amount of time! After this was complete, I thought for sure I had found my culprit after the majority of my system improved to about 90% reliability. Being an X-10 system user for over 20+ years I assumed this was normal for Insteon as well until I received a post from Michael stating that anything less than 99.9% was unacceptable for Insteon. After hearing that I was ready to assume there was still something wrong with either my PLM and/or my ISY.


Therefore, to make a long story even longer I was ready to request an RMA to return the ISY. I wasn't even sure I wanted a replacement! As a last ditch effort to save my system I thought about just starting over from scratch and deleting EVERYTHING in the ISY- all devices, links, scenes, programs, etc. I thought, “What do I have to loose?†I started experimenting with the file menu and came across the Restore Devices option. My thinking was that if I lost everything I had done up to this point I wouldn’t be out anything since I was ready to return the ISY anyway! I started the Restore Devices and went to bed figuring it would run most of the night. Well, I had a great surprise the next morning- EVERY single module in my Morning Wake-Up scene turned on at the correct time and then all went off when I pressed the KeypadLinc button to put the house to sleep for the day. I was SO excited I didn’t even want to go to work that morning!!


On the way to work though I thought about the module that Darrell thought might be defective (the one I removed from the system) and realized that I still didn’t have it in the system. I was somewhat hesitant to place it back into the system but once again, I thought, “What do I have to loose?†After placing that module back into the system and back into the scenes, my ISY still functioned as it was designed!


Now, if you recall, I still had several 50’ extension cords running every which way in the house. I left them there for another week or so (until the wife threatened me!) because I was reluctant to move them since the system was working so well. Well, the extension cords are gone, the PLM is plugged into the same outlet (NOT the surge protector strip) as our desktop computer and so far, all is well. The ISY is now my new best friend!


One point: Plugging an access point directly into the PLM’s pass through outlet made major improvements even before I started trying to troubleshoot the communication issue. It was the first thing I did and it made a big difference so I left it there!


Feel free to post questions about what I did and maybe if someone else out there is as frustrated as I was I can give some assistance.


Thanks, Universal Devices for your commitment to top notch customer service and to the personal attention I received from your company. I will surely recommend the ISY to my friends- in fact I already have!


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Thanks so very much for taking the time to describe your experiences. I am now "almost" convinced that I was wrong with my original assessment that you will have communications errors again. So, are you still having comm errors with 2.7.3?


Again, please note that the red LLs are normal and they give you the added capability of sensing if the load is turned on or off.


Thanks again and with kind regards,


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Thanks so very much for taking the time to describe your experiences. I am now "almost" convinced that I was wrong with my original assessment that you will have communications errors again. So, are you still having comm errors with 2.7.3?


Again, please note that the red LLs are normal and they give you the added capability of sensing if the load is turned on or off.


Thanks again and with kind regards,





I am having serious communication issues with version 2.7.3 so I reverted back to version 2.7.2 and I am once again having communications similar to the ones I had prior to now. I am getting ready to do a restore devices which, if you recall, is what I did before to solve my issues. I'll let you know.

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Please do NOT restore devices. Upgrading should not have any impact on the links in your device. Let us find the real issue ... I think it has to do with ISY reboot. Some how ISY reboot is causing signal issues. So, before restoring, please try:

1. Unplug your PLM - this will also reboot ISY

2. Wait about 1 minutes

3. Plug it back in


Whatever you do, please do NOT restore your devices.


With kind regards,




Thanks so very much for taking the time to describe your experiences. I am now "almost" convinced that I was wrong with my original assessment that you will have communications errors again. So, are you still having comm errors with 2.7.3?


Again, please note that the red LLs are normal and they give you the added capability of sensing if the load is turned on or off.


Thanks again and with kind regards,





I am having serious communication issues with version 2.7.3 so I reverted back to version 2.7.2 and I am once again having communications similar to the ones I had prior to now. I am getting ready to do a restore devices which, if you recall, is what I did before to solve my issues. I'll let you know.

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Please do NOT restore devices. Upgrading should not have any impact on the links in your device. Let us find the real issue ... I think it has to do with ISY reboot. Some how ISY reboot is causing signal issues. So, before restoring, please try:

1. Unplug your PLM - this will also reboot ISY

2. Wait about 1 minutes

3. Plug it back in


Whatever you do, please do NOT restore your devices.


With kind regards,




Thanks so very much for taking the time to describe your experiences. I am now "almost" convinced that I was wrong with my original assessment that you will have communications errors again. So, are you still having comm errors with 2.7.3?


Again, please note that the red LLs are normal and they give you the added capability of sensing if the load is turned on or off.


Thanks again and with kind regards,





I am having serious communication issues with version 2.7.3 so I reverted back to version 2.7.2 and I am once again having communications similar to the ones I had prior to now. I am getting ready to do a restore devices which, if you recall, is what I did before to solve my issues. I'll let you know.




I did go back to version 2.7.2 and already started the restore devices. What do I do now??? It is still running.

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Thanks so very much for taking the time to describe your experiences. I am now "almost" convinced that I was wrong with my original assessment that you will have communications errors again. So, are you still having comm errors with 2.7.3?

I am still having comm. issues exactly like the ones I had last week. I will wait for you to fix the comm. issues and will do as you instruct. For clarification purposes I am running version 2.7.2 again.


Again, please note that the red LLs are normal and they give you the added capability of sensing if the load is turned on or off.

Well now, I do like this change. This should do away with some of my "control scenes".





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If you would like to talk to someone from the INSTEON side of this issue you are having I would be more than happy to help.







Thanks for the offer but I actually don't suspect it's the Insteon equipment. Here's why:


Every link I've programmed from controller to responder via the ISY works 99.9% of the time. My problems occur when I try to use the ISY to control scenes or individual modules. This is why I don't suspect it's Insteon related.


Michel from Universal Devices has been super in dealing with me on this issue. He is sending me a replacement ISY and I'm going to order replacement PLM from you guys this morning. I have a pending RMA for the new PLM.


Again, thanks for the offer. It's a shame that more companies don't model their customer service after SmartHome and Universal Devices. Your companies are tied for the "second to none" position in my book! Keep up the great work.


Mike R.

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