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Polyglot weather station node servers


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@TJF1960Thanks for posting the log info.  I really don't know what's causing all the different behavior.  There isn't any difference in the node server when running on a RPi or Polisy.  The log for the Polisy shows that the it set the log level to Errors as the last line you see, that's why the log doesn't have any more info in it.  You can control the log level via the WeatherPoly node in the admin console.

The function that parses the Acuparse data is exactly the same in the PG2 and PG3 versions.  So if acuparse is sending the same thing to both, I don't understand how the PG2 version is working.  Possibly some of the python libraries being used by the PG3 version are newer and the old version in PG2 was incorrectly parsing the query parameters.

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Hi @bpwwer, I have looked for but don't see how to change the log level in WeatherPoly node in the admin console. See below.

You may very well be on to something with the python libraries or similar. WeatherPoly on PG2 on my Rpi processes Acuparse fine but on PG2 on IoP it does not work, nor does PG3.

Rpi is running buster and have not been able to upgrade, but if I were to upgrade it and then be able to upgrade PG2, it sounds like WeatherPoly on Rpi would probably stop processing acuparse just like on IoP.

But I would like to change the log level if I can just to see the data in the log if you can tell me how to change it.

Thank you very much for your time.





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I just installed WeatherPoly on my Polisy/PG2 setup and this is what it looks like:



Polyglot says my version is 0.1.11.  The ability to set the log level was added in version 0.1.9

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Hi @bpwwer, this keeps getting stranger by the minute. 

I have PG2 on IoP running same version of WeatherPoly as yours 0.1.11 and I do not have the log level, I only installed it a few nights ago so it is a fresh install.

I also have PG2 on Rpi same version of WeatherPoly and it does not have the log level either. This has been an old install.

I even went so far as to delete the nodes in PG2 on Rpi and rebooted Polyglot. After the nodes repopulated in the admin console I still didn't have the log level.

Isy on Polisy version 5.3.0, don't know if that makes a difference or not.





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  • 9 months later...

I have Ambient Weather running on a Pi Polisy, and it works just fine.  But when I try to use Weather nodes in programs, I only see them in "If" statements, not in Actions.  When creating an Action, the only options that come up under "Weather/Ambient Weather" in the Your Devices list are Re-Discover, Remove Notices and Update Profile.


Do I maybe have something configured incorrectly?  Why aren't the nodes visible under "Action"?

- Frank

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3 hours ago, fmk2 said:

I have Ambient Weather running on a Pi Polisy, and it works just fine.  But when I try to use Weather nodes in programs, I only see them in "If" statements, not in Actions.  When creating an Action, the only options that come up under "Weather/Ambient Weather" in the Your Devices list are Re-Discover, Remove Notices and Update Profile.


Do I maybe have something configured incorrectly?  Why aren't the nodes visible under "Action"?

- Frank

What actions are you expecting?

The nodes are status nodes, the node server queries the Ambient server, parses the data and updates the nodes with that info.  It's a one-way transfer of data.  You can't set a temperature and have it send that back to the Ambient server.

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I wasn't trying to send data to the Ambient server, I was trying to include the value of a node in an Action.

Specifically, I wanted to be able to send an alert at the end of the day with the value "Rain - Day" so I would know the total rain for the day.  A program would send an alert email at 11:59 PM if the value of "Rain - Day" was greater than 0.  But I wanted to include the current value of "Rain - Day" in the message, so I need to be able to get to it as part of the "Then" statement in the program.

Is it not possible to access the values contained in the various Weather nodes in an Action?


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks for the assistance, Bob. Other priorities kept me from getting back to this for a while, but I did figure out what I needed to do to get the Ambient Weather node values into variables, and in turn use those in an alert. 

However, the values for the Ambient Weather nodes aren't updating in the ISY.  I see all the nodes, but the values in those nodes get set when the Ambient Weather Node Server is restarted, update regularly for a few hours, and then stop updating until I do another restart.

Based on the log, it looks like MQTT is running into an SSL error:  ssl.SSLEOFError: EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:2341).  But I don't know why it would run for a while and then suddenly fail.

A Google search didn't give me any useful info.

I've attached the log.  If anyone recognizes this and has any suggestions for fixing it, please let me know.




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The SSL error is happening down in the lower layers of the network code.  It may be something corrupting a packet on your network or a bug in that lower level code.  That's beyond my expertise. 


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That makes sense, but the other Node-Servers on the Pi (ISY Inventory and Hubitat) are working fine so it must be something specific to the Ambient Weather node server.

Maybe running an update on the Pi will fix the network problem.  If not, then I’ll try reinstalling the Ambient Weather node server. 

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