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ISY is a brick - PLEASE HELP


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about 1.5 weeks ago my ISY started acting up. alerts not working, variables not updating etc. This happened for a couple days before I was able to login to the admin console. When I did I noticed it was much worse. It looked like my ISY had reset to factory. All of my Insteon devices were there but all my programs, variables, configurations (even my password was reset). I assumed there was some sort of corruption so I performed a factory reset and attempted to perform a restore and I just get a bunch of errors like "unable to read config", "unable to clear config". I tried to open the error logs and get an error stating "could not open file /LOG/ERRORA.LOG". I then tried to format the SD card by telnetting into the ISY. While it looks like it formats, I never see the "goodbye" message in the terminal window like the documentation states and instead the session simply terminates. After preforming this I still cannot perform a restore.

I did open a ticket with UDI when all of this started but I have not had much luck getting any progress on the ticket so I figured I could come here! Is it possible that the memory card has physically failed? Any way to test this in the ISY or what to look for if I remove it and put it in my computer? I haven't opened up my ISY yet but anyone know exactly what type of Memory card it takes and its capacity so I can get a replacement ordered online?

FYI - I have an ISY 994i (1120) currently running Firmware 4.6.2


Any help would be appreciated!



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I'd also make a point to swap the power supply and see if it might be a marginal power supply -- they've been known to cause all sorts of mayhem as they go bad.  The ISY can take a wide range of input voltage, so you should easily be able to find one you can "borrow" from something else in the house for a test.

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5 hours ago, Michel Kohanim said:


Jim, not sure what you mean you have not had much progress with the ticket. What's the ticket #? 

In all likelihood, your SD Card is defective. You need to install a new SD Card, reinstall the firmware then restore your backup.

With kind regards,

Ticket 2148 opened on July 8th

Thanks for the response, I will open it up to see memory card capacity and order a new one!


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