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Alarm System 'Away' Scene


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I can program my alarm panel to send an X-10 'On' message when it is armed as 'Away' and an 'Off' message when disarmed, e.g., B1-On, B1-Off.


I have created a Scene in ISY for the lighting I would like to control via a schedule when Away.


An 'Away' folder includes a program that will turn on/off the Scene based on a schedule (evening hours).


The 'Away' folder needs a condition, based on whether the X-10 B1-On or B1-Off message is received (basically placing the folder on hold or not).


The 'On' is easy (see below). If ISY receives an 'Off' message, will the below condition work properly? I think I need a way to explicitly have a received 'Off' X-10 message cause the folder condition to be false (not run program).


Folder Conditions for 'Away'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       X10 'B1/On (3)' is Received

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.


If ISY maintains the 'On'/'Off' states of received X-10 messages and that is used in the above logic, I suppose it could work.




Thanks, Frank.

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Hello Frank,


You may want to try:

Folder Conditions for 'Away'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       X10 'B1/On (3)' is Received
And  X10 'B1/Off (11))' is not Receieved

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.


This way, if you receive B1/Off, the programs within the folder will not run.


With kind regards,



I can program my alarm panel to send an X-10 'On' message when it is armed as 'Away' and an 'Off' message when disarmed, e.g., B1-On, B1-Off.


I have created a Scene in ISY for the lighting I would like to control via a schedule when Away.


An 'Away' folder includes a program that will turn on/off the Scene based on a schedule (evening hours).


The 'Away' folder needs a condition, based on whether the X-10 B1-On or B1-Off message is received (basically placing the folder on hold or not).


The 'On' is easy (see below). If ISY receives an 'Off' message, will the below condition work properly? I think I need a way to explicitly have a received 'Off' X-10 message cause the folder condition to be false (not run program).


Folder Conditions for 'Away'
Add conditions to limit when programs in this folder are allowed to run.

       X10 'B1/On (3)' is Received

  Allow the programs in this folder to run.


If ISY maintains the 'On'/'Off' states of received X-10 messages and that is used in the above logic, I suppose it could work.




Thanks, Frank.

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Thanks, Michel.


I had considered that, but didn't know if ISY "remembers" X-10 state, sort of as a 'flag/variable'.


For example, if it receives the 'on' message, the rule/folder will be true, since it has not received the 'off' message. It then receives the 'off' message, perhaps 3 days later, so, the folder will not run.


But it then receives the 'on' message a few days later. It has already received the 'off' message, so does it run?


The problem is multiple disconnected 'on' and 'off' X-10 messages, separated by days.


M - send 'on', runs

T - no message, still runs

W - send 'off', so will not run

Th - send 'on', will it run?? it has previously received the 'off' message.


Does the code you suggested mean: When you receive an 'on' message, the folder is activated for 'running', until a later 'off' message is received, at which point it will stop running, until another 'on' message is received, at which point the cycle restarts.


Thanks, Frank.

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Hi Frank,


Yes! So, the program runs until it receives the Off in which case it stops running till it gets the next On.


With kind regards,



Thanks, Michel.


I had considered that, but didn't know if ISY "remembers" X-10 state, sort of as a 'flag/variable'.


For example, if it receives the 'on' message, the rule/folder will be true, since it has not received the 'off' message. It then receives the 'off' message, perhaps 3 days later, so, the folder will not run.


But it then receives the 'on' message a few days later. It has already received the 'off' message, so does it run?


The problem is multiple disconnected 'on' and 'off' X-10 messages, separated by days.


M - send 'on', runs

T - no message, still runs

W - send 'off', so will not run

Th - send 'on', will it run?? it has previously received the 'off' message.


Does the code you suggested mean: When you receive an 'on' message, the folder is activated for 'running', until a later 'off' message is received, at which point it will stop running, until another 'on' message is received, at which point the cycle restarts.


Thanks, Frank.

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