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just one more issue. It doesn't seem to be updating and I see this in the log.

2019-07-26 19:19:14,346 [NodeServer] [INFO ] Starting node server
2019-07-26 19:19:14,347 [NodeServer] [INFO ] Sending customParams to Polyglot.
2019-07-26 19:19:14,468 [NodeServer] [INFO ] Sending removenotice to Polyglot for index {'key': '0'}
2019-07-26 19:19:14,472 [NodeServer] [INFO ] Sending addnotice to Polyglot: {'value': 'WeatherLink IP Address parameter must be set', 'key': None}
2019-07-26 19:19:14,475 [NodeServer] [INFO ] Node server started
2019-07-26 19:19:14,476 [NodeServer] [DEBUG] request = http:///v1/current_conditions
2019-07-26 19:19:14,478 [NodeServer] [INFO ] Skipping connection because we aren't configured yet.
No rush on this. Its almost there. 
Thanks so much.
Update: Rebooted the PI and now it seems to be running ok. But stopped shortly after. I copied the log that showed an error.

2019-07-26 20:22:12,924 [Controller] [INFO ] Found current conditions
2019-07-26 20:22:12,926 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - CLITEMP: 73.2, uom: 17
2019-07-26 20:22:12,930 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - CLIHUM: 82.5, uom: 22
2019-07-26 20:22:12,934 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - DEWPT: 67.5, uom: 17
2019-07-26 20:22:12,939 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - WINDDIR: 278.0, uom: 76
2019-07-26 20:22:12,942 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - GV0: 69.0, uom: 17
2019-07-26 20:22:12,948 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - GV1: 75.2, uom: 17
2019-07-26 20:22:12,952 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - GV2: 73.2, uom: 17
2019-07-26 20:22:12,957 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - GV3: 3.0, uom: 48
2019-07-26 20:22:12,973 [Controller] [ERROR] Exception in thread Controller:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 914, in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/threading.py", line 862, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/home/pi/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/polyinterface/polyinterface.py", line 757, in _parseInput
File "./wll.py", line 72, in shortPoll
File "./wll.py", line 144, in query_conditions
self.setDriver('GV6', float(record['solar_rad']), True, False)
TypeError: float() argument must be a string or a number, not 'NoneType'
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Can you be more specific about what is not updating? 

Did you get the 'git pull origin master' command to work?

Is it it the field labels that still aren't right?

Is it not updating the data on the ISY?


Is that log current or just what's there from the first time you started it?  From what's shown there, the IP address of the WeatherLink device hasn't been set, but the screen shot you had from before seemed correct.

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The log shows that the node server stopped running shortly after rebooting everything. It ran for about 1 and a 1/2 hours and had that reoccurring error shown in the log. Don't know if that would cause it to stop or not.

Yes i did the 'git pull origin master' command to work using the pi windows terminal. Puttty just wouldn't do it.. Some of the fields aren't being filled in. Pressure, Rain Today, Wind speed is expressed in inches /hour. Not sure how many parameters can be requested from the weather link.  There is also indoor temp and humidity. I'll include a screen shot.



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bpwwer Hi

Just a request of displayed parameters before completion.


  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Wind Speed
  • Wind Direction
  • Wind Gust
  • Hi Temperature
  • Low Temperature
  • Rain Today
  • Pressure


  • Temperature
  • Humidity

Optional But would be nice

  • Climate Conditions
  • Cloud Conditions


Would be very thankful if these could be displayed

Thanks so much Gary


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I pushed a new version that includes more data and should fix the problem with it crashing.   To update it

1. stop the WeatherLink node server from the polyglot dashboard

2. from your PI terminal window do the 'git pull origin master' 

3. start the WeatherLink node server

4. from the admin console, click the 'update profile' button for the WeatherLink node

5. restart the admin console

Some of the things you list above aren't available, at least not in the sample data I have.   If you can post/attach the log showing the results of the query, that would help. It should look something like:

