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Polyglot Hubitat Elevation NodeServer


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27 minutes ago, Adolfo said:

Im still stuck here:   Added lights to HUE App, everuthing works great. Added lights and groups to Hubitat. I see them there. Added the Get All devices with full details _ URL. Paste that to Hubitat Nodeserver polyglot. Restart Hubitat. Now I only see 2 nodes, a sensor and Hubitat. TRy restarting several times. Please advice.


Hubitat_2019-5-3 12_02_15.txt 7.36 kB · 0 downloads URL.txt 23.79 kB · 0 downloads

In Hubitat did you go to?

Apps -> Maker API -> Allow Endpoints to Control these Devices



Click the grey box and select the devices you want to expose to the nodeserver.  Click update in Hubitat and then restart the nodeserver.  The Hue support is not fully tested as there is already a really good Hue nodeserver that I would suggest.  Hubitat does work well with Hue accessories like the motion sensor though.

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  • 6 months later...
On 4/23/2019 at 8:00 PM, RRoyceus said:

Now I understand what you meant.  Something is going on strange.  I have two Insteon bulbs and a Zigbee bulbs in a scene. Using MobiLinc, if I turn on either if the Insteon Bulbs, the Zigbee bulb turns on.  If I turn off either one of the Insteon bulbs the Zigbee turns off.  But if I turn the Zigbee bulb on or off, nothing happens with the Insteon.  But strangely, from the ISY admin console, the scene does not work when turning on or off any of the bulbs and I can not turn off the Zigbee from the console.   I tried closing and reopening the console and rebooting the ISY, it still does not work.  It still works from Hubitat. 

But now, I cannot turn off the Zigbee from the console or MobiLinc.  The Insteon would not work until I queried them.

Mobiinc does something which turns on/off devices linked in a scene if you just turn on/off an individual device. For example if I had a scene with two Insteon SwitchLincs set as controller/responders they function correctly when manually turn on/off at the wall, but when you turn on or the other on/off individually with ISY directly then the other linked switch does not turn on/off - you have to use the scene on/off to make them both turn on/off (it is different Insteon command physically turning on/off a switch vs. sending a command from ISY). With MobiLinc you can turn one of the switches on/off as a device and it turns the other one on/off as if it was a scene even though you didn't turn the scene on/off - but I think it only is for Insteon devices. Not sure how it is done maybe @InsteonNut can explain.

Unless I misunderstood you, even with Insteon devices you cannot do what you suggest... turning on a device from the ISY Admin Console only turns that device on/off regardless if it is in a scene or not. You have to turn the actual scene on or off instead. Like I said earlier... MobiLinc has some method for turning on/off other linked devices so I would not use that to test as a basis for troubleshooting ISY.



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50 minutes ago, Doug_L said:

Any chance you can add support for Iris V1 Motion Sensors?  This is the output from the Maker URL:


What version of the nodeserver are you running?  I went through and did a refactor not too long ago and I think it will pick it up in the latest version.  If not please let me know and I'll see why not and modify to include it.  Once included and updated I'll need you to verify as I don't have an Iris v1 sensor to test with.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/13/2019 at 7:53 PM, Doug_L said:

I'm running 0.1.27.   The sensor shows up in Polyglot and in the ISY but none of the sensor values are available in the ISY.

Are you still having issues with the Iris V1 motion sensor?  If so I'll need the EventSocket data from the Hubitat Hub to further investigate this.

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43 minutes ago, Doug_L said:

Yes.  How do I get you that data?

I just pushed a new release 0.1.28 that should be available in 30 minutes or so.  This version has a "debug_enabled" in the configuration.  Set this to "True" and restart the nodeserver.  All of the Hubitat EventSocket information will be logged in the polyglot log.  You can trigger the iris motion sensor and see that it's logging and then copy the log information and send it to me in a PM.

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  • 1 month later...

I just found this thread.... super exciting!!!  I just got my ISY and portal setup and I'm now digging into my first Polyglot project which is the port of HousePanel from Hubitat and SmartThings. What I realized as I reviewed this project by @simplextech is that this will be quite complimentary to my project.  My Node.js server presently reads and controls both Hubitat and SmartThings devices and exposes them to my HousePanel dashboard javascript client app. With this app I could easily also expose those devices to ISY. Of course the hard part is still yet to do be written which is figuring out how to expose other ISY devices to my server. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks @simplextechfor this project and for drafting me into the ISY community. Will let you know how my install goes. Need to do this to get some devices into my ISY system... for some reason I can't get the zwave pairing to work.

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I have this installed on my Polisy and it works great. My only issue that I need help with is finding the NodeDef info which contains the node type. The type returned from the REST api is set to the hint field which is always for this polyglot so I can't find the type. Is there a REST call that returns the NodeDef? The debug print of the node info shows the NodeDef is absent. 

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12 hours ago, kewashi said:

I have this installed on my Polisy and it works great. My only issue that I need help with is finding the NodeDef info which contains the node type. The type returned from the REST api is set to the hint field which is always for this polyglot so I can't find the type. Is there a REST call that returns the NodeDef? The debug print of the node info shows the NodeDef is absent. 

You can access the node definitions from the polisy in the nodeserver directory.  Node definitions are under profile/nodedef

Or you can access the source from github :)



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3 hours ago, kewashi said:

Yes, I see the file and the defs but can I retrieve them via REST? Or will I need to update your code to pass dev['type'] to each addNode() call in your source?

