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Problem With Amazon Accounts


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I have two portals and two ISYs. Portal A is properly displaying and controlling the devices at that location. Portal B is now no longer displaying the devices for its location. It is displaying the devices for Portal A. That occurs despite the fact that I use the correct email and password for that Amazon location. I am stumped.

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20 hours ago, smokegrub said:

I have two portals and two ISYs. Portal A is properly displaying and controlling the devices at that location. Portal B is now no longer displaying the devices for its location. It is displaying the devices for Portal A. That occurs despite the fact that I use the correct email and password for that Amazon location. I am stumped.

When you link the skill, make sure to link with the portal user profile for the location in question.

Also, please verify the preferred ISY on those 2 portal user profiles.


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In Users I can see the two User Name correctly displayed by email address and preferred ISY. However, when I log into My Profile the incorrect Email Address is displayed for My preferred ISY. Is this the root of my problem? If so, how do I change the email address? I can see no obvious way to do that. 

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54 minutes ago, smokegrub said:

"However, when I log into My Profile the incorrect Email Address is displayed for My preferred ISY."

The email address shown in My profile is the email you used to log in. You can't change that.

What you can do though is change the preferred ISY from My Profile, or from any user profile you see under Users.


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I know this is simple from your perspective as it would for me to explain wastewater treatment and chemistry to you but the terminology to resolve my problem is equally unintelligible. I need a set of step by step instructions. The devices I formerly had  for portal B are now those for portal A. I need to get the Amazon account for Portal B to contain the Portal B devices.  I would be happy if you would enter my Mac and straighten this mess out. We are currently at the Portal B location and can't use Alexa to control our devices. It seems this would be simple if only one knew the specific steps to take.

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41 minutes ago, smokegrub said:

I know this is simple from your perspective as it would for me to explain wastewater treatment and chemistry to you but the terminology to resolve my problem is equally unintelligible. I need a set of step by step instructions. The devices I formerly had  for portal B are now those for portal A. I need to get the Amazon account for Portal B to contain the Portal B devices.  I would be happy if you would enter my Mac and straighten this mess out. We are currently at the Portal B location and can't use Alexa to control our devices. It seems this would be simple if only one knew the specific steps to take.

  1. Please sign in to alexa.amazon.com. Please note the Amazon email you are using to sign in.
  2. Remove all of the existing devices from your Echo
    • Go to Connected Home | Devices, and Click "Forget all".
  3. Deactivate and reactivate the skill
    • Go to Connected Home | Skills, and select the skill
    • Deactivate the skill
    • Reactivate the skill. Enter your Amazon email and password if prompted (That would be an Amazon page)
    • At the portal authorization page, enter your ISY Portal email and password for Home B.
    • You should get an Amazon page with a button to Discover Devices. Click on Discover devices.
  4. Please verify if you have the correct devices.

If you don't have the correct devices, please PM me:

  • The ISY Portal email you used at step 3.
  • The uuid of the ISY at Home B.

I will check if your account is properly configured.

Alternatively, you can just tell me, for Home A and B:

  • What are the Amazon emails you use to login at both houses
  • What are the ISY Portal emails you use to link the skill
  • What are the ISY uuid


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1 minute ago, smokegrub said:

Benoit, you must have done soething because I just used a spoken and it worked correctly! I tried several and they all worked.


Unfortunately, no. I have not done anything.

Is it possible that you changed the preferred ISY on your portal profile?

Is so, this may have fixed it. The Amazon device discoveries runs automatically about every hours or so and it would pickup your House B devices if the preferred ISY on your portal profile for house B was corrected.

It's great if this is working again. However, I would have a look at your Alexa devices in the Alexa app. If the preferred ISY was changed, it would have picked up the devices from the new ISY, but you would also see the former devices showing as "offline". If so, I would delete those.


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I spoke too quickly, all the devices for both portals merged into account B. The spokens worked because they are uquique for each portal. I will follow your instructions when I have rested. Will let you know results. Thanks for your efforts,

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I spoke too quickly, all the devices for both portals merged into account B. The spokens worked because they are uquique for each portal. I will follow your instructions when I have rested. Will let you know results. Thanks for your efforts,

My guess is that your home B devices are working fine, and home A devices are showing as offline.

If so, just delete the offline ones (Home A) one by one

Alternatively, click Forget all to remove them all, and ask Alexa, discover my devices.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Sometimes, I feel these systems are designed to hasten our pending madness! This morning I forgot and dicovered devices in the Amazon account for portal B and it worked! I have not tried opening that accunt using its email address and password. I am going to leave it alone for now! I will test when I get back to the portal A location. My best guess is that Amazonm had a technical hiccup on its side of things. Thanks for everything. If the problem has not fully resolved I hope I can once again  call upon your expertise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Benoit: I just returned to the location of Account A and was getting some devices to respond to Alexa and others not. I tried logging into the Alexa account for that location and got the message the password was incorrect. I am 100% confident the password is correct so the account appears corrupted. I checked on Account A and its email and password worked fine and I forgot and discovered devices without problem fot that account. Before I do anything I want to consult with you as to how to "fix" account A. I can email you the email and password for each account if that would help.

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Benoit: In order to get Account A functioning properly I had to change the password to the the account. I then check on Account B, using its email and passoword. I forgot and discovered devices and those for Account A were displayed! Obviously, I have fdone something wrong. I need your expertise to sort this out. I don't want to have to do this drill evry time I change locations!

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  • 2 weeks later...


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