2019-07-30 16:07:15,003 [NodeServer] [DEBUG] {'error': None, 'data': {'ts': 1531
754005, 'did': '001D0A700002', 'conditions': [{'rainfall_monthly': 63, 'wind_dir
_at_hi_speed_last_2_min': 0.0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_2_min': 42606, 'rain_storm_l
ast': None, 'lsid': 48308, 'rain_storm': None, 'heat_index': 5.5, 'wind_chill': 
6.0, 'rainfall_last_60_min': None, 'temp': 62.7, 'trans_battery_flag': 0, 'rain_
storm_start_at': None, 'wind_speed_hi_last_10_min': 8, 'rainfall_last_15_min': N
one, 'rx_state': 2, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min': 15, 'rain_size': 2, 'wind_
speed_avg_last_1_min': 4, 'rainfall_last_24_hr': None, 'dew_point': -0.3, 'data_
structure_type': 1, 'rain_storm_last_end_at': None, 'txid': 1, 'wind_speed_last'
: 2, 'wind_dir_last': None, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min': 170.7, 'rain_rate_
hi_last_15_min': 0, 'rainfall_year': 63, 'solar_rad': 747, 'rainfall_daily': 63,
 'hum': 1.1, 'rain_storm_last_start_at': None, 'uv_index': 5.5, 'wind_dir_scalar
_avg_last_10_min': 4822.5, 'wind_speed_hi_last_2_min': 8, 'rain_rate_hi': None, 
'thsw_index': 5.5, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min': 0.0, 'wind_speed_avg_last
_10_min': 42606, 'thw_index': 5.5, 'rain_rate_last': 0, 'wet_bulb': None}, {'moi
st_soil_2': None, 'data_structure_type': 2, 'moist_soil_4': None, 'txid': 3, 'ls
id': 3187671188, 'wet_leaf_1': None, 'temp_4': None, 'wet_leaf_2': None, 'moist_
soil_1': None, 'temp_1': None, 'temp_3': None, 'rx_state': None, 'trans_battery_
flag': None, 'moist_soil_3': None, 'temp_2': None}, {'data_structure_type': 4, '
lsid': 48307, 'temp_in': 78.0, 'heat_index_in': 8.4, 'dew_point_in': 7.8, 'hum_i
n': 41.1}, {'data_structure_type': 3, 'bar_trend': None, 'lsid': 48306, 'bar_abs
olute': 30.008, 'bar_sea_level': 30.008}]}}


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Hi, It runs great now . It is missing a few of the parameters. I see them in the log but they don't get transferred to the ISY display.

Indoor temp and indoor hum. Not sure about wind gust since there has been no wind here for now. Daily rain may fill in after midnight.

Also wind speed is missing.

Thanks again. Looks really great. 


2019-07-30 20:26:30,394 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - BARPRES: 29.988, uom: 23

2019-07-30 20:27:00,312 [Controller] [DEBUG] request =

2019-07-30 20:27:00,375 [Controller] [DEBUG] {'data': {'conditions': [{'rain_storm_last_end_at': None, 'lsid': 246652, 'rainfall_year': 0, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min': 293, 'rain_rate_hi_last_15_min': 0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_10_min': 0.87, 'rainfall_last_24_hr': 0, 'hum': 85.0, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min': 293, 'wind_speed_avg_last_2_min': 0.37, 'heat_index': 80.4, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min': 293, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min': 292, 'rain_rate_hi': 0, 'solar_rad': None, 'rainfall_last_15_min': 0, 'rain_storm_last_start_at': None, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min': 292, 'rainfall_daily': 0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_1_min': 0.06, 'wind_dir_last': 292, 'rx_state': 0, 'wind_speed_last': 1.0, 'thsw_index': None, 'temp': 77.1, 'wind_speed_hi_last_10_min': 3.0, 'rain_storm_last': None, 'uv_index': None, 'rain_storm_start_at': None, 'thw_index': 80.4, 'data_structure_type': 1, 'trans_battery_flag': 0, 'dew_point': 72.2, 'rainfall_last_60_min': 0, 'rain_storm': None, 'wet_bulb': 73.4, 'wind_speed_hi_last_2_min': 1.0, 'txid': 1, 'wind_chill': 77.1, 'rain_rate_last': 0, 'rain_size': 1, 'rainfall_monthly': 0}, {'temp_in': 76.4, 'heat_index_in': 76.3, 'lsid': 246588, 'hum_in': 49.3, 'dew_point_in': 56.0, 'data_structure_type': 4}, {'bar_absolute': 29.331, 'bar_trend': 0.009, 'lsid': 246587, 'data_structure_type': 3, 'bar_sea_level': 29.988}], 'ts': 1564532819, 'did': '001D0A710A19'}, 'error': None}

2019-07-30 20:27:00,376 [Controller] [INFO ] Found current conditions

2019-07-30 20:27:00,378 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - CLITEMP: 77.1, uom: 17

2019-07-30 20:27:00,382 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - DEWPT: 72.2, uom: 17

2019-07-30 20:27:00,387 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - GV0: 73.4, uom: 17

2019-07-30 20:27:00,391 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - GV1: 80.4, uom: 17

2019-07-30 20:27:00,395 [Controller] [INFO ] Updating Driver weather - GV2: 77.1, uom: 17

2019-07-30 20:27:00,400 [Controller] [INFO ] {'temp_in': 76.4, 'heat_index_in': 76.3, 'lsid': 246588, 'hum_in': 49.3, 'dew_point_in': 56.0, 'data_structure_type': 4}


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Here is the device query.

