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Unable to restore/add nodelink devices after upgrade to 5.0.15A


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I recently upgraded my ISY with nodelink nodes from 5.0.9 to 5.0.15A.  Upon first attempt my all of my Nodelink nodes disappeared in the ISY.  Re-restoring the 5.0.9 backup eventually restored the nodelink settings under Node Servers on the ISY, but 2 of the 3 devices I had configured are now missing from the ISY "Network" tree.  In short, here are the issues I have:

  1. My DSC Alarm device shows all the devices exposed by nodelink in the ISY, but only the zone status updates.  The "DSC Alarm" device, and the all the Partitions do not show any information anymore.  I've attempted to restore "Install ISY Nodes" from the Nodelink web UI and this does NOT restore their functionality.
  2. I have 2 CAI WebConrols defined in Nodelink and the ISY.  These are the devices that disappeared during the upgrade.  When I restore them they a.) do not update their status, b.) do not fully "enumerate" all their inputs/outputs within the ISY device tree when I select "Install ISY Nodes" from the nodelink web UI.

Any advice on how to restore this?

  • Is nodelink v0.9.34 compatible with 5.0.15A?
  • Do I have to delete everything in the ISY and Nodelink UI and start over?
  • How can I the nodelink devices to properly install themselves in the ISY?

Another issue that surfaced as part of this upgrade is that entire folders of my Insteon devices disappeared, and when I try to re-link those devices to the ISY devices I get an "Failed to add device, reason 1" error.  I have opened a support request with865844364_DSCAlarm.thumb.PNG.3fd10658daeca96f1d9431b86009a44a.PNG Universal Devices regarding that error.  I'm sharing that here just in case it effects nodelink (devices) as well.


WebControl Devices.PNG


You've got something funky going on that UDI needs to look into, never seen "OUT_OF_NODES" before.

ISY Error: Web Error (OUT_OF_NODES) - Forbidden (ns/1/nodes/n001_caiwc1_i4/add/WC8DI?primary=n001_caiwc1&name=Input4&nls=108WI)




Hi Guys,

I downgraded my ISY back to 5.0.9 and restored the pre-upgrade backup.  This restored everything back to working condition.  I then re-attempted the upgade to 5.0.15A, and once again it deleted entire folders of Insteon devices and 2 of my 3 nodelink devices.  I have provided Universal Devices support with pre and post config backups for their review, and have stopped trying to upgrade my ISY until I hear back from the development team.  Something has gone wrong with the upgrade.

Thanks for everyone's support and contributions - much appreciated.



Its possible you may not be able to "warp jump" from .09 to .15.  I've traveled the journey from .02 to .15 and underlying things changed. Maybe UDI can suggest an "in between" version to upgrade to first.



Hi Paul,

I discussed those options with UD Support, and they suggested that jumping from .09 to 15A was OK. The current advice was not to do any incremental updates (i.e. to .10, .11 or any other version) until Development has had a chance to review what's happening to my configuration from the upgrade to .15.



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