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Panasonic Camera control from ISY


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Panasonic BL-C30A cameras are ideal for real time monitoring of property. They are wireless, and have built in web servers for viewing through internet. They also have motion detection capabilities, that can send emails when motion is detected in camera view.


This tutorial will show you how to activate your Panasonic BL-C30A cameras via ISY with the touch of a switch, or run of a program, or using the TouchSwitch interface for ISY.


What you will need:

ISY (really ?!)

BL-C30A cameras from Panasonic, I'm pretty sure they all have similar engines, so this may be applicable to different models...

Networking Module


For the purposes of this tutorial camera ip is, port number for the camera is 82.


1. Create a network resource for the camera in ISY


Start admin console, open the configuration tab | Networking | Network resources


Click add. Change the name to anything you like (LR Cam On)

Click URL line. Change the protocol to HTTP Post. enter the ip address ( to the host input box, enter port number (82) to the port input box. Path will be /CgiImageTransfer


In the header section, click add and choose authorization from the drop down list. Enter the username and password for the camera when prompted.


In the body, copy and paste the below code. Things to change:

1. Remember, this will overwrite the task number 2 in your triggers page, so you may want to change the task number to an empty one.

2. SMTP server used in this example is domain.com, on port 25. change it to your smtp server, and the appropriate port number.

3. This example uses smtp authentication, change the enteryoursmtpid in the body to your own id.

4. Enter your password at enteryoursmtppassword

5. Change the from address youremailfrom@domain.com to what you prefer.

6. Change the to address youremailto@domain.com to what you prefer.




Save the Network resource. You have successfully created the ON command. When this network resource is called, it will create a trigger task 2 on your camera and turn it on to send emails with the trigger image to the email you specified.


Next step is to create an OFF command.


Follow the steps above to create a network resource, name it LR Cam OFF.

This time the body will be:



Save this network as well. Test your resources with the test button.


Next we will setup the programs to start and stop the cameras. I use a 8 button KPL's A button to set away mode. So my program monitors the status of the A button.


        Status  '8b coat closet.A' is not Off

       Enable Program 'Unauthorized Entry'
       Resource 'LR Cam On'

       Resource 'LR Cam Off'
       Disable Program 'Unauthorized Entry'


So, if the A button is turned on, the camera is sent the command to create and enable trigger as defined in the network resource. The program also enables unauthorized entry program which monitors the status of all the lights in my house, and if anything is turned on, it sends a text message to my phone.


2. Setup sensor locations on the cameras you will use.

Since the cameras I use are pan and tilt, they have 9 preset locations, one called the sensor. The sensor is a special location, since the camera can monitor motion in the sensor preset even when the cameras as pointed towards another point. Open a browser and browse to the cameras web server, go to the Singe tab, click program, then click sensor, point the camera to the area you would like to monitor, and save. You are all set.


Optional, but cool:


I also set it the above program as two custom commands on my TouchSwitchinterface, called ARM, which executes runThen, and UNARM, which executes runElse for the above program. So, when I decide to ARM my security system, I get my iPhone, start the TouchSwitch application, click the ARM icon on the main page, and voila! My cameras are on, my notification system is on. Heck, if I had a rabbit I could turn that on to do something too, but I have a cat :)




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Anyone figure out how to get this to work with a BL-C111A? I can't seem to get it to work. The Resource Response from either command is



HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: text/html


Check on trigger page on camera, nothing changes when I test. I am using task 1 and no user name or password for SMTP (not needed for my server).[/code]

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Anyone figure out how to get this to work with a BL-C111A? I can't seem to get it to work. The Resource Response from either command is



HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-type: text/html


Check on trigger page on camera, nothing changes when I test. I am using task 1 and no user name or password for SMTP (not needed for my server).[/code]


Are you familiar with html and do you have access to a HTML editor?


If yes, go through the setup of task 1 in the camera's interface. Test it by enabling it. If it works, disable it. Then from triggers page, open task 1 again. If the interface is similar, it should have enable check box, and buttons to save or move to next page. Right click the page close to the checkbox and open the source code. Copy and past the source code to your HTML editor. You will see that there is a form with multiple hidden values that pass on the settings you had created to the save page.