2019-07-30 20:47:30,424 [Controller] [DEBUG] {'data': {'conditions': [{'rain_storm_last_end_at': None, 'lsid': 246652, 'rainfall_year': 0, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min': 293, 'rain_rate_hi_last_15_min': 0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_10_min': 0.43, 'rainfall_last_24_hr': 0, 'hum': 86.5, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min': 293, 'wind_speed_avg_last_2_min': 0.87, 'heat_index': 79.2, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min': 293, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min': 292, 'rain_rate_hi': 0, 'solar_rad': None, 'rainfall_last_15_min': 0, 'rain_storm_last_start_at': None, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min': 292, 'rainfall_daily': 0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_1_min': 1.31, 'wind_dir_last': 0, 'rx_state': 0, 'wind_speed_last': 0.0, 'thsw_index': None, 'temp': 76.3, 'wind_speed_hi_last_10_min': 4.0, 'rain_storm_last': None, 'uv_index': None, 'rain_storm_start_at': None, 'thw_index': 79.2, 'data_structure_type': 1, 'trans_battery_flag': 0, 'dew_point': 72.0, 'rainfall_last_60_min': 0, 'rain_storm': None, 'wet_bulb': 73.1, 'wind_speed_hi_last_2_min': 4.0, 'txid': 1, 'wind_chill': 76.3, 'rain_rate_last': 0, 'rain_size': 1, 'rainfall_monthly': 0}, {'temp_in': 76.3, 'heat_index_in': 76.2, 'lsid': 246588, 'hum_in': 48.9, 'dew_point_in': 55.7, 'data_structure_type': 4}, {'bar_absolute': 29.337, 'bar_trend': 0.028, 'lsid': 246587, 'data_structure_type': 3, 'bar_sea_level': 29.994}], 'ts': 1564534049, 'did': '001D0A710A19'}, 'error': None}

2019-07-30 20:47:30,426 [Controller] [INFO ] Found current conditions

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I have something wrong with wind speed, I had it working at one point, but then broke something.  I'm not sure why the indoor readings aren't showing, everything looks correct there, I'll double check that.

The daily rainfall value is in something called 'counts'. I'm not sure what that really means. Maybe it's the tipping bucket count? If I knew what one count equated to in inches or mm I can do the math and report an actual value.  Any clue?

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This is directly from the WLL using a browser:


{"data":{"did":"001D0A710A19","ts":1564539267,"conditions":[{"lsid":246652,"data_structure_type":1,"txid":1,"temp": 73.9,"hum":90.5,"dew_point": 70.9,"wet_bulb": 71.7,"heat_index": 76.0,"wind_chill": 73.9,"thw_index": 76.0,"thsw_index":null,"wind_speed_last":0.00,"wind_dir_last":0,"wind_speed_avg_last_1_min":0.00,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min":null,"wind_speed_avg_last_2_min":0.00,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min":null,"wind_speed_hi_last_2_min":0.00,"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min":0,"wind_speed_avg_last_10_min":0.00,"wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min":null,"wind_speed_hi_last_10_min":0.00,"wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min":0,"rain_size":1,"rain_rate_last":0,"rain_rate_hi":0,"rainfall_last_15_min":0,"rain_rate_hi_last_15_min":0,"rainfall_last_60_min":0,"rainfall_last_24_hr":0,"rain_storm":null,"rain_storm_start_at":null,"solar_rad":null,"uv_index":null,"rx_state":0,"trans_battery_flag":0,"rainfall_daily":0,"rainfall_monthly":0,"rainfall_year":0,"rain_storm_last":null,"rain_storm_last_start_at":null,"rain_storm_last_end_at":null},{"lsid":246588,"data_structure_type":4,"temp_in": 76.5,"hum_in":49.8,"dew_point_in": 56.4,"heat_index_in": 76.5},{"lsid":246587,"data_structure_type":3,"bar_sea_level":30.012,"bar_trend": 0.041,"bar_absolute":29.355}]},"error":null}

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bpwwer hi

Just got a little rain and noticed one thing . The daily rain is expressed in a whole number rather than in one hundredths of an inch. Screen shows 15 instead of 0.15 inches. One bucket trip would equal 0.01 inches. Not sure what rain rate should look like. It shows 75 inches per hour during the rain. During the same time the phone app was showing a rate of 0.75 inches per hour which was changing often. I am thinking that it should be expressed as one hundredth of an inch also. The 75 would equal 0.75. Everything else looks perfect.

