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Newbie question

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I am fairly new to isy and have what to me seems like a simple question.


I have the isy set up and controlling many devices. At the same time I have Homeseer running mainly for some legacy purposes and

for some easy Graphical user interface.


I would like to have isy send the following JSON to Homeseer


what modules if any do I need to get for this to be able to be done?

and exactly how would I go about doing this?


Thanks in advance for any advice.




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1 hour ago, zsima said:

Thank you both for your replies

Larry, if you do not mind can you show me a screenshot  how my example of

would be entered into network resiurces?

This is just a guess as there are many ways to create NRs, dependant on the protocol requirements at the server end, but....


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Thank you very much for your reply, 

Is there any detailed documentation as to how to use network resources?

I am able to copy your screen as far sas Host, port, path is concerned but when I try use ADD I am given a list of choices and am not sure how to get the exact details correct.


The documentation in the Wikki pages are all  pretty sparse.

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5 minutes ago, zsima said:




Thank you very much for your reply, 

Is there any detailed documentation as to how to use network resources?

I am able to copy your screen as far sas Host, port, path is concerned but when I try use ADD I am given a list of choices and am not sure how to get the exact details correct.


The documentation in the Wikki pages are all  pretty sparse.

It's been a while since I have created a NR. I don't know of any better instructions. I don't remember seeing any list of choices.

The Add button is to create a new NR and then you need to edit the pseudo name for it.  After you would  d.click on the right side of the chart to edit the parameters on the page, I have been showing the screenshots of. When you are done you MUST save the NR before it is actually installed, and before you can test the NR.

Briefly GET is the most common style of call where all the information is contained in the URL line. POST is where the information is installed in the chart below and cannot be seen in the URL by prying eyes. This is dependant on what the device demands to communicate. Success can be measured by the response shown, whether N/A or OK, etc., and whether the device does something. ISY cannot decode and interpret complex responses some equipment would respond with.

I cannot help you much more than the above. Perhaps somebody else can join in here with more knowledge of NR's and/or Homeseer protocol style.

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thank you for all your help.

If anyone can help with detailed instructions as to how to get NR to send a JSON. command to Homeseer I would really appreciate it.

Larry as per attached screenshot , I got as far as creating the new NR , what I was referring to was after the NR is created I am not sure how to get the request into the header section.



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Its likely a post and not a get. If so, don't put the actual request in the path. It will go in the body below. Here's an example of one that posts json to a service. You probably don't need SNI checked on your local server.. not sure if HS added that or not.



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