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AC remote programing


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I want to control my AC unit automatically with ISY and thermostat settings:

I have an IR bridge that I can control with ISY and a thermostat but it can only toggle the AC power on/off without indicating the actual AC unit status: In other words "on" may turn the AC on or at the same time it may turn it off. The same with "off" where "off" may actually toggle the AC on...

But I also have an energy meter and the wattage will indicate the AC on/off status: <50watts the AC is off and >50watts the AC is on...

I tried programing something using the energy status as a condition but it ended up in a loop and the AC continuously cycled on/off...

Any ideas?

below is my programing attempt that hilariously took my AC for a loop de loop...






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If the bedroom_AC_on_2 program is supposed to turn it off, it should be <= 27 (or 27.5 or something lower than 28)? 

You will want to make sure that there is at least .5c between program _1 and _2 so that its not constantly cycling.


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Your A/C compressor is worth much more than a decent hardwired thermostat. Compressors can even start backwards if cycled too quickly or if the signal fails you could come home to a frozen evaporator.

Get a proper wired smart  thermostat with proper cycling hysteresis and control it from ISY.

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None of this makes much sense.  You have two different commands, but you say they do the same thing. .. toggle it?  How/why are there two different commands if they are both the same command?

What AC unit are you controlling here and what thermostat?  You really should get a thermostat that works like a thermostat is supposed to work rather than try this work around.  I really don't see this working no matter what since I assume when it is "on" it will still cycle off when it makes temp, which will cause the watts to drop even though it is "on".

Or are you using ISY as the thermostat?  Where ISY is input the actual temp and outputs an on/off command?  I highly recommend against that.

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@ larryllix: the AC is LP0910WNR... in order to add a hardwired thermostat that responds to ISY commands I would have to soder it into the control panel... that is above my skill level.

@apostolakisl: As I described the setup I must admit that it is confusing. I did not mention two additional off programs similiar to the on programs that I posted. That whole setup is hilarius and running it puts the AC into a 737 MAX death spiral. My aim is to turn the AC on/off using the ZXT-120 controler. The AC reponds only to a mode change input of either cool or off. The problem is that either mode input only simply toggles the AC on or off. In other words "cool" turns the AC on if the unit was off and "cool" turns the AC off if the unit was on. But I think I have an idea and I wonder whether a "cool" or "off" command can be executed twice... 

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I don't understand why there are two commands then in your program above?  Cool and off.  If it is a toggle, then it is just one command.

And what does being "on" mean?  Does it mean the thing is running, blowing cold air regardless of the temp?  Or does it mean that the unit is now cycling on/off as per the temperature it is detecting and the temp it is set to?

You might also find out if whatever this cooling unit we are controlling here has IR codes that are dedicated "cool" and "off" rather than toggle.  This is common, for example, with some tv's.  The remote control has a power button that toggles it on/off, but if you go online you can often times download dedicated "on" and "off" commands.

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I could not find any working IR code and therefore had to resort to the learning mode. But I figured it out and indeed as you said I do not have to use two sets of instructions but one will work perfectly. Below is the setup that works: Just one program for on and another for off...



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I had a lot of trouble with the ZXT-120 and the instruction is confusing and its operation convoluted. It is now superceded by the 600 model. I do not know how the new model works. My main problem is that the ZXT-120 does not fully support my AC. The most control you get with many window ACs is simply an on/off toggle. But you get no status of the AC and when the AC is running and ISY sents another command to turn on the unit it actually will toggle it off. I solved the status problem with and energy meter. I have another AC unit which I can turn on/off with an outlet module. But the other AC does not resume cooling after the power's been cut. For me the ZXT-120 was the only game in town and I got it finally working. The energy meter is part of a power switch: Zooz Z-Wave Plus Power Switch ZEN15.

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