Thanks Gary



UPDATE: I see now that programs  use pulse counts in conditions for these parameters. So this would be fine than.

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I updated rain to be inches instead of counts and pushed the change. 

I'm thinking of moving the indoor temp/humidity to a separate node.  Then I can add the other indoor values there as well, That will de-clutter the main node some.  I can also add the soil readings in a separate node. 


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Just pushed a new version that moves the indoor conditions to a separate node. Also, it will only create the indoor node if indoor data exists.  I added processing for soil conditions too and again, will only create a node for those if the data exists. It looks like yours doesn't send any soil conditions (probably needs additional sensors or something).

If everything looks good after you've had a chance to test a bit, I'll submit it to the Polyglot store so others can use it too.

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Everything look Great. I tripped the bucket once and Daily Rain registered correctly. No sure however if any value should have been registered for Rain Rate. I included the values received after bucket trip. All looks great.

Thanks Gary






Values received.

2019-08-01 18:52:52,061 [Controller] [DEBUG] {'error': None, 'data': {'conditions': [{'trans_battery_flag': 0, 'rain_rate_last': 1, 'rain_storm_start_at': 1564620601, 'rain_rate_hi': 1, 'rainfall_daily': 1, 'wind_speed_hi_last_2_min': 1.0, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_1_min': 75, 'temp': 83.0, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_10_min': 77, 'rain_storm': 20, 'wind_dir_last': 0, 'thw_index': 88.8, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_2_min': 75, 'wind_dir_scalar_avg_last_10_min': 76, 'lsid': 246652, 'wind_chill': 83.0, 'txid': 1, 'wind_speed_avg_last_10_min': 0.56, 'wind_speed_avg_last_2_min': 0.31, 'rainfall_last_24_hr': 20, 'hum': 69.4, 'wind_speed_last': 0.0, 'uv_index': None, 'rainfall_last_15_min': 1, 'data_structure_type': 1, 'rainfall_last_60_min': 1, 'rainfall_year': 20, 'wind_dir_at_hi_speed_last_2_min': 75, 'rain_storm_last': None, 'rx_state': 0, 'heat_index': 88.8, 'rainfall_monthly': 1, 'dew_point': 71.9, 'thsw_index': None, 'rain_storm_last_start_at': None, 'rain_rate_hi_last_15_min': 1, 'wind_speed_hi_last_10_min': 2.0, 'wind_speed_avg_last_1_min': 0.31, 'rain_storm_last_end_at': None, 'rain_size': 1, 'solar_rad': None, 'wet_bulb': 74.3}, {'hum_in': 53.7, 'data_structure_type': 4, 'lsid': 246588, 'heat_index_in': 73.6, 'temp_in': 73.7, 'dew_point_in': 55.9}, {'bar_sea_level': 30.076, 'data_structure_type': 3, 'bar_absolute': 29.417, 'lsid': 246587, 'bar_trend': -0.027}], 'did': '001D0A710A19', 'ts': 1564699971}}

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bpwwer Hi,

Just saw the Rain Rate parameter available this morning. Gave it a try and all looks good. Everything looks perfect. Great addition for my ISY to be able to see live weather data  directly from the Davis Weather station locally with no cloud involvement. The ISY will now be able to close my patio awning in case of any high wind guest. I have it set to poll every 30 seconds and all works perfectly. 

Thank a lot for all your effort and expertise.


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On 8/3/2019 at 4:46 PM, bpwwer said:

The WeatherLink node server is now available in the node server store. 

Hi Bob,

I received my WLL today. First thing I did after setting up the WLL was to manually remove the WeatherLink node server that I manually installed earlier in the week. I then installed the WeatherLink node server from the node server store. The WWL and WeatherLink node server seems to be working together as expected. Thank you very much for developing the WeatherLink node server and making it available.


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Hi Jim

I don't have the soil sensor but I was thinking about it. But the cost is a bit high and probably not useful in my situation.. No water sprinklers to active if the grass needs water.

I have set up wind programs to retract the  SunSetter awning if the gust gets to high.

All works great and again thanks.


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