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Swapping an 8 button KPL


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I need to replace an existing 8 button KPL with a new one.  The old one still works I just want to upgrade to dual band.  Is there a way to swap them without deleting the old and then creating all of the links to the new device?  I thought I recalled a swap feature but I can't find it.

Thank you.

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The feature is called "replace with"

  • Backup your ISY
  • Add the new keypad.. don't worry what to call it and leave it in the root of the device tree.. eg don't put it in a folder
  • right click on the existing keypad and pick "remove from folder"
  • Are any wireless devices involved... eg a motion sensor that turns a key on? You'll need to be ready to deal with wireless updates
    • If you have the ISY pro you can click the little +battery- icon on the icon bar so it's grey, that will save wireless updates till later
  • right click on the existing keypad and pick "replace with" and then pick the new keypad
  • let it run, deal with wireless devices as they come up


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