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Link Question


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for example:


Let's say I have a scene that is controlled by 2 different RL (each button A) and two different KPLs (each button A) and I want to add a 3rd KPL (say button A). Do I really need to go chasing my RLs down and set them to link mode? Can't I just add the new KPL to the scene?

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Unfortunately, to conserve battery life the RemoteLinc must be put into linking mode before any links can be written to it. For all the proper controller/responder links to to be written to devices within a scene, the ISY may require link changes to your RemoteLinc.


If the ISY asks you to put your RemoteLinc into linking mode, you will need to.

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OK, just seemed that if were making no change to the RL i.e. they are only controllers not responders (can an RLs ever be a responder?), they would not be involved in adding another controller (the 3rd KPL) to the scene. When my scene is even moderately large (6 devices are so) the link process takes forever, especially for the RLs

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Hello Joe,


Yes, when adding a KPL button to the scene the RemoteLincs need to know or the button will not change state when the RLs are used to control the scene.


However, it should not take forever to add another controller with only 6 responders. Are you having other communication issues?



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Thanks Rand,


OK, make sense. I went ahead and added them while in my office. I mention that because I had a somewhat dead spot and recently added another AP to my office, so it may be why this time it did not take "forever", but still on the order of 3-4 minutes, perhaps that is normal.


BTW they are not all responder, in fact 5/6 are controllers if that that makes a difference i.e. only one responder in this scene.





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