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ISY Email Notification


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I am trying to get an email notification when a thermostat cool control turns on and again whenit turns off.  I wrote 2 simple programs on that says "IF tstat cool control turns on THEN send email notification another the same except when turns off, in both programs ELSE is blank..  I have tried both control and status in the IF statement, but neither sends an email.  I have set the email up in configurations and receive an email when Test is clicked.  Is it not as simple as IF this turns on THEN send notification?




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Assuming this is an Insteon thermostat? Wired or wireless version?

  • You will want to look at your event log and see if the ISY is catching the events from the thermostat
    • Start with tools / log
      • it will save to excel
      • filter the first column for your thermostat
      • Do you see the events your looking for at the times you expect?
      • If you don't see what you are looking for, something is wrong on the thermostat side, try the next test below:
  • If you don't find what you're looking for, use the even log
    • Tools / diagnostics / event viewer
    • set to level 3 - device communications
    • force a cool cycle by lowering the temperature to make the ac come on
    • wait 5 minutes and then set the temp back up (you don't want to short cycle an AC unit)
    • Did you see traffic related to those events in the event log?


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Also want to make sure you've set up an email correctly. Even though you said you tested it and got the test email you've got to actually setup the email that you're calling for in the program.

Configurations -> Emails/Notifications -> Customizations


My email when an outside light comes on:


Email-Front-ON - [ID 0005][Parent 0010]

        Status  'Front Door' is On
        Send Notification to 'Email' content 'Light On'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Then the custom notification is:






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Thanks for the reply, I am currently at work but will try your input when I get home.  I actually have 8 Thermostats, all Insteon 2 are wireless with AC adaptor, 5 are Wired type using a 24v wall wart for power, one is wired to the HVAC system.  Each has its own Cool on and Cool off Notification, so 16 notifications in all. There is one on program and one off program for each tstat.  My goal was to set each to the same setpoint ans the Main HVAC tstat, so I could see when certain rooms/parts of house were above or below Primary setpoint, to begin to work on a zoning system using the ISY programming.  I have limited exposure to ISY programming, do use LabView, MatLab, Benchlink and a few other data acquisition and PLC programs at work, but they are more object programming oriented.  Maybe something already exists as far as logs in the ISY itself that will accomplish my goal, amybe I am going about the logic in the wrong fashion, any suggestions would be appreciated.


Thank you also for your reply.  I will verify your suggestion when I get home, but I believe I have it the way you illustrated.



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Here is the on and off programs, I checked the Email setup and configuration the correct email is assigned to DATA AC.  Below is excerpts from the log and event viewer showing my last few attempts to trigger email.


MBR Cool On - [ID 0075][Parent 006F]

        'MASTER BEDROOM / bedroom - Cool Ctl' is switched On
        Send Notification to 'Data AC' content 'MBR Cool On'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


MBR Cool Off - [ID 0074][Parent 006F]

        'MASTER BEDROOM / bedroom - Cool Ctl' is switched Off
        Send Notification to 'Data AC' content 'MBR Cool Off'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


