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why can't turn off the lights?

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@larryllix: thanks, I learned how to copy/paste :-)  Actually, I know there's no condition, when I 'run (if)', some lights can be turned off, some not. 

F1_Lights Off - [ID 001C][Parent 0001]

   - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')
        Set 'F1_Lights / F1_Breakfast_Spotlight' Off
        Set 'F1_Lights / F1_DinnerRm_Spotlight' Off
        Set 'F1_Lights / F1_Gate(Out)_Light' Off
        Set 'F1_Lights / F1_GateHall_Spotlight' Off
        Set 'F1_Lights / F1_Kitchen_Spotlight' Off
        Set 'F1_Lights / F1_Laundry_Light(N-A)' Off
        Set 'F1_Lights / F1_LivingRm_SpotLight' Off
        Wait  1 second
        Set 'F1_Lights / F1_Office_SpotLight' Off
        Set 'F1_Lights / F1_Deck_Light' Off
   - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


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I would create a scene and and all lights to that scene as responders. Then program the scene itself to turn off.

Since there is a one second wait prior to the last 2, of they are on dimmers, changing the ramp rate can accomplish the same or you can simply and them to the program as you've already done

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