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Communications Issues - I think

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I have a scene to turn on my outside lights every night. It works perfectly! However, I also have a Goodnight scene on a KPL that I hit at the end of the night. It shuts off all lights downstairs including my outside lights 1 by one. However without fail 2 things happen (they did work at one point btw) -The load controlled by the KPL turns on (it is set to turn off v.2D) and one of my Switchlinc Relay v.2C does not shut off). Here is crazy part - If I test the scene from the ISY if fires right EVERYTIME. I am stummed. I am ready to swap out some switches.



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You have two things in your favor -

1) Your scene responds this way every time (not intermittent).

2) The load on the device initiating the scene is activating (we should be able to rule out noise/communication).


From the above, I'd suspect a programming issue with the KPL device. You can check the links in the KPL using the ISY "show device Links table" under the "tool/diagnostics" menu item. This will display all of the links in the KPL (it will take some time to scan depending on the number of scenes you have).


After scanning the device links, click the "compare" button on the window and the device links will be compared with those "known" by the ISY.


If the tables differ, you should be able to "restore" the KPL to correct the table. If they are the same, we've got a different problem - get back with us.

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