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Controlling Auto On/Off lights through ISY only

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I have been trying to standardize on how I configure auto-on lights with a combination of insteon and z-wave motion sensors. Here's a simple example set of programs I use for my kitchen (note I'm running 5.0.14, but I don't *think* that has any bearing on this issue. Also note the strange duplication of commands I have in "Kitchen Auto On/Off" this is the crux of my question)...

Kitchen Active 

        'Motion Sensors / All / Kitchen ZMS' is switched On
        $s.KitchenActivity  = 1
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Kitchen Auto On/Off

        $s.KitchenActivity is 0
        Stop program 'Kitchen Inactive'
        Set 'Lights / Kitchen / Kitchen Lights' Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set 'Lights / Kitchen / Kitchen Lights' Off

        Stop program 'Kitchen Inactive'
        Set 'Lights / Kitchen / Kitchen Lights' On '$LightLevelKitchen %'
        Wait  1 second
        Set 'Lights / Kitchen / Kitchen Lights' On '$LightLevelKitchen %'

Kitchen Force Off 

        'Lights / Kitchen / Kitchen Lights' is switched Off
        $s.KitchenActivity  = 0
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Kitchen Inactive 

        'Motion Sensors / All / Kitchen ZMS' is switched Off
        Wait  5 minutes 
        $s.KitchenActivity  = 0
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

To me these set of programs seem pretty trivial. However, what I've noticed is that sometimes, I would go into the kitchen and the lights won't come on OR they might take on the order of 10 seconds to come on. If they don't go on and I go back and check the s.KitchenActivity variable, it is set to 1. This implies that the communication between the ISY and the kitchen light controller (insteon) must've gotten lost or something.

I've had similar problems throughout the rest of my house using the same setup. It doesn't seem to matter whether I'm using Insteon or Z-wave motion sensors. I added the duplicate "Set Lights On" command in the Auto On/Off to try and at least alleviate the complete failure situation, and it seems to work. However, it seems like quite the hack, and isn't really guaranteed to work. 

If I was using insteon motion controllers exclusively, I could setup a scene between the MS and the light switch (and do some other time-consuming adjustments to each motion sensor), but Z-wave doesn't appear to support being used as a controller.

Any suggestions?



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Zwave motion sensors can be used as a controller. What options you have however depends on the oem in regards to timing and whether it's only on commands etc. Simply add it to a scene like you would an insteon device

For most use cases, I use my sensors to turn lights off vs on. I have a simple program setup that says:

if control motion is switch off and control is not switched on wait x time turn off. 

This allows me to control a scene that has all the devices in it off. Regardless of what's on, they all turn off if the room is empty long enough

For places (and times) where lights turn on automatically, I simply say: 

If (insert time if needed) control motion is turned on set lights on wait x time turn off. I add the wait because I don't necessarily need the lights to be on for a long time waiting for the auto off to kick in. 


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Damn, I didn't realize that Z-Wave devices can operate as controllers. The thing that threw me was that when you added a z-wave MS to an existing scene it defaults to being a responder. Insteon MS's default to being a controller. Perhaps I can do a hard-link scene after all. Thanks for the tips too!

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Keep in mind that, when using z-wave devices as a scene controller, it is relying on the ISY as an intermediary (there is obviously no direct communication between z-wave and insteon devices.)  Given this, I am uncertain that this will solve whatever problem you are having.  (It is also my understanding that z-wave devices cannot control secondary keypad buttons as scene controllers.)

I cannot help but wonder why you have those duplicate actions (separated by 1 second) in your program.  Is this because the action does not always work?  Is this an indication of communication problems?

Is your variable a "state" or "integer" type?

Have you tried temporarily moving the ISY to another outlet and circuit?  Use a long extension cord if necessary, but also get it out in the open.  Is the ISY on a circuit with lots of other electronic devices?

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