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KPL Relay ~ Dual Colored LED's???


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Purchased two Keypad Linc Relay's as part of the dimmer package during the 25% discount sale for a large project. As seen below in the link and image capture it indicates the KPL Relay offers dual colored red and green status LED's embedded under the clear set button. This is present in the various KPL Dimmers for sure as I have many of them in place. I've been told that the KPL Relay does NOT have the dual colored red and green LED under the set button?!?!

Can anyone who has a recent KPL Relay chime in to confirm it either lights up or doesn't for me. 


Dual Color LED.PNG

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The couple I've bought in the last 2 - 3 years have had that feature.  Its a "rolled up" indicator of Insteon group clean up. It will flash 1 - 3 seconds after a press: Green means the keypad heard back from all responders; red means at least one did not respond. While its great for proving that a scene is solid, in day to day use its distracting and annoying for family members (why does it do that?). I turn led notification off in the in the control panel once installation has proven to be done.

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The couple I've bought in the last 2 - 3 years have had that feature.  Its a "rolled up" indicator of Insteon group clean up. It will flash 1 - 3 seconds after a press: Green means the keypad heard back from all responders; red means at least one did not respond. While its great for proving that a scene is solid, in day to day use its distracting and annoying for family members (why does it do that?). I turn led notification off in the in the control panel once installation has proven to be done.


Are you talking about LED TX? Just to be clear you have a fairly new KPL Relay and not KPL Dimmer you're speaking of?

I don't see the option to enable / disable anything under 5.X.X

Can you provide a screen shot.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Hmmm. Nope... you are right.

The relay was the last one I put in and I thought I remembered  changing the LED. However,  @v.44, does not have it

The dimmer manual mentions "blink red" and "bink green" behavior, the relay does not mention it.


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1 hour ago, paulbates said:

Hmmm. Nope... you are right.

The relay was the last one I put in and I thought I remembered  changing the LED. However,  @v.44, does not have it

The dimmer manual mentions "blink red" and "bink green" behavior, the relay does not mention it.


OK, so your latest KPL Relay when you press any button the bottom clear set button doesn't show any color whether its red / green? If that is the case SH will need to change the Advert and update the 2014 full users manual.

Lastly, does your KPL Relay beep when you press any of the buttons?!?! By default its off and the manual indicates to press and hold together B & C buttons. Doing so has no impact in enabling the beep feature. I need it to be turned on for a person with vision impairment and thus isn't a nice to have but a ~ must have!

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