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IoX 5.9.1 Firmware released (plus System OS 14.1p6 update) ×

Local web server (API) not responsive, but portal still works?


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Very recently, the local API on ISY994i appears to go down/unresponsive for long periods of time.  It does eventually return (downtime is around 4-12 hours usually), but the instability is causing my integration into my custom interfaces to be very unreliable, and now the wife is getting upset ?

I can still access the ISY through the portal, and all of the local INSTEON communication + programs operate just fine.  It's simply the local access of the API that is seemingly going down.

Any ideas or areas I should look into to help resolve this?  I am FW version 4.7.3.


This is very unusual. The place to start would be.

  1. Can you be specific about which local API you're talking about? , (eg assuming Rest). 
    • As secondary test, can you pull up the ISY's internal web page on a computer http://<your locally administered address>  ?
      • How does this do? I believe it uses the rest interface when it gets status, variables, programs... turns things on and off
  2. Provide a view of the event log and error right before the problem happens through right after



Paul, thanks for the help!  No, the local web server is also not responsive when it gets in this state.  I am trying to access the REST API.

I'll try and pull the logs when it gets in this state.  Since I can get to the admin console via the portal, should be easy to pull the logs.  Good idea.

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