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Polyglot weather station node servers


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29 minutes ago, DaveStLou said:

Yep, that and a restart of Admin Console took care of the nodes I had eliminated. 

The only one that I wish I could figure out is pressure trend. Unfortunately, it appears Cumulus can only send that as a value and WeatherPoly is expecting number.

2018-11-12 14:55:00,293 [Thread-1  ] [ERROR] File "./weatherstation.py", line 786, in cumulus
    self.nodes[m['node']].setDriver(m['driver'], float(data[key][0]))
2018-11-12 14:55:00,294 [Thread-1  ] [ERROR] ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'Falling'


It's actually the ISY that expects numeric values.  There currently isn't any way to have node values be strings.   However, we can map the numeric values to strings for display.  

I may have fixed the bug and I did add some code to map from Cumulus pressure trend strings to node integer values.   Let me know if that works.  If not, I need to see the log message just above the errors you got above It should be something like "Set pressure driver GV1 to Falling"  I think.

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20 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

It's actually the ISY that expects numeric values.  There currently isn't any way to have node values be strings.   However, we can map the numeric values to strings for display.  

I may have fixed the bug and I did add some code to map from Cumulus pressure trend strings to node integer values.   Let me know if that works.  If not, I need to see the log message just above the errors you got above It should be something like "Set pressure driver GV1 to Falling"  I think.

Duh! I knew that ISY can't accepts strings. So many conversions going on I lost track. It appears to be working after upgrading to version 0.1.3.

So you converting the values out of Cumulus to 3 values and then back to Falling, Rising and Steady. Great!

Thanks for making this happen. I've had my Davis station about the same amount of time I've had my ISY. Always wanted to figure out how to get them to talk. I really bought the Weather module just so I could pull down the very information I'm push up to the cloud! :)

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Hi bpwwer,

Question on what I am seeing in MeteoBridge. Wind speed on my kitchen counter display shows as an average of 4 and peak of 6 at the same time MeteoBridge shows windspeed 0.42mph and gust speed at 0.27mpg. Sometimes I have noticed that gust speed might be 0 and speed 0.37 such as now. Is it possible they are reporting backwards? 

I have Meteobridge set for US and the 5in1 set for imperial.




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32 minutes ago, TJF1960 said:

Hi bpwwer,

Question on what I am seeing in MeteoBridge. Wind speed on my kitchen counter display shows as an average of 4 and peak of 6 at the same time MeteoBridge shows windspeed 0.42mph and gust speed at 0.27mpg. Sometimes I have noticed that gust speed might be 0 and speed 0.37 such as now. Is it possible they are reporting backwards? 

I have Meteobridge set for US and the 5in1 set for imperial.




When you say MeteoBridge above, are you referring to the node server/ISY display or the actual MeteoBridge web interface?

Ah, I think I see the problem, the MeteoBridge is sending the value in m/s and I think I'm assuming metric is kph for the conversion so the conversion to mph is wrong.  Otherwise, it looks correct.  I'm not sure that the MeteoBridge is sending what it says it is though. It looks like it's sending average wind speed and current wind speed, but reporting current wind speed as gust.  It is sending two values labeled as "wind" and "gust" and the mapping to the ISY matches those values.

I just uploaded a new version with the conversion fixed.

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Installed WeatherPoly and configured it for the parameters I want to use.  All works great with CumulusMX.  The only issue I found was the need to restart the AC each time a node or parameter was added.  Otherwise all good.  Thanks for building this very useful nodeserver!

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1 hour ago, glarsen said:

Installed WeatherPoly and configured it for the parameters I want to use.  All works great with CumulusMX.  The only issue I found was the need to restart the AC each time a node or parameter was added.  Otherwise all good.  Thanks for building this very useful nodeserver!


The AC doesn't always like having the nodes redefined on the fly, I'm not sure if there's a way around that.

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On 11/12/2018 at 4:46 PM, bpwwer said:

I may have fixed the bug and I did add some code to map from Cumulus pressure trend strings to node integer values.   Let me know if that works.  If not, I need to see the log message just above the errors you got above It should be something like "Set pressure driver GV1 to Falling"  I think.

I just noticed the pressure trend is showing as a numeric value this afternoon.


I think this is the information you are looking for from the log:

2018-11-19 16:00:00,925 [Thread-1  ] [INFO ]  - Set pressure driver GV1 to ['Falling slowly']

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39 minutes ago, DaveStLou said:

I just noticed the pressure trend is showing as a numeric value this afternoon.

