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ISY KPL communication

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to simplify my problem description:


Originally I had KPL-Kitchen, KPL-Garage and 2 RLs controlling a scene. All work well except some of the lights in the scene were not tuned on or off consistently with KPL- Garage, all other work fine.


Therefore, I made a program in ISY that if KPL-Garage, then turn on scene (this is after I removed KPL- Garage from the scene)


Still some of the same lights have inconsistent behavior


This does not make sense to me since all other programs (including one that is that same scene but time based) execute perfectly from the ISY. So why if KPL Garage reached the ISY (as it obviously does) would not the scene execute perfectly?

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to simplify my problem description:


Originally I had KPL-Kitchen, KPL-Garage and 2 RLs controlling a scene. All work well except some of the lights in the scene were not tuned on or off consistently with KPL- Garage, all other work fine.


Therefore, I made a program in ISY that if KPL-Garage, then turn on scene (this is after I removed KPL- Garage from the scene)


Still some of the same lights have inconsistent behavior


This does not make sense to me since all other programs (including one that is that same scene but time based) execute perfectly from the ISY. So why if KPL Garage reached the ISY (as it obviously does) would not the scene execute perfectly?


Joe, can you correlate the failures to when some of the Garage devices are already on? If so that would indicate noise induced by one of those fixtures.


As for the KPL working well it could be on another circuit or just electrically closer to the PLM and the noise is reduced by then.



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no, none of the lights are on in my test. However, I did write a new program that turns on each light followed by a 1 second delay before the next light and it works fine, so I guess that indicates traffic issues.


Yes, it does seem as if there is some noise. It could be a bad Insteon device.


While your program calls each device can you see the PLM LED flashing for any of those devices? You could use the Event Viewer to see repeats as well (level 3).


If you can isolate it to a particular device you could try a factory reset and Restore.


It can't hurt to put the KPL button back in the scene and have a program call the scene several times (with delays) as a backup until we figure out the issue.



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Sorry, you lost me here:


1) Where would the noise come from if all of the lights work well when controlled by other RL & KPL? Do I need more AP - I have 3 for only 2000sft house?


2) How would I then isolate and reset? Can you reset from the ISY?


3) I do not know "Event Viewer to see repeats as well (level 3)"


4) so have both the device in he scene and have a program to turn them on? "It can't hurt to put the KPL button back in the scene and have a program call the scene several times (with delays) as a backup until we figure out the issue. "

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Sorry, you lost me here:


1) Where would the noise come from if all of the lights work well when controlled by other RL & KPL? Do I need more AP - I have 3 for only 2000sft house?


Another AP in the garage may help. It is probably a separate circuit from the rest of your home. But we should first see if it's noise or a bad device.


2) How would I then isolate and reset? Can you reset from the ISY?


No, the ISY cannot reset. That involves physically removing and restoring power while holding the set button. The ISY can Restore which means re-writing the links to the device. The reset will erase all the links/X-10 address that may be in the device. For SwitchLincs see here: 2476S Quick Start Guide


3) I do not know "Event Viewer to see repeats as well (level 3)"


I'm sorry. Menu | Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer. Using_the_Event_Viewer.

Using the Event Viewer will allow you to see which devices do not respond immediately.


The Scene Test can also be useful to isolate devices. Including the KPL in the scene will test that as well as the other responders.


4) so have both the device in he scene and have a program to turn them on? "It can't hurt to put the KPL button back in the scene and have a program call the scene several times (with delays) as a backup until we figure out the issue. "


Well, for now, but I think your program to activate one at a time will give us vital clues to solving the issue(s) so you won't need a backup program.


Since the devices respond to all other commands other than the KPL button I am leaning towards the KPL introducing noise when the button is pressed. This would account for the program failures when activated by the KPL.


Perhaps a factory reset of the KPL (same procedure as the SwitchLinc) and then a Restore from the ISY will set things straight; otherwise a replacement may be in order.



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