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wall keypad 2486D not working


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HI all, I have not touched my setup for a coupe years, so out of practice.  Today found my main wall switch keypad 2486 that is not working.  I looked on my iSy and it has exclamation marks next to all 8 buttons.  I tried all types of of commands of restore, update and delete, nothing.  Did a factory reset and originally just button one would work, now when when I do a factory reset on the with, it come up all off, as soon as I push button 1, then it the light turns on but will not go off.

All the linked other switches are not commanding this main keypad.  I also can not remove the device from my isy.  Does not seem to respond to anything on ISy.  

I am guessing the keypad is bad, but wanted to check the forum before I buy another one and do the rewiring.  Wondering if I am not doing some resetting correctly.  What is the proper factory reset with ISY as I can't see to remove the 2486D from my ISY dashboard, what do I do to remove it if I do end up replacing it.  



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I'd suggest you get a spare on-hand, my experience is that once they start to misbehave, even if you can get them back working, they're on the way to failing so it's just a matter of time.

That said, there is one possibility that's worth trying -- if you can pull out all the bulbs (I'm assuming that it's controlling lighting, right?) that it controls directly (i.e. with the "A" button), then try a factory reset.  I've had a couple of cases now where LED bulbs or other funky loads were able to generate enough electrical "racket" that the device just goes berserk.  It's a long shot, but should be pretty easy to try.

Adding/removing the device from the ISY won't really help.  What you want to do is follow the procedure to factory reset the device, then on the ISY, do a "restore" of just that device.  If that won't work, then try that again with the bulbs (load) disconnected or removed, as suggested above -- and if it still won't work, then chances are it's a goner.

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17 minutes ago, mwester said:

I'd suggest you get a spare on-hand, my experience is that once they start to misbehave, even if you can get them back working, they're on the way to failing so it's just a matter of time.

That said, there is one possibility that's worth trying -- if you can pull out all the bulbs (I'm assuming that it's controlling lighting, right?) that it controls directly (i.e. with the "A" button), then try a factory reset.  I've had a couple of cases now where LED bulbs or other funky loads were able to generate enough electrical "racket" that the device just goes berserk.  It's a long shot, but should be pretty easy to try.

Adding/removing the device from the ISY won't really help.  What you want to do is follow the procedure to factory reset the device, then on the ISY, do a "restore" of just that device.  If that won't work, then try that again with the bulbs (load) disconnected or removed, as suggested above -- and if it still won't work, then chances are it's a goner.

mwester:  I think you are right, I was finally able to remove it from ISY by restarting ISY, but when I try to relink it, the response came back at V.00 cannot determine Insteon engine. So I think maybe the firmware is wiped out.  I will play with it a bit, really don't want to do rewiring, but looks like I might have to reorder one..


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In a nutshell, your 2486D is not acknowledging the link write from the PLM.  The ISY tried to write the link to the device EEProm 3 times.  It did not get an ACK from the device for any of the attempts and timed out.

The cause of the write problem could be due to noise, signal absorbtion, or a failing device.  I'd try multiple restoring the device times (reset the dimmer and retry the restore) since it could have been an isolated event.

If the restore does not work, you can try the normal "inspection" technique, looking for any new devices that could be absorbing signal or generating noise. 

Alternatively, you could remove the switch and attach it to an appliance cord and plug it in next to the  PLM.  If a restore does not work with the dimmer next to the PLM, you have a bad dimmer or a failing PLM.



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