I think this is the information you are looking for from the log:

2018-11-19 16:00:00,925 [Thread-1  ] [INFO ]  - Set pressure driver GV1 to ['Falling slowly']

Thanks, I didn't realize there could be qualifiers on the trend.  I added that, but it does mean the profile data in the ISY needs to be updated. I'm not sure it will do that automatically when updating  to the new version.

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46 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

Thanks, I didn't realize there could be qualifiers on the trend.  I added that, but it does mean the profile data in the ISY needs to be updated. I'm not sure it will do that automatically when updating  to the new version.

Will the update show up in the NodeServer store?

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2 minutes ago, DaveStLou said:

Will the update show up in the NodeServer store?

Yes it should. I'm not sure what the frequency is, but it shouldn't take more than a couple of hours before it shows up.

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On 11/19/2018 at 4:45 PM, bpwwer said:

Thanks, I didn't realize there could be qualifiers on the trend.  I added that, but it does mean the profile data in the ISY needs to be updated. I'm not sure it will do that automatically when updating  to the new version.

After updating, I restarting the nodeserver and it updated the profile data automatically. Looks great!


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  • 2 weeks later...
43 minutes ago, deidrichfehr said:

Could you please help!

I have a Ambient Weather WS2902A. I have installed your AmbientPoly NodeServer. It is asking for two parameters, an APIKey and the MAC address. I have the MAC address, but where do I find this APIKEY?

Thanks for your help!

Log into your ambientweather.net account and select your account info (person icon or maybe your avatar at the upper right corner).  There should be an API Key section at the bottom with a button to create a new API key.

You create API key's to allow applications, like the node server,  to access your weather data.

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2 hours ago, deidrichfehr said:

Thanks, it works now. However, it shows everything in degrees F. Can I show it it Degrees C?

It's showing the data as Ambient sends it.   I'm not doing any conversions in the node server.  It's something I can add but it's a bit of effort so may take a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/26/2018 at 1:48 PM, DaveStLou said:

Another observation this afternoon, temperatures node does not show up as an option for conditions or actions for my installation of WeatherPoly.


@bpwwer I see the same problem on the Meteobridge server. The Temperature and Precipitation items are not a condition for action.


Also, now that you support so many weather stations, it would be really cool to add an irrigation required calculation. Any consideration for taking that on?

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44 minutes ago, MTB said:

@bpwwer I see the same problem on the Meteobridge server. The Temperature and Precipitation items are not a condition for action.


Also, now that you support so many weather stations, it would be really cool to add an irrigation required calculation. Any consideration for taking that on?

Ok, I made the same change so it should work now, but I don't have time to test it right now. I pushed it anyway since it's not a complex change.


I've considered irrigation requirements calculations, but they are pretty complex so I haven't looked at doing anything with them yet.

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27 minutes ago, bpwwer said:

Ok, I made the same change so it should work now, but I don't have time to test it right now. I pushed it anyway since it's not a complex change.

That took care if it, thank you.













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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, asbril said:

What about these free services :



Would these work ?


No, not with the existing node servers.  So far, I've concentrated on creating node servers that get data from locally installed home based weather stations.

However, I've also started working on one for openweathermap, but it's not finished yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having a problem re-installing the WeatherPoly nodeserver after moving Polyglot from vm on an esxi server to a RPI.  I deleted the nodeserver from the old Polyglot and ISY prior to starting up the new machine and re-installing WeatherPoly.  The node majors all appear in the Node Servers WeatherPoly dropdown, but they do not appear in the nodes list in the ISY.  The WeatherPoly Polyglot console also shows 0 nodes. 

I've tried restarting the AC, Polyglot and ISY, in different orders, together and separately,uninstalling and reinstalling WeatherPoly and nothing makes any difference.  The other 3 Polyglot nodeservers on my system (MyQ, AVRemote, Sonos) all work fine.

Edit: Also manually created ns on the ISY and manually uploaded the profile with the same results.

I've attached a collection of screen grabs and logs.  Any idea what I'm missing here?


WeatherPoly log.txt

Polyglot log.txt

WeatherPoly ISY Profile.JPG

WeatherPoly console.JPG

WeatherPoly config.JPG

Edited by glarsen
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