Nodeserver devices (nodes) don't have standard node types/id's that was the point of the "hints" initially but it hasn't been evolved into much which is why it's not used heavily.  There's been new discussions with @Michel Kohanimabout expanding hints or some new alternative to make it easier and possible for nodeserver nodes to be utilized by 3rd party integrations.

If this is for the HousePanel integration I would start with including normal devices and knowing how Insteon and z-wave devices are presented as they are different as well.  Then join the developer Slack channel and start providing details on what you need to integrate.  It would be good to have input from someone working on a UI integration to get feedback on what would make things easier for integrations.

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Thanks to you both for these useful answers. This is for my HousePanel integration. I need to know the node type to know how to present it to the dashboard client.  I will need to use a mix of methods including inspecting the available methods, the name, the hint if provided, and maybe the node def xml file. I think I can also add a way for the installer to specify the node type. This isn’t needed or even possible on the Hubitat or SmartThings integration, but I see it might be needed for ISY.

Thanks again.  I already have a very early Alpha where ISY noses are read into the dashboard server. To get these to render I just need to assign the right type. It’s going quickly. The development platform is quite wonderful. 

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8 minutes ago, kewashi said:

I need to know the node type to know how to present it to the dashboard client.  I will need to use a mix of methods including inspecting the available methods, the name, the hint if provided, and maybe the node def xml file. I think I can also add a way for the installer to specify the node type.

Rather than jumping through hoops that will break or not work for all nodeservers perhaps you should be talking with @Michel Kohanim on figuring out a direction for integrations and node type determination?  That would provide a definition of nodes to work from and then leaves it up to the nodeserver developers to update to follow the rules.

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Sounds good - I will do that. Hey @Michel Kohanim I will send you a PM. In parallel I will still pursue making a best guess because I will need that anyway for legacy nodeservers and for those who simply ignore the guidance. I am working on it as we speak and it seems simple enough. The harder part is mapping the complex array of possible node attributes and commands into the HousePanel framework.  Not impossible - just complicated, but that's what makes coding fun. More to come. I will be starting a separate HousePanel thread for those who want to track my progress and offer suggestions, support, guidance. 

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For now I have a pretty elegant solution that I’m actually pretty good with. The more I study the ISY ecosystem the more I realize that the notion of device type doesn’t really align with the ISY philosophy. So the type of all ISY nodes in my dashboard will therefore be simply “isy” and the rendering of the node will be driven by the keywords plucked from the name. HousePanel already is designed to pluck keywords from the name of things to use in rendering so that part is already written. I will then grab all of the supported commands from the ISY node via a REST query. Most things will simply just use DON and DOF commands.  I have most of the code written for this. The REST api documentation is unfortunately not very complete so I’m fumbling around with it a bit trying to figure out how to read the status of all supported attributes for any given node. If anyone has this figured out already I would love to see how you did it.

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2 hours ago, kewashi said:

So the type of all ISY nodes in my dashboard will therefore be simply “isy” and the rendering of the node will be driven by the keywords plucked from the name.

Insteon and Z-Wave devices have a "family" and a "type" that can be pulled from the REST interface and is part of the XML doc for each "node".  If you need samples let me know and I can message you a full load up of switches, dimmers, sensors, fanlinc, iolinc, z-wave devices etc.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had this working with one Zigbee bulb.  Several weeks ago I added a new bulb in Hubitat and it showed up in the ISY. The new bulb worked in Hubitat and worked in the ISY.  Later I noticed my bulbs were not working in the ISY.  Today I added a third bulb in the Hubitat. It worked in the Hubitat. I rebooted my PI with the node server installed.   The bulb did not show up in the ISY.  From there, every thing has gone down hill.

I deleted and re-installed the Hubitat web server from the Pi.  Rebooted everything.  Still did not see the new bulb And the old bulbs did not work.  I decided to delete the node server from the ISY and re-install it.  Now I can not figure out how re-install it.

any ideas?

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1 hour ago, RRoyceus said:

I had this working with one Zigbee bulb.  Several weeks ago I added a new bulb in Hubitat and it showed up in the ISY. The new bulb worked in Hubitat and worked in the ISY.  Later I noticed my bulbs were not working in the ISY.  Today I added a third bulb in the Hubitat. It worked in the Hubitat. I rebooted my PI with the node server installed.   The bulb did not show up in the ISY.  From there, every thing has gone down hill.

I deleted and re-installed the Hubitat web server from the Pi.  Rebooted everything.  Still did not see the new bulb And the old bulbs did not work.  I decided to delete the node server from the ISY and re-install it.  Now I can not figure out how re-install it.

any ideas?

I was able to add back Hubitat in Polisy.  I now have the controller, but none of the bulbs.  I copied the Hubitat maker_url to the maker_uri, but I still do not see the devices.  I do not have anything in custom parameters if that matters

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First ensure everything is working correctly in Hubitat.

Within Hubitat ensure you have the Maker API app enabled and in the Maker API you have your devices selected.  There are two URL's listed on this configuration page within Hubitat one is for Local access and the other is for Cloud access.  Copy the one for Local.  This is the URL you will then enter into the NodeServer configuration.

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