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control garage lights with 74551 insteon garage kit?


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I want to use the garage door sensor part of the 74551 garage door control & sensor kit to turn on the overhead garage (fluorescent) lights.  I have an insteon 2466sw toggle link switch as the wall switch for the lights.

How can I get the sensor to signal the wall switch to turn the lights on when the door goes up,  and off when the door closes ?  I don't really care about the 74551 module doing anything else.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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I do that with an insteon scene, so that no ISY programming is necessary.. Insteon handles it.

  • Create a Scene under the link menu
  • add the iolinc sensor as a controller
  • add the switch for the lights as a responder


Backdoor.Garage is a keypad key i use to control the door and its in this scene so that it lights up or goes out when the door is operated. You can ignore that


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Even simpler Paul - skip isy altogether.  No need to add controller or responder there.  Simply put IO sensor into linking mode; go to toggle switch; set the light to the correct state for the position of the door; press toggle set button for 3 seconds; done and home!

But thanks....it was your suggestion that got me thinking "simple".  

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