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Dashboard Interfaces

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I've done some prelim searching around and it looks like the two most common GUI interfaces are:

  • MobiLinc
  • Agave

I have tried Agave on my phone so far and it works well.  I have not tried MobiLinc yet as it seems quite limiting for Android and is more geared towards IOS.  However what I'm looking for is more of a Living room or wall mount Dashboard solution.  Something along the lines that I can do with HomeSeer HSTouch or with Allonis MyServer.  Preferably without as much overhead where a simple, yet nice web interface would be great and easy to update/modify.

Current HAD implementation looks interesting and extendable.  I have not delved into it very deeply.  My other thoughts were to utilize either HomeSeer with the ISY Plugin to expose devices to HomeSeer and have a Dashboard interface from there, or setup a raspberry Pi with Home Assistant and ISY component to then use the Home Assistant web interface for the dashboard.  

I'm curious if/what others are doing?  Pictures are always great!

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5 hours ago, Screw Loose Dan said:

I use @kck's Soft Console on a RPi with a 7" screen. Works for my needs.

I'm building a new house and have fallen in love with voice commands using Google Home via Mobilinc . BTW their support is great.  Honestly Mobilinc is a little dated but I can access most of what I need to through Google Home app. Was planning on putting a google home mini in each room. Then I saw this soft console project and considered installing one of those in each room. Over Christmas I purchased a couple of google home hubs and lenovo smart displays. I am impressed and think google will continue to update with lots of new features.  Not sure if you can build and maintain a soft console for $140. That's the way I am currently headed. Here are a couple of screen shots:




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softconsole looks interesting and the Google Home Hub is nice looking but it is internet dependent.  I need a dashboard/display without internet dependencies for the primary functions as the very least.  Added bells and whistles of also accessing internet services like playing pandora are nice to have but not essential.


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7 minutes ago, simplextech said:

Google Home Hub is nice looking but it is internet dependent

I thought a lot about this dependence. Where I live, the internet pretty well only goes down when the power goes down.  I am planning to have a backup generator, but compared to all the issues I'll have to deal with,   I  think not having the screens and voice control working will be minor.  The convenience of using voice control 99% of the time and providing simple screen access to guests is a big plus and as I said the cost seems right.

Can you share what is steering you the other way in more detail?

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I use HAD for house status. It’s pages, including customized ones, can be hosted on the ISY (no internet /cloud dependence). You can also host it locally on a pi, NAS etc.

 They also can be accessed remotely through the portal without opening router ports.

While it’s highly functional, its labor intensive (at least for me) to build and text based, not graphics.

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1 minute ago, palayman said:

I thought a lot about this dependence. Where I live, the internet pretty well only goes down when the power goes down.  I am planning to have a backup generator, but compared to all the issues I'll have to deal with,   I  think not having the screens and voice control working will be minor.  The convenience of using voice control 99% of the time and providing simple screen access to guests is a big plus and as I said the cost seems right.

Can you share what is steering you the other way in more detail?

  • Existing Alexa devices all around the house and a couple Google Mini's as well.  So voice control is already present.

The no internet is mostly for local basic functions of lights, garage, sensor status, lock control/status (security items).  Those things to me should never require internet access whether or not if it's from a manual switch, automation or touch control either KPL or screen.  My stance on this is not putting faith in my own internet reliability and not jeopardizing WAF because of a light or switch or something NOT working all because the internet is out.

Now give me a Google Home Hub or Alexa Show that can communicate/control on my local network with devices plus the bonus of the internet features and then I'm very interested.

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10 minutes ago, palayman said:

I agree that having local control on the Google Home Hub would be great.  I sure hope google moves in that direction.

BTW there is another display project floating around using a "MagicMirror". Here is a link to a thread discussing it"



I've seen implementation of that with HomeSeer as well.  It's a cool project.

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2 minutes ago, MWareman said:

Hmmm.... HAD + Home Hub + https://9to5google.com/2019/01/03/google-home-hub-web-browser/


(If only there is a way of launching a bookmark....)


It would be local though...

I'll have to dig more into customization of HAD.  There's some talk on thehomeremote.com google groups about adding support.  No status update though.  This would be interesting as it's very much like HS Touch Designer but faster! :)

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Hmmm.... HAD + Home Hub + https://9to5google.com/2019/01/03/google-home-hub-web-browser/
(If only there is a way of launching a bookmark....)
It would be local though...

Michael, are you talking about HAD? It can be launched with a bookmark, even from the internet through the portal... unless I’m missing your point? I have a bookmark & shortcut on my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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17 minutes ago, paulbates said:

Michael, are you talking about HAD? It can be launched with a bookmark, even from the internet through the portal... unless I’m missing your point? I have a bookmark & shortcut on my iPhone

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think the question was regarding launching a bookmark on the Google Home Hub.

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Michael, are you talking about HAD? It can be launched with a bookmark, even from the internet through the portal... unless I’m missing your point? I have a bookmark & shortcut on my iPhone

Yes. But on the Home Hub.
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