Now edit the form, change the METHOD to GET (instead of post). and the ACTION to the name of the page that you just created in your editor. Basically, you will be posting the form data on the page you are creating, however, since you use GET method, the form data will be added to the URL of the page, after a "?" sign.


Save the page, and open it with a browser.

You will use it twice, once with the check box checked, this will be your Camera ON command, and once with the check box cleared, this will be your off command. Each time copy the data from the address line in your browser, everything after ? mark.


Hope this helps.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the quick reply! Sorry, I didn't check notify and I didn't check back to see if there were any responses. Yes I am familiar with HTML editors and I just tried what you said but it's still not working. I'm getting a response that it was successful... and I looked at the source of the "Success!" page on the camera and the meta tags at the top are the same so it looks like the ISY is properly connecting, authenticating and posting the form to the camera but it's not actually changing anything on the camera. One odd thing, the success page on the camera has more meta tags than are showing up in the response on the ISY. Not sure if that really matters though. Here's what I'm trying for enabling the task




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Hi Sk8er02,


I think the problem is the escape characters. Change the %40 to @ in the email addresses, and the %3A to i think ! in the subject. I saw two email addresses and the subject, but do check it again. I'm not sure if any of the options in the network resources window provide automatic translation of escape characters on post, but it is easy enough to avoid them in the body...


I hope this resolves your problem.




Thanks for the quick reply! Sorry, I didn't check notify and I didn't check back to see if there were any responses. Yes I am familiar with HTML editors and I just tried what you said but it's still not working. I'm getting a response that it was successful... and I looked at the source of the "Success!" page on the camera and the meta tags at the top are the same so it looks like the ISY is properly connecting, authenticating and posting the form to the camera but it's not actually changing anything on the camera. One odd thing, the success page on the camera has more meta tags than are showing up in the response on the ISY. Not sure if that really matters though. Here's what I'm trying for enabling the task




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Man, you had me and the you lost me! I was there up to,


"Start admin console, open the configuration tab | Networking | Network resources"


I have several of these cams and wish I understood better what it is you are doing.





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Right here...


Start admin console, open the configuration tab | Networking | Network resources" , I'm guessing that t his area is only available through the web interface (which I don't have, but could get).


Then I'd like to know more about the possibilities. My main "wish list" for the Panasonic cam's has been a way to turn triggers on and off all at once. I use motion detect triggers when away and it is very time consuming to go into each cam and activate the triggers. May your ide possibly work here? I do like the idea you have as well. Guess for me it would allow remotely going into ISY turning on a light and getting a picture e-mailed.


Let me know the possibilities.





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Hi aLf,


The networking tab is only available with the purchuse of the network module for ISY. I remember you were also interested in the iPhone webapp, if you get that one as well, there is a good discount for the network module.


As for the possibilities: I'm using my trigger to do exactly that! With the push of a KPL button, the camera's trigger is activated, and with another push it is deactivated! You can also remotely do it as you suggested.




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Thanks. If possible, maybe I could get you to write the code and tell me how to do it. Much appreciated. I'm tired of a gazillion e-mail notify's when I drive in the driveway. Much nicer, your way. Maybe Panasonic could learn from you. They've told me there was no way to modify code to do what I'm asking for.


Let me know. If I can call you somehow, I'd love to talk about this. PM me with info, if that is OK.





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Thanks. If possible, maybe I could get you to write the code and tell me how to do it. Much appreciated. I'm tired of a gazillion e-mail notify's when I drive in the driveway. Much nicer, your way. Maybe Panasonic could learn from you. They've told me there was no way to modify code to do what I'm asking for.


Let me know. If I can call you somehow, I'd love to talk about this. PM me with info, if that is OK.






Hi Alf, do you have BL-C30A cameras?


I can export my ON/OFF network resources for you, then you can import, and just change a few things after you import them into ISY.

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I have (4) HCM-531, (1) HCM-581, (2) HCM-331.