MASTER BEDROOM / bedroom - Cool CtlStatusOnFri 2019/05/03 03:33:02 PMSystemLog

MASTER BEDROOM / bedroom - Cool CtlStatusOffFri 2019/05/03 03:38:05 PMSystemLog

MASTER BEDROOM / bedroom - Cool CtlStatusOnFri 2019/05/03 03:45:27 PMSystemLog


Elapsed 00:00:38.014 : Loading Variables
Elapsed 00:00:38.585 : Loading Node Definitions
Elapsed 00:00:39.148 : Loading Nodes
Elapsed 00:00:39.923 : Creating Widgets
Elapsed 00:00:45.241 : Creating Widgets Complete
Fri 05/03/2019 03:20:28 PM : Starting Subscription
Fri 05/03/2019 03:20:28 PM : Completing initialization
Fri 05/03/2019 03:20:28 PM : Refreshing Status
Fri 05/03/2019 03:20:29 PM : Refreshing Views
Fri 05/03/2019 03:22:21 PM : [  3D 66 94 1]   CLIHUM  57 (uom=22 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:22:41 PM : [     ZW003_1]  CLITEMP 730 (uom=17 prec=1)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:23:52 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   3] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW003_1
Fri 05/03/2019 03:27:21 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLIHUM  61 (uom=22 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:27:52 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   3] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW003_1
Fri 05/03/2019 03:29:12 PM : [  35 F1 83 1]       ST 255 (uom=100 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:29:22 PM : [  35 F1 83 1]       ST   0 (uom=100 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:31:52 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   3] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW003_1
Fri 05/03/2019 03:32:28 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]    CLIMD   2 (uom=98 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:32:33 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLIHUM  62 (uom=22 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:32:59 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLISPC 138 (uom=101 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:33:00 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]      DON   0
Fri 05/03/2019 03:33:00 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]       ST 255 (uom=100 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:33:00 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLIHCS   2 (uom=66 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:33:01 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]      DON   0
Fri 05/03/2019 03:35:53 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   3] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW003_1
Fri 05/03/2019 03:38:02 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLISPC 152 (uom=101 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:38:04 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]      DOF   0
Fri 05/03/2019 03:38:04 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]       ST   0 (uom=100 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:38:04 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLIHCS   0 (uom=66 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:38:04 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]      DOF   0
Fri 05/03/2019 03:39:26 PM : [  3D 66 94 1]   CLIHUM  58 (uom=22 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:39:54 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   3] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW003_1
Fri 05/03/2019 03:40:44 PM : [  3D 66 94 1]   CLIHUM  57 (uom=22 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:42:39 PM : [  35 F1 83 1]       ST 255 (uom=100 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:42:53 PM : [     ZW003_1]  CLITEMP 740 (uom=17 prec=1)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:43:54 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   3] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW003_1
Fri 05/03/2019 03:45:25 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLISPC 140 (uom=101 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:45:27 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]      DON   0
Fri 05/03/2019 03:45:27 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]       ST 255 (uom=100 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:45:27 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLIHCS   2 (uom=66 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:45:27 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]      DON   0
Fri 05/03/2019 03:47:54 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   3] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW003_1
Fri 05/03/2019 03:51:53 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   3] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW003_1
Fri 05/03/2019 03:55:56 PM : [ZWAVE-WAKEUP   3] Awake with no pending work, putting back to sleep ZW003_1
Fri 05/03/2019 03:56:30 PM : [  3D 66 94 1]   CLIHUM  58 (uom=22 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:57:03 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLISPC 160 (uom=101 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:57:05 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]      DOF   0
Fri 05/03/2019 03:57:05 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]       ST   0 (uom=100 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:57:05 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLIHCS   0 (uom=66 prec=0)
Fri 05/03/2019 03:57:05 PM : [  4C 7E 97 2]      DOF   0
Fri 05/03/2019 03:57:21 PM : [  4C 7E 97 1]   CLISPC 140 (uom=101 prec=0)



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In case anyone is interested.  Changing the program to 

New Program - [ID 0031][Parent 0001]

        'MASTER BEDROOM / bedroom - Main' Heat/Cool State is Cooling
        Send Notification to 'Data Logging' content 'Motion Detected'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

instead of the original

MBR Cool On - [ID 0075][Parent 006F]

        'MASTER BEDROOM / bedroom - Cool Ctl' is switched On
        Send Notification to 'Data AC' content 'MBR Cool On'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Solved the problem.  Thanks all for your help.





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On 5/3/2019 at 5:18 PM, TomL said:

In case anyone is interested.  Changing the program to 

New Program - [ID 0031][Parent 0001]

        'MASTER BEDROOM / bedroom - Main' Heat/Cool State is Cooling

instead of the original

MBR Cool On - [ID 0075][Parent 006F]

        'MASTER BEDROOM / bedroom - Cool Ctl' is switched On


Solved the problem.  Thanks all for your help.



Great! Looks like you went with the status route rather than "switched" route. I had that problem with lights that I wanted to get notifications from even if they were turned on/off by program/echo command/mobile app rather than only when physically switched on at the source. Perhaps thermostats work the same way, and the switched was looking for a power or cycle change.


You might be able to have it email you based on variables in the email too so you could have this email when turned on and off. One of my notifications is formatted this way:


At ${sys.time12} ${sys.node.#.name} turned ${alert.control}

Edit: Variables found in WIKI:   https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY-994i_Series:EMail_and_Networking_Substitution_Variables


I have a program that calls for when items turn on/off an email gets sent. 

--------(program edited for brief posting)--------

Email-On or Off - 

        Status 'Play Room' is On
     Or Status 'Play Room' is Off
        Send Notification to 'Email' content 'Light On-Off'
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



So, perhaps if your program was On -or- Off you could have it email you depending on the status of the on/off mode. 

I have a folder in the programs tab just for email notifications to keep then separate from operational programs. 

Glad you got it to work as you wanted!


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