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ISY vs RTI vs Control4


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I am designing a home automation system for a client.  I am in the process of selecting a controller.  My option are RTI, ISY, and Control4.  Since I don't have extensive experience with programming a control 4 or RTI system.  I am leaning towards the ISY994iZW Pro.  My question is.. is the ISY a suitable candidate to control lighting, AV, etc in a 10,000 sq. ft. home?

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Yes, I am an av installer.  In my mind, based on my experience with the ISY it doesn't matter to me if its a DIY or not.  I've installed the ISY in a number of projects and my customers love them.  However, this is the first of such size.

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1 hour ago, ldrinc said:

Yes, I am an av installer.  In my mind, based on my experience with the ISY it doesn't matter to me if its a DIY or not.  I've installed the ISY in a number of projects and my customers love them.  However, this is the first of such size.

I don't mean to start anything, but if your an installer you should already know the best options out there. IMHO posting an installer question on an ISY forum is not going to yield the best results. Most here are DIYers who are heavly invested in the ISY/Insteon. Second that with no access and price point of C4, RTI, Lutron.

I am an installer as well and as much as I love the ISY and the various Insteon products there are, for a 10,000 sq ft home I wouldn't even attempt it for the sake of communication errors.  The bottom line is does the client want to pay for the better equipment and budget? Then create the best system you are familiar with and install it. Otherwise your going to lose money (aka time) in call backs and troubleshooting.


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I use insteon with RTI and love it. However I would not use the isy as an all in one system such as control4. 

I'm with Scott in regards to Insteon at that scale. It can be done but I would only be willing to touch it if it were under construction and I had a say in how the house would be wired. 

Radio take isn't a bad setup. I'm just not a fan of their switch design. I love control 4 switches. Due to that I would go with them. 

Just remember these systems cost time and money. In trying to save them money you'll lose it and time. 

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