Hi aLf, I don't know if they have the same structure, but I suspect they do. What we can do is the following:


Since you have been using your triggers, you must have them already set up. Do these cameras also have the enable trigger page after you set them up? (for example, after you set up the trigger number 1, if you click it, the next page has a enable check box, which you can check and save). If so, open the camera setup page, right click close to the enable task check box, and choose view source. Copy the contents, and email them to burak@zlxd.com Please not that doing this will expose your email server address, username and password to me. You can either edit the text to change those, or trust me not to mess with your email... If you edit the password and username, you can simply put back the correct ones, once I prepare and send you the ISY import file for the network resource.


So simplified:


1. open camera's setup page on your browser.

2. go to triggers page, choose the trigger you want to control by ISY.

3. when you reach the page that enables the task, right click near the check box and choose view source.

4. copy the source contents and email to me.

5. I'll prepare and send you the isy network resources for sending trigger enable and disable...




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  • 2 months later...

I gave up on this a while ago and tried again tonight. Now when I test the "network resource" it says request failed, and under Resource Response it says N/A. When I go into the camera after doing this, it says "Updating" for a few min after. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?



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I've got several HM-BCL531's, a 581 and a 511. I used to have to go into each one to run (or change) the triggers. Now one KPL button push (which also turn the home/away program on/off) and the cameras change trigger mode.


Works like a champ,



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  • 1 month later...
  • 6 months later...

We like to switch all of the cameras (CL131s) into privacy mode when we are at home and then on when we are away. This is also handy as it disables any of the alerts that you may have set up (stopping the emails/texts). We designate a keypad button as the home/away button and this then toggles the random lighting and camera control programs.


I do this by creating two network resources for each camera - one for enable and the other for disable.


The following urls will do that for you - the rest of the setup is as described in the earlier excellent posts.


Privacy mode on:









Privacy mode off:








Would be an awesome feature if we could just pass a couple of parameters to the network resource.....

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am trying to get a BL-C111a working and not having a lot of luck. I am trying to narrow down where the network resource is failing but the "Test" button is grayed out. Should I be able to use that to see what comes back from the HTTP post?

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Hi jim3342,


Please click on the Save button to make sure the changes are saved. Then, please do ensure that you click on the row for the resource you wish to test. Once highlighted, the Test button should be enabled.


With kind regards,


I am trying to get a BL-C111a working and not having a lot of luck. I am trying to narrow down where the network resource is failing but the "Test" button is grayed out. Should I be able to use that to see what comes back from the HTTP post?
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  • 4 weeks later...

Should anyone have any BB-HCM, 500 or 700 series Panasonic web-cameras. With the help of UDI, Burak and Wes of MobiLinc, life now has a stable and more importantly, an operational code that will control "Triggers" and other controls in these cameras. The 735 camera was a bit of a problem, but now with the push of a KPL button (or MobiLinc), I now can turn on / off the home / away scene and at the same time arm or disarm multiple cameras. No more pictures of my car driving up the driveway. There will be countless uses for this code as the Panasonic cameras are very robust in their features. All work through the CGI Transfer page. Panasonic provides free to users a nice (huge) .pdf file that explains all the functions. Now that we have this code I will incorporate it to pan / tilt the camera upon motion then switch lights on and off--all controlled from ISY.


Anyone wanting this code, feel free to post and I'll get it to you.


Thanks to everyone who helped getting this to finally work.


aLf :P

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  • 4 weeks later...
Should anyone have any BB-HCM, 500 or 700 series Panasonic web-cameras. With the help of UDI, Burak and Wes of MobiLinc, life now has a stable and more importantly, an operational code that will control "Triggers" and other controls in these cameras. Now that we have this code I will incorporate it to pan / tilt the camera upon motion then switch lights on and off--all controlled from ISY.


Anyone wanting this code, feel free to post and I'll get it to you.


Thanks to everyone who helped getting this to finally work.


aLf :P


I would be very interested in seeing your code. I have a HCM531A and have successfully set a trigger from my Dakota driveway sensor via a EZIO2X4. But I am interested in seeing what else you have been able to do. Thanks!

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