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Email "Test" works, but Programs not sending notifications

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I am not getting email notifications from my programs.  I have to be missing something real simple here.  I have door sensors that I would like to know when the door is opened and also when the door is left opened.   I am running 4.6.2 on my isy994i.  I have programmed gmail as my smtp server.  I setup two separate groups for notification.  One sends notification via sms text and the other is sent to my gmail email account.  When I press the "Test" button I receive a message from my isy to both my phone and email.  However when I setup simple notification program I am not receiving the message.  I checked the summary tab and it shows the program ran and it is scheduled to run again the same time the following day.  My door program is not send notification either. I have attached settings.


Example of simple program:


    Time is 8:55:00AM


   Send Notification to  'JasonGmail' content 'Test'



   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



french doors.JPG

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Mine requires the "From" field filled out and it must match the domain name used as the mail server.  I formerly used mostly blank fields but something changed in ISY about a year ago. It was blamed on google mail but I  wasn't using google.
Heck! My ISP accepts mail  with no security other than my cable connection so they know it is from me. Reports of fixes were all over the board using different fixes in a previous thread about a year ago.


I doubt the gmail server will send  it without a from field that is valid. I was using ISY@###.streetname,
where ### was my real street address number and streetname was actual. That will not work since then with no report of failure..

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