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PLM issues?


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I have been having some weirdness pop up into my system recently. Scenes seem to be the big one, but I have had issues with status' in the Mobilinc app too. My scenes have not been completing or responding incorrectly a bunch. I think I have a couple of faulty Fanlinc's that aren't helping, but it feels like issues are popping up everywhere. I have heard about PLM issues a bunch in this forum, but haven't had any in the 5 years since I bought it. Does this sound like a PLM issue? Does it normally just die? Should I be debugging elsewhere?

My wife is seriously going to kill me, buying something else after the carnage that was Black Friday.

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The links for scenes are contained within the devices. You could unplug the PLM and the scenes would still work.

It's possible that you have some bad links in your device(s). Run a diagnostic / compare links on each of the devices in a scene that you're having a problem with.  if the compare shows mismatched link tables then do a restore device to correct/update your link table in that device.


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