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Changes to state variable in log?


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If I run the "Then" clause to the following program should all the changes to the state variable "sTemp" show up in the log?

Test - [ID 0020][Parent 0001]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        $sTemp  = 1
        $sTemp += 1
        $sTemp += 1
        $sTemp += 1
        $sTemp += 1
        $sTemp += 1
        $sTemp += 1
        $sTemp += 1
        $sTemp += 1
        $sTemp += 1
        $sTemp += 1
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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9 hours ago, palayman said:

If I run the "Then" clause to the following program should all the changes to the state variable "sTemp" show up in the log?

As you reported in another thread, the changes show up in the Event Viewer.  I can confirm that I don't see the variable changes in my log.  One thing to keep in mind, though, is that only a change to the variable appears in the Event Viewer.  So if the THEN merely did $sTemp = 1 and you ran the THEN three times in a row, you would only see the first variable assignment in the Event Viewer and not the following two.  That is why when I use a state variable to track program execution, I assign a value that I'm tracking and then immediately assign 0 (i.e. $sTemp = 1 followed by $sTemp = 0).

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