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MobiLinc X v1.10 with Favorites and More AVAILABLE NOW!


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Hi Folks,

I'm excited to announce the 1.10 update for MobiLinc X for iOS and Android:

With the new update MobiLinc adds the following features for iOS and Android:

  • Favorites! Tap the star on any devices, scene, or program to add to your favorites list.
  • Tap to toggle on/off devices, scenes, and programs under "Recently Used" and "Favorites." Long press to go into details.
  • Customize your home page layout by hiding or showing any section. Don't want to see Rooms at the top? Hide it. Just want to see your Favorites? Hide everything else.

This is the most customizable MobiLinc we've ever built. Settings are instantly synced between all your iOS and Android devices.

MobiLinc X users on the Family plan that are managing separate user accounts for their family will be happy to hear that Favorites, Recently Used, and Home Page layout are tied to the separate user account and are not global. One member of the household may want a different Home Page with different Favorites than another member.

Let me know what you think!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Are there any options for ISY users that are not using a portal (i.e. private network use, only - no cloud services)? I am a longtime user of MobiLinc Pro on iOS, currently at v4.17. Will this configuration be supported in the future? Thank you.

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Hi @Simon,

I'm considering building a local direct IP version. Before I do, I'm focused on building out MobiLinc X with new features that just can't be done with a direct app only.

One major advantage MobiLinc X currently has over any direct IP product is that with your ISY connected to the MobiLinc Connect platform, MobiLinc Connect keeps in sync with all changes and status updates from your ISY in real-time. This allows MobiLinc X to instantly startup and shows you your ISY configuration including all status live instantly. No syncing required.

Also features like settings sync between all iOS and Android devices on the account and family management with separate accounts, favorites, recently used, custom home page layouts for each user, etc, can't be done without some backend server and service.

So, while possible to offer a direct IP solution, there would be many features of MobiLinc X that would need to be stripped out and some rework needed to support a standalone model like the older Pro/HD apps.


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@InsteonNut (Wes),

Thank you for the quick reply. Just to let you know, I do not have any heartache over the subscription model. SaaS is where things are going and maintaining functionality is not free. I'd gladly pay the monthly or annual rate on a direct IP solution. It's just that some of us have closed networks and items such as the ISY and cloud management of the automation are not an option and will not be. At some point in time, this legacy Pro/HD app will not longer function with a future version of iOS and folks in my boat will be dead in the water.

I'd love the instant/real-time updates, but it's not an option. At this point, limited functionality is better than none. Keep us (needing a direct IP solution) in mind. We are your customers, too.


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Real-time/Instant updates are fully possible locally using the ISY websocket API, it's the "Instant Start" that wouldn't be available. 

I'm in the local boat as well, no chance I'll consider cloud.  

If MobiLinc X doesn't want to support local and regular ML dies (due to new OS'), I'll write my own and add a another mobile app to the ISY party.  Probably not the best business model for ML/Agave as my software is freeware.  

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Hi @io_guy

Yes, MobiLinc was one of the first 3rd party apps 10 years ago that used the real-time status socket. Direct IP with MobiLinc X I do want to add at some point. There are many features that only MobiLinc Connect can only do that I'm excited to keep bringing to MobiLinc X. There are no plans to sunset MobiLinc Pro/HD/OML and will still be supported.


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Hi @asbril

I'm finishing up another MobiLinc Connect platform feature for MobiLinc X that I'm excited about. Once that's out the door I'm going to start on direct IP support for MobiLinc X which will include ISY Portal support. I don't have a timeframe I can comment on, but I can say I'm getting a lot of interest from direct IP users for MobiLinc X support.


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28 minutes ago, InsteonNut said:

Hi @asbril

I'm finishing up another MobiLinc Connect platform feature for MobiLinc X that I'm excited about. Once that's out the door I'm going to start on direct IP support for MobiLinc X which will include ISY Portal support. I don't have a timeframe I can comment on, but I can say I'm getting a lot of interest from direct IP users for MobiLinc X support.


Watching and waiting....

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7 hours ago, InsteonNut said:

Hi @asbril

I'm finishing up another MobiLinc Connect platform feature for MobiLinc X that I'm excited about. Once that's out the door I'm going to start on direct IP support for MobiLinc X which will include ISY Portal support. I don't have a timeframe I can comment on, but I can say I'm getting a lot of interest from direct IP users for MobiLinc X support.


Sounds great. will there be any difference in functionality between the two portals?

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Hi @eyaniv

Yes, ISY Portal is a proxy to your ISY. So, it'll be supported as part of the direct IP work with direct IP features only. See my response above for commentary about changes required to support a direct IP model.

We don't have any special access to ISY Portal or control how it works. Unlike our MobiLinc Connect platform where we can build/deploy specialized features for MobiLinc Connected ISYs and MobiLinc X like instant on/control/status (no syncing) as well as full settings sync between your iOS and Android devices, family management, notifications, IFTTT channel integration, etc. Not to mention MobiLinc X integration with management of your spoken items and integration with Alexa/Google Home.


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3 hours ago, InsteonNut said:

Hi @eyaniv

Yes, ISY Portal is a proxy to your ISY. So, it'll be supported as part of the direct IP work with direct IP features only. See my response above for commentary about changes required to support a direct IP model.

We don't have any special access to ISY Portal or control how it works. Unlike our MobiLinc Connect platform where we can build/deploy specialized features for MobiLinc Connected ISYs and MobiLinc X like instant on/control/status (no syncing) as well as full settings sync between your iOS and Android devices, family management, notifications, IFTTT channel integration, etc. Not to mention MobiLinc X integration with management of your spoken items and integration with Alexa/Google Home.




Mobilinc Connect looks great but from what I understand it is not compatible with Polyglot, which requires ISY Portal.

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9 hours ago, asbril said:

Mobilinc Connect looks great but from what I understand it is not compatible with Polyglot, which requires ISY Portal.

Hi @asbril,

For clarification, Polyglot, when run locally (as on an RPi), has no UDI Portal requirement.  Polyglot Cloud, on the other hand, does.

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3 hours ago, Bumbershoot said:

Hi @asbril,

For clarification, Polyglot, when run locally (as on an RPi), has no UDI Portal requirement.  Polyglot Cloud, on the other hand, does.

Thanks for the clarification. As the Nest Nodeserver no longer works on PGC, and because it was the only NS that I used on PGC, I may now consider switching to Mobilinc X. 

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Thanks for the clarification. As the Nest Nodeserver no longer works on PGC, and because it was the only NS that I used on PGC, I may now consider switching to Mobilinc X. 

I been using MLX with subscription since it came out and its been great. Everything is always in sync and up to date and the extra features work just as expected. Super easy setup too without having to be technical. I highly recommend it.
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