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KPL LED button brightness


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I think there are some improvements in the amount of control of the KPL LED brightness in Beta versions, as I am at the official 2.70. I think 2.75 is out shortly so I will wait, but my basic question is what does it mean to have a range for example of 1-63? Is this for the off state or the on state or a relative number of the difference in the two state, as I only have seen one level for the setting in the ISY?


thanks, but you lost me a bit going back and forth between decimal and hex. The controls are in decimal and I think you are giving me the translation, but can't say I completely got what you are saying, sorry.


I can't get to your conclusion :


"With this information, it's possible to gain some finer control over both backlight and ON brightness levels. For example, dimmest non-off backlight, combined with brightest available ON level for that backlight, would mean using a value of 31. "

OH, maybe I see, you are saying in your example it would be 1F Hex, which would be 31 decimal, correct?

Yes: 31 = backlight level 1 (hex 10, decimal 16) + "ON" level 15 (hex 0F, decimal 15)


Sorry for the geek-speak; the referenced post was intended for the UDI programmers. Here's the English translation:


The decimal value written by ISY sets both backlight (button off) brightness, and ON (button on) brightness levels. There are eight backlight brightness levels (0-7) as indicated by the following chart. For each of these levels, there are 15 or 16 associated "button ON" brightness levels.


The ranges are decimal, and all values within a range yield the SAME backlight as follows:


  1-15  = backlight value = 0 (off)
16-31  = backlight value = 1 (dimmest)
32-47  = backlight value = 2
48-63  = backlight value = 3
64-79  = backlight value = 4
80-95  = backlight value = 5
96-111 = backlight value = 6
112-127 = backlight value = 7 (brightest)


Within each backlight range, the "button ON" brightness goes from dimmer (lowest value) to brighter (highest value).


Again, this info is from my trials and does not reflect any official documentation. I hope it helps clear things up.




got it, thanks!


Yes, I know hex, but did not get your drift until I read it several times, but your "translation table" makes it even easier,


I will try tonight. Thanks!



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