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adding Open/Closer sensor #2843-222


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I purchased a number of Insteon sensors during Smarthome's recent sale but I'm having trouble, or missing something, with the Open/Close sensors, model 2843-222:  They don't have a six digit Insteon ID address label on the bottom (none of the three sensors I bought).   So when I try to add them in the AI, I don't have an address to put in.  I open the "new Insteon/A10/X10 device" window, put in a name, choose the correct device type from the pull down list, put the sensor in communication mode (green LED flashing slowly) and then hit "OK".  The window disappears and nothing more happens.   No updating devices/links window, the ready/busy flag in the lower left corner of the AI remains green/ready, and I can't find the device added to the list anywhere in the device/scene tree.   What am I doing wrong or missing?   I thought all Insteon devices had to have a six digit address?



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My open/close sensors have the insteon id on a sticker next to the battery under the cover. 

I have also added them via Linking Mode. There have been times I've had to move the sensor closer to a dual band device get it added, and then move it back to install location later, and it works fine


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Duh.  That's embarrassing.    I'm not sure how I could have opened the sensor to insert the battery and missed the Insteon address label right next to the battery contacts.  Clearly, it wouldn't make sense to put the label on the bottom of the sensor, like most Insteon devices, because the first use of the double-stick tape on the sensor would cover and/or obliterate the label.  Thanks Paul

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They put stickers on outside on devices that are covered with wall plates and whatnot. If they put it on outside of door sensor, it's unsightly and can come off.


With that in mind, I think there's a function in ISY specifically for those door sensors. I think it puts it ISY into linking mode and tells you to open sensor and press button. I'm pretty sure mine was auto detected. 

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As pointed out. There is a special area in the Link Management Tab for Sensors  and which one you are adding.

As for external Insteon labels. I have a 2342-232 4-Scene Mini Remote. It has a plasitc type label on its back. As there is no way to put it inside. It is now worn to the point. It is impossible to read. Good thing I keep a list of modules their six digit Insteon IDs.

The original Remotelinc had the label inside the battery compartment on the lower edge. You are not alone in missing a internal label in modules. Missed it a few